
Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Hilfe bei der verflixten KI

[B@W] Abominus
21.08.06, 21:02
Hallo Moddinggemeinde,

ich bräuchte da mal ne Auskunft... ich habe versucht, Mexiko (U06) davon zu überzeugen, gegen Großnicaragua (NIC) vorzugehen (Nicaragua hat alle Mittelamerikaner annektiert). Sie haben in ihren zwei an Nicaragua grenzenden Provinzen jeweils über 20 Divisionen stehen, und Nicaragua hat in seiner Grenzprovinz genau drei. Wie bekomme ich die Mexikaner dazu, Nicaragua anzugreifen?

Habe schon versucht, aus den Angriffs-KIs von Deutschland für Polen und Frankreich/Benelux zu klauen (Lothos), aber es klappt weder mit offensive, noch reactive, noch even oder was weiss ich.

Es ist mir gelungen die Mexikaner davon zu überzeugen, nicht sinnlos die Küste oder die Grenzprovinzen zur CSA/USA zu sichern. Alles haben sie in ihre zwei Grenzprovinzen zu Mittelamerika geschafft, aber sie greifen nicht an (sind bereits per Event im Krieg).



war = {
id = { type = 4712 id = 61648 }
date = {
year = 1936
month = december
day = 6
hour = 0
enddate = {
year = 1936
month = december
day = 27
hour = 0
defenderscore = { NIC = { } }
attackerscore = { U06 = { NIC = 3 } }
attackers = { id = { type = 4712 id = 61646 } defensive = no participant = { U06 } }
defenders = { id = { type = 4712 id = 61647 } defensive = no participant = { NIC } }

Auszug aus dem Savegame:

country = {
tag = U06
ai = {
switch = no
flags = {
axis = 0
MEXChiefCamina = 0
MEXChiefEscamillo = 1
MEXChiefHill = 0
MEXDDay = 0
MEXSecurityBenavides = 1
MEXSecurityFigueroa = 0
WF36 = 1
WF37 = 0
WF38 = 1
max_front_ratio = 2.5000
max_front_ratios = { NIC = 10.0000 }
max_garrison_prop = 0.3000
min_garrison_prop = 0.2000
neutrality = 95.0000
war = 1
ferocity = no
reinforcement = 0.2000
upgrading = 0.3500
desperation = 0.3000
strat_redeploy_threshold = 25
max_redeploying = 0.2500
combat = { NIC = 100 ENG = 100 }
target = { 757 = 100 539 = 100 }
exp_force_ratio = 0.7500
exp_force_ratios = { }
admiral = {
target = { }
core = { }
base = { }
ignore = { }
trade = { cancel_deal_threshold = 2.0000 }
tech_sharing = { prioritized = { 5020 = 100 5030 = 100 5040 = 100 1310 = 100 1320 = 100 1330 = 100 1340 = 100 1350 = 100 1360 = 100 5050 = 100 5060 = 100 5070 = 100 5080 = 100 5090 = 100 5100 = 100 5110 = 100 5120 = 100 5130 = 100 5150 = 100 5180 = 100 } }
invasion = {
base = 0.1000
random = 8.0000
coastal = 0.1000
beach = 0.1000
distance = 0.1000
max_distance = 99999.0000
pocket = 20.0000
island = 0.1000
enemy = 2.0000
adjacentenemy = 2.0000
air_base = 1.5000
naval_base = 0.1000
air_support = 3.0000
ignore = no
invasion = no
help_allies = yes
redirect = nearest
air_marshal = {
icxdayscostfactor = 10.0000
manpowercostfactor = 100.0000
destructionriskthreashold = 0.2000
airsuperioritydesirability = 30.0000
airsuperioritylosstolerance = 1.0000
groundattacklosstolerance = 1.0000
groundattackdesirability = 40.0000
interdictionlosstolerance = 2.0000
inderdictiondesirability = 20.0000
logisticalstrikelosstolerance = 0.5000
logisticalstrikeefficency = 0.0100
logisticalstrikedesirability = 2.0000
runwaycrateringlosstolerance = 1.5000
runwaycrateringefficency = 0.0100
runwaycrateringdesirability = 10.0000
strategicstriketolerance = 4.5000
strategicstrikeefficency = 0.0100
strategicstrikedesirability = 10.0000
installationstriketolerance = 1.5000
installationstrikeefficency = 0.0100
installationstrikedesirability = 5.0000
navalstriketolerance = 1.0000
navalstrikedesirability = 15.0000
portstriketolerance = 1.0000
portstrikedesirability = 9.0000
taskforcetype = { name = "Air Superiority" desiredratio = 0.4000 rangeweight = 10.0000 airkillpowerweight = 2000.0000 hardkillpowerweight = 0.0000 softkillpowerweight = 0.0000 navalkillpowerweight = 0.0000 strategickillpowerweight = 0.0000 transportcapacityweight = -1000000.0000 airvulnurabilityweight = -1.0000 surfacevulnurabilityweight = 0.0000 idle = yes reorganize = yes air_superiority = yes }
taskforcetype = { name = "Soft Bombing" desiredratio = 0.2500 rangeweight = 10.0000 airkillpowerweight = 0.0000 hardkillpowerweight = 0.0000 softkillpowerweight = 2000.0000 navalkillpowerweight = 0.0000 strategickillpowerweight = 0.0000 transportcapacityweight = -1000000.0000 airvulnurabilityweight = 0.0000 surfacevulnurabilityweight = -1.0000 idle = yes reorganize = yes interdiction = yes ground_attack = yes }
taskforcetype = { name = "Hard Bombing" desiredratio = 0.1000 rangeweight = 10.0000 airkillpowerweight = 0.0000 hardkillpowerweight = 2000.0000 softkillpowerweight = 0.0000 navalkillpowerweight = 0.0000 strategickillpowerweight = 0.0000 transportcapacityweight = -1000000.0000 airvulnurabilityweight = 0.0000 surfacevulnurabilityweight = -1.0000 idle = yes reorganize = yes interdiction = yes ground_attack = yes }
taskforcetype = { name = "Strategic Bombing" desiredratio = 0.1000 rangeweight = 10.0000 airkillpowerweight = 0.0000 hardkillpowerweight = 0.0000 softkillpowerweight = 0.0000 navalkillpowerweight = 0.0000 strategickillpowerweight = 2000.0000 transportcapacityweight = -1000000.0000 airvulnurabilityweight = -0.5000 surfacevulnurabilityweight = -0.5000 idle = yes reorganize = yes logistical_strike = yes runway_cratering = yes strategic_bombardment = yes installation_strike = yes }
taskforcetype = { name = "Naval Bombing" desiredratio = 0.0500 rangeweight = 10.0000 airkillpowerweight = 0.0000 hardkillpowerweight = 0.0000 softkillpowerweight = 0.0000 navalkillpowerweight = 2000.0000 strategickillpowerweight = 0.0000 transportcapacityweight = -1000000.0000 airvulnurabilityweight = 0.0000 surfacevulnurabilityweight = -1.0000 idle = yes reorganize = yes naval_strike = yes port_strike = yes convoy_air_raiding = yes }
taskforcetype = { name = "Airlift" desiredratio = 0.1000 rangeweight = 10.0000 airkillpowerweight = 0.0000 hardkillpowerweight = -2000.0000 softkillpowerweight = -2000.0000 navalkillpowerweight = 0.0000 strategickillpowerweight = -2000.0000 transportcapacityweight = 1000000.0000 airvulnurabilityweight = -1.0000 surfacevulnurabilityweight = 0.0000 idle = yes reorganize = yes airborne_assault = yes air_supply = yes }
garrison = {
defend_overseas_beaches = yes
key_point_prio_mult = 0.5000
revolt_risk_mult = 0.3000
beach = 0
reserves = 20
capital = 40
human_border = 0
war_target = 50
opposing_alliance = 50
claim_threat = 0
unstable_border = 0
war_zone_odds = 2.0000
home_multiplier = 1.0000
overseas_multiplier = 1.0000
home_peace_cap = 20
country_priorities = { ENG = 50 CSA = 5 USA = 5 NIC = 100 }
province_priorities = { }
area_multiplier = { }
ignore = { }
military = {
relative_build_scheme = no
max_batch_peace = 360
max_batch_war = 180
max_batch_home_front = 180
infantry = 100.0000
cavalry = 0.0000
motorized = 0.0000
mechanized = 0.0000
light_armor = 0.0000
armor = 0.0000
paratrooper = 0.0000
marine = 0.0000
bergsjaeger = 0.0000
garrison = 0.0000
hq = 0.0000
militia = 0.0000
escort = 0.0000
multi_role = 0.0000
interceptor = 0.0000
strategic_bomber = 0.0000
tactical_bomber = 0.0000
naval_bomber = 0.0000
cas = 0.0000
transport_plane = 0.0000
flying_bomb = 0.0000
flying_rocket = 0.0000
battleship = 0.0000
light_cruiser = 0.0000
heavy_cruiser = 0.0000
battlecruiser = 0.0000
destroyer = 0.0000
carrier = 0.0000
submarine = 0.0000
transport = 0.0000
artillery = 20.0000
sp_artillery = 0.0000
rocket_artillery = 0.0000
sp_rct_artillery = 0.0000
anti_tank = 18.0000
tank_destroyer = 0.0000
light_armor_brigade = 0.0000
heavy_armor = 0.0000
super_heavy_armor = 0.0000
armored_car = 0.0000
anti_air = 0.0000
police = 0.0000
engineer = 0.0000
cag = 100.0000
front = {
strength = 1.0000
organisation = 1.0000
dig_in = 1.0000
soft_attack = 1.0000
hard_attack = 1.0000
ground_defense = 1.0000
support_defense_prop = 0.3300
river = 1.0000
frozen_attack = 1.0000
snow_attack = 1.0000
blizzard_attack = 1.0000
storm_attack = 1.0000
muddy_attack = 1.0000
largefort = 1.0000
smallfort = 1.0000
occupied = 0.7000
owned = 0.7000
jungle_attack = 1.0000
mountain_attack = 1.0000
swamp_attack = 1.0000
forest_attack = 1.0000
hill_attack = 1.0000
urban_attack = 1.0000
recklessness = 2
enemy_reinf_days = 6
reserve_prop = 0.1000
panic_ratio_vs_ai = 2.5000
panic_ratio_vs_human = 2.5000
base_attack_odds = 1.3000
min_attack_odds = 1.1000
max_attack_odds = 3.0000
reinforce_odds = 1.2000
withdraw_odds = 0.6000
distrib_vs_ai = reactive
distrib_vs_human = reactive
enemy_handicap = { }
passivity = { }
province_priorities = { 539 = 5000.0000 }
construction = {
max_factor = 0.0000
transports = -1
escorts = -1
AA_batteries = no
max_AA_level = 2
AA_provs = { 752 753 }
coastal_fort = no
max_coastal_level = 3
coastal_fort_provs = { }
radar_station = no
max_radar = 5
radar_provs = { }
air_base = no
max_air_base = 2
air_base_provs = { 753 }
naval_base = no
max_naval_base = 5
naval_base_provs = { }
land_fort = no
max_land_level = 2
fort_borders = { }
fort_provs = { }
nuclear_reactor = no
max_nuclear = 10
rocket_test = no
max_rocket = 10
ic_at_war = no
force_ic_until = 1935
ic_end_year = 1935
IC_provs = { 752 753 745 742 }
technology = {
preference = { 5050 5060 5070 5080 5090 5100 5110 5120 5130 5180 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 1060 6010 6030 }
ignore = { 5140 5150 5160 5170 5010 5020 5030 5040 5190 5200 5210 5220 5230 5240 1110 1120 1130 1140 1070 1080 1090 1100 1150 1160 1170 1180 1190 1200 1210 1220 4250 4260 4270 5550 5560 5570 5580 5590 5470 5480 5490 5500 5510 5520 5530 5540 5410 5420 5430 5440 5450 5460 1230 1240 1250 1260 1270 1280 1290 6210 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2010 2070 2080 2090 2100 2110 2120 2140 2170 2180 2190 2200 2210 2220 2230 2240 2250 2260 2270 2280 2450 2460 2470 2480 2490 2500 2510 2520 2530 2540 }
armor = 1.0000
infantry = 6.0000
industry = 3.0000
aircraft = 0.0000
naval = 0.0000
land_doctrines = 8.0000
secret_weapons = 0.0000
air_doctrines = 0.0000
naval_doctrines = 0.0000
leader_ratio = {
land_field_marshal = 0.0200
land_general = 0.0310
land_lt_general = 0.4100
sea_grand_admiral = 0.0200
sea_admiral = 0.0610
sea_vice_admiral = 0.4010
air_marshal = 0.0200
air_general = 0.0910
air_lt_General = 0.1100
capital = 752
policy = {
date = {
year = 0
month = january
day = 0
hour = 0
democratic = 2
political_left = 3
freedom = 2
free_market = 3
professional_army = 7
defense_lobby = 9
interventionism = 10
belligerence = 0.0000
dissent = 0.2633
war = {
year = 1939
month = october
day = 0
hour = 0
lastpeace = {
year = 1936
month = december
day = 6
hour = 0
combatlosses = { }
attritionlosses = { }
disbandlosses = { }
revolt = 0.0000
revoltrisk = 0
revoltriskdate = {
year = 0
month = january
day = 0
hour = 0
land_fort_eff = 1.0000
coast_fort_eff = 1.0000
ground_def_eff = 0.8000
convoy_def_eff = 0.0000
energy_to_oil = 0.1000
oil_to_rare_materials = 0.0000
industrial_modifier = 1.1500
supply_modifier = 5.0000
minisub_bonus = 1
AA_efficiency = 0.6000
nuke = 0
nukedate = {
year = 0
month = january
day = 0
hour = 0
carrier_level = 0
intelligence = 50.0000
enemy_intelligence = 50.0000
army_detection = 40.0000
enemy_army_detection = 80.0000
land_surprise = 1.0000
naval_surprise = 1.0000
air_surprise = 1.0000
hq_supply_eff = 0.0600
sce_frequency = 1.2000
counterattack = 0.0700
assault = 0.0400
encirclement = 0.0300
ambush = 0.0300
delay = 0.0700
tactical_withdrawal = 0.0100
breakthrough = 0.0200

Das ist nur ein Auszug. Das ganze Savegame gibt es hier: *Klick* (

Mein schäbiger Versuch, eine KI zu modden:

switch = no # [yes/no]
max_front_ratio = 2.5
max_front_ratios = { NIC = 10.0 }

combat = {
NIC = 100
ENG = 100
target = {
757 = 100
539 = 100
garrison = {
defend_overseas_beaches = yes
home_multiplier = 1.0
overseas_multiplier = 1.0
home_peace_cap = 20
war_zone_odds = 2.0
key_point_prio_mult = 0.5
revolt_risk_mult = 0.3

beach = 0 # Beach level 2
capital = 40 # Our capital
human_border = 0 # Ignored for allied human players
war_target = 50 # The next country targeted for attack by this AI
reserves = 20 # bonus for provinces just behind a frontline.

opposing_alliance = 50 # For neutrals, all alliances are "opposing"
claim_threat = 0 # If we are neutral, countries with claims on us get this
unstable_border = 0 # Bordering countries at war with someone else get this

# Borders with specific countries
country_priorities = {
ENG = 50
CSA = 5
USA = 5
NIC = 100
province_priorities = { }
area_multiplier = { }

front = {
recklessness = 2 # 0-3
distrib_vs_ai = reactive
distrib_vs_human = reactive

enemy_reinf_days = 6
reserve_prop = 0.1
panic_ratio_vs_ai = 2.5
panic_ratio_vs_human = 2.5
base_attack_odds = 1.3
min_attack_odds = 1.1
max_attack_odds = 3.0
reinforce_odds = 1.2
withdraw_odds = 0.6

strength = 1.0000
organisation = 1.0000
dig_in = 1.0000
soft_attack = 1.0000
hard_attack = 1.0000
ground_defense = 1.0000
support_defense_prop = 0.3300
river = 1.0000
frozen_attack = 1.0000
snow_attack = 1.0000
blizzard_attack = 1.0000
storm_attack = 1.0000
muddy_attack = 1.0000
largefort = 1.0000
smallfort = 1.0000
occupied = 0.7000
owned = 0.7000
jungle_attack = 1.0000
mountain_attack = 1.0000
swamp_attack = 1.0000
forest_attack = 1.0000
hill_attack = 1.0000
urban_attack = 1.0000

enemy_handicap = { }
passivity = { }
province_priorities = {
539 = 5000

21.08.06, 21:11
ai zugewiesen ????

ai_prepare_war nutzen, dann geht es eigentlich


[B@W] Abominus
21.08.06, 21:14
ai zugewiesen ????

ai_prepare_war nutzen, dann geht es eigentlich


# Krieg gegen Nicaragua
event = {
id = 807096
random = no
country = U06

trigger = {
ai = yes
war = { country = NIC country = U06 }

name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0

date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }

action_a = {
command = { type = ai which = "switch/" }
command = { type = ai_prepare_war which = NIC }

Mein Event :D

Egal, hier noch ein Screenshot mit meiner neuen Flagge :gluck:, wie gesagt, dem PH kann ich auch welche machen :^^::

21.08.06, 21:15
recklessness den Deutschen anpassen ?


[B@W] Abominus
21.08.06, 21:22
recklessness den Deutschen anpassen ?

GER: recklessness = 2
U06: recklessness = 2
Warum greift Österreich-Ungarn nicht an?

country = {
tag = U01
ai = {
switch = no
flags = {
axis = 0
U01AirAIGround = 1
U01AirAINaval = 0
U01AirAIStrategic = 0
U01BalticGarrison = 0
U01BalticGarrisonRussia = 0
U01BuildLand = 1
U01BuildMix = 0
U01BuildNavy = 0
U01BuildStandard = 0
U01DefendItaly = 0
U01InvadeEngland = 0
U01InvadePoland = 0
U01InvadeRussia = 0
U01InvadeSpain = 0
U01InvadeYugoslavia = 0
U01LowCountriesPrepare = 0
U01Rumänien = 0
U01StandardFront = 0
U01SubPatrol = 0
WF38 = 0
WF39 = 1
max_front_ratio = 3.0000
max_front_ratios = { ITA = 3.0000 }
max_garrison_prop = 0.2000
min_garrison_prop = 0.1000
neutrality = 0.0000
war = 75
ferocity = no
reinforcement = 0.1000
upgrading = 0.2000
desperation = 0.3000
strat_redeploy_threshold = 21
max_redeploying = 0.2500
combat = {
POL = 75
DEN = 60
NOR = 60
LUX = 60
BEL = 60
FRA = 60
HOL = 50
YUG = 50
GRE = 50
protect = {
SWE = 80
AUS = 300
NOR = 80
TUR = 80
GER = 150
befriend = {
ROM = 80
BUL = 70
HUN = 80
YUG = 40
SPA = 20
ITA = 80
SWE = 10
FIN = 60
JAP = 60
TUR = 10
demand_claims = { POL AUS CZE ROM }
target = {
427 = 60
429 = 60
430 = 60
429 = 60
495 = 60
385 = 50
453 = 100
382 = 50
370 = 100
378 = 100
371 = 0
exp_force_ratio = 0.1000
exp_force_ratios = { ITA = 0.5000 }
no_exp_forces_to = { JAP SIA MAN VIC }
admiral = {
target = { }
core = { 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 }
base = { }
ignore = { "Irish West Coast" "Cape Finisterre" "Bay of Biscay" "Central Northsea" "West Northsea" "English Channel" "The Hebreides" "Irish Sea" }
trade = { embargo = { ENG FRA AST CAN NZL ROM ITA } favored = { SWE = 150 FIN = 100 ITA = 100 HUN = 100 YUG = 100 SPA = 80 BUL = 100 JAP = 50 CHI = 50 GER = 150 SOV = 100 } cancel_deal_threshold = 4.0000 }
tech_sharing = { embargo = { ENG FRA AST CAN NZL ROM } favored = { SLO = 80 BUL = 100 HUN = 100 SPA = 120 YUG = 50 ITA = 150 SWE = 50 FIN = 120 JAP = 150 TUR = 100 GER = 150 } }
invasion = {
base = 0.1000
random = 10.0000
coastal = 0.1000
beach = 0.1000
distance = 0.1000
max_distance = 25.0000
pocket = 1.0000
island = 0.1000
enemy = 2.0000
adjacentenemy = 2.0000
air_base = 1.5000
naval_base = 0.1000
air_support = 3.0000
ignore = yes
invasion = yes
help_allies = yes
redirect = priority
target = { 420 = 1000 }
air_marshal = {
icxdayscostfactor = 10.0000
manpowercostfactor = 100.0000
destructionriskthreashold = 0.2000
airsuperioritydesirability = 30.0000
airsuperioritylosstolerance = 1.5000
groundattacklosstolerance = 2.5000
groundattackdesirability = 40.0000
interdictionlosstolerance = 2.0000
inderdictiondesirability = 20.0000
logisticalstrikelosstolerance = 2.5000
logisticalstrikeefficency = 0.0100
logisticalstrikedesirability = 2.0000
runwaycrateringlosstolerance = 1.5000
runwaycrateringefficency = 0.0100
runwaycrateringdesirability = 10.0000
strategicstriketolerance = 1.5000
strategicstrikeefficency = 0.0100
strategicstrikedesirability = 10.0000
installationstriketolerance = 1.5000
installationstrikeefficency = 0.0100
installationstrikedesirability = 5.0000
navalstriketolerance = 2.0000
navalstrikedesirability = 15.0000
portstriketolerance = 1.5000
portstrikedesirability = 9.0000
taskforcetype = { name = "Air Superiority" desiredratio = 0.4000 rangeweight = 10.0000 airkillpowerweight = 2000.0000 hardkillpowerweight = 0.0000 softkillpowerweight = 0.0000 navalkillpowerweight = 0.0000 strategickillpowerweight = 0.0000 transportcapacityweight = -1000000.0000 airvulnurabilityweight = -1.0000 surfacevulnurabilityweight = 0.0000 idle = yes reorganize = yes air_superiority = yes }
taskforcetype = { name = "Soft Bombing" desiredratio = 0.2500 rangeweight = 10.0000 airkillpowerweight = 0.0000 hardkillpowerweight = 0.0000 softkillpowerweight = 2000.0000 navalkillpowerweight = 0.0000 strategickillpowerweight = 0.0000 transportcapacityweight = -1000000.0000 airvulnurabilityweight = 0.0000 surfacevulnurabilityweight = -1.0000 idle = yes reorganize = yes interdiction = yes ground_attack = yes }
taskforcetype = { name = "Hard Bombing" desiredratio = 0.1000 rangeweight = 10.0000 airkillpowerweight = 0.0000 hardkillpowerweight = 2000.0000 softkillpowerweight = 0.0000 navalkillpowerweight = 0.0000 strategickillpowerweight = 0.0000 transportcapacityweight = -1000000.0000 airvulnurabilityweight = 0.0000 surfacevulnurabilityweight = -1.0000 idle = yes reorganize = yes interdiction = yes ground_attack = yes }
taskforcetype = { name = "Strategic Bombing" desiredratio = 0.1000 rangeweight = 10.0000 airkillpowerweight = 0.0000 hardkillpowerweight = 0.0000 softkillpowerweight = 0.0000 navalkillpowerweight = 0.0000 strategickillpowerweight = 2000.0000 transportcapacityweight = -1000000.0000 airvulnurabilityweight = -0.5000 surfacevulnurabilityweight = -0.5000 idle = yes reorganize = yes logistical_strike = yes runway_cratering = yes strategic_bombardment = yes installation_strike = yes }
taskforcetype = { name = "Naval Bombing" desiredratio = 0.0500 rangeweight = 10.0000 airkillpowerweight = 0.0000 hardkillpowerweight = 0.0000 softkillpowerweight = 0.0000 navalkillpowerweight = 2000.0000 strategickillpowerweight = 0.0000 transportcapacityweight = -1000000.0000 airvulnurabilityweight = 0.0000 surfacevulnurabilityweight = -1.0000 idle = yes reorganize = yes naval_strike = yes port_strike = yes convoy_air_raiding = yes }
taskforcetype = { name = "Airlift" desiredratio = 0.1000 rangeweight = 10.0000 airkillpowerweight = 0.0000 hardkillpowerweight = -2000.0000 softkillpowerweight = -2000.0000 navalkillpowerweight = 0.0000 strategickillpowerweight = -2000.0000 transportcapacityweight = 1000000.0000 airvulnurabilityweight = -1.0000 surfacevulnurabilityweight = 0.0000 idle = yes reorganize = yes airborne_assault = yes air_supply = yes }
garrison = {
defend_overseas_beaches = yes
key_point_prio_mult = 0.5000
revolt_risk_mult = 0.3000
beach = 0
reserves = 20
capital = 40
human_border = 0
war_target = 50
opposing_alliance = 50
claim_threat = 0
unstable_border = 0
war_zone_odds = 2.0000
home_multiplier = 1.0000
overseas_multiplier = 1.0000
home_peace_cap = 20
country_priorities = { VIC = -1 FIN = -1 ITA = 300 SCH = -1 ROM = 200 POL = 25 YUG = 25 HOL = -1 BEL = 25 DEN = 25 SOV = 25 }
province_priorities = { 373 = 100 377 = 100 380 = 100 }
area_multiplier = { 373 = 6.0000 377 = 6.0000 380 = 6.0000 }
ignore = { }
military = {
relative_build_scheme = no
max_batch_peace = 360
max_batch_war = 270
max_batch_home_front = 270
infantry = 16.0000
cavalry = 10.0000
motorized = 8.0000
mechanized = 4.0000
light_armor = 0.0000
armor = 9.0000
paratrooper = 0.0000
marine = 0.0000
bergsjaeger = 20.0000
garrison = 10.0000
hq = 4.0000
militia = 0.0000
escort = 2.0000
multi_role = 2.0000
interceptor = 7.0000
strategic_bomber = 0.0000
tactical_bomber = 3.0000
naval_bomber = 2.0000
cas = 3.0000
transport_plane = 0.0000
flying_bomb = 0.0000
flying_rocket = 0.0000
battleship = 0.0000
light_cruiser = 0.0000
heavy_cruiser = 0.0000
battlecruiser = 0.0000
destroyer = 0.0000
carrier = 0.0000
submarine = 0.0000
transport = 0.0000
artillery = 25.0000
sp_artillery = 0.0000
rocket_artillery = 0.0000
sp_rct_artillery = 0.0000
anti_tank = 10.0000
tank_destroyer = 0.0000
light_armor_brigade = 0.0000
heavy_armor = 15.0000
super_heavy_armor = 30.0000
armored_car = 10.0000
anti_air = 0.0000
police = 0.0000
engineer = 20.0000
cag = 100.0000
front = {
strength = 1.0000
organisation = 2.0000
dig_in = 1.2500
soft_attack = 1.0000
hard_attack = 2.0000
ground_defense = 1.0000
support_defense_prop = 0.3300
river = 0.5000
frozen_attack = 0.7000
snow_attack = 0.5000
blizzard_attack = 0.3000
storm_attack = 0.6000
muddy_attack = 0.6000
largefort = 2.0000
smallfort = 1.5000
occupied = 0.7000
owned = 0.7000
jungle_attack = 0.6500
mountain_attack = 0.5500
swamp_attack = 0.7000
forest_attack = 0.9000
hill_attack = 0.7500
urban_attack = 0.6000
recklessness = 2
enemy_reinf_days = 6
reserve_prop = 0.1000
panic_ratio_vs_ai = 2.5000
panic_ratio_vs_human = 2.5000
base_attack_odds = 1.3330
min_attack_odds = 1.1000
max_attack_odds = 3.0000
reinforce_odds = 1.2000
withdraw_odds = 0.7500
distrib_vs_ai = reactive
distrib_vs_human = reactive
enemy_handicap = { }
passivity = { }
province_priorities = { 74 = 0.6000 314 = 0.6000 315 = 0.6000 }
construction = {
max_factor = 0.0750
transports = -1
escorts = -1
AA_batteries = yes
max_AA_level = 10
AA_provs = { 373 377 229 501 489 373 377 229 501 489 75 74 314 86 311 300 376 373 377 229 501 489 }
coastal_fort = atwar
max_coastal_level = 3
coastal_fort_provs = { 384 378 384 378 90 384 378 }
radar_station = yes
max_radar = 2
radar_provs = { 67 82 80 300 314 51 47 44 56 }
air_base = yes
max_air_base = 3
air_base_provs = { 501 501 67 501 }
naval_base = yes
max_naval_base = 10
naval_base_provs = { 384 384 384 }
land_fort = yes
max_land_level = 4
fort_borders = { SOV ROM }
fort_provs = { 300 }
nuclear_reactor = no
max_nuclear = 10
rocket_test = no
max_rocket = 10
ic_at_war = no
force_ic_until = 1938
ic_end_year = 1943
IC_provs = { 463 462 457 476 469 470 382 463 462 457 476 469 470 382 74 376 300 75 314 86 311 300 463 462 457 476 469 470 382 }
technology = {
endgoal = { 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 1060 1110 1120 1130 1140 1230 1240 1250 1260 1270 1280 1290 1310 1320 1330 1340 1350 1360 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100 2110 2120 2130 2140 2290 2300 2310 2320 2330 2340 2350 2360 3010 3020 3030 3040 3050 3060 3400 3410 3420 3430 3440 3450 5010 5020 5030 5040 5050 5060 5070 5080 5090 5100 5110 5120 5130 5140 5150 5160 5180 6260 6270 6280 6290 }
preference = { 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 1060 1110 1120 1130 1140 1230 1240 1250 1260 1270 1280 1290 1310 1320 1330 1340 1350 1360 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100 2110 2120 2130 2140 2290 2300 2310 2320 2330 2340 2350 2360 3010 3020 3030 3040 3050 3060 3400 3410 3420 3430 3440 3450 5010 5020 5030 5040 5050 5060 5070 5080 5090 5100 5110 5120 5130 5140 5150 5160 5180 6260 6270 6280 6290 }
armor = 5.0000
infantry = 6.0000
industry = 4.0000
aircraft = 5.0000
naval = 2.0000
land_doctrines = 3.0000
secret_weapons = 2.0000
air_doctrines = 2.0000
naval_doctrines = 1.0000
leader_ratio = {
land_field_marshal = 0.0200
land_general = 0.0310
land_lt_general = 0.4100
sea_grand_admiral = 0.0200
sea_admiral = 0.0610
sea_vice_admiral = 0.4010
air_marshal = 0.0200
air_general = 0.0910
air_lt_General = 0.1100
capital = 463
intrinsic_gov_type = social_liberal
policy = {
date = {
year = 0
month = january
day = 0
hour = 0
democratic = 3
political_left = 5
freedom = 9
free_market = 10
professional_army = 4
defense_lobby = 10
interventionism = 10
belligerence = 43.2000
dissent = 0.0167
war = {
year = 1939
month = november
day = 0
hour = 0
lastpeace = {
year = 1939
month = february
day = 10
hour = 0
combatlosses = { }
attritionlosses = { }
disbandlosses = { }
revolt = 0.0000
revoltrisk = 0
revoltriskdate = {
year = 0
month = january
day = 0
hour = 0
land_fort_eff = 1.0000
coast_fort_eff = 1.0000
ground_def_eff = 0.8000
convoy_def_eff = 0.3500
energy_to_oil = 0.2500
oil_to_rare_materials = 0.0000
industrial_modifier = 1.1600
supply_modifier = 10.0000
minisub_bonus = 1
AA_efficiency = 0.7000
nuke = 0
nukedate = {
year = 0
month = january
day = 0
hour = 0
carrier_level = 0
intelligence = 75.0000
enemy_intelligence = 35.0000
army_detection = 55.0000
enemy_army_detection = 65.0000
land_surprise = 1.3000
naval_surprise = 1.3000
air_surprise = 1.3000
hq_supply_eff = 0.0600
sce_frequency = 1.2000
counterattack = 0.0700
assault = 0.0400
encirclement = 0.0300
ambush = 0.0300
delay = 0.0700
tactical_withdrawal = 0.0100
breakthrough = 0.0200

21.08.06, 23:54
Hmm, das Savegame ist für HoI 2 ohne DD, oder? Jedenfalls stürzt es bei mir während des Ladens ab. Standard-HoI wollte ich aber nicht extra installieren... ;)

Ich bin die KI-Auszüge durchgegangen, konnte aber nichts finden, was als Totschlag-Argument gegen Angriffe wirken könnte. Vielleicht hängt es ja mit den Uxx-Tags zusammen? Anders gefragt, gibt es Uxx-Länder die erfolgreich Krieg führen?

[B@W] Abominus
22.08.06, 00:01
Ist für HoI 2 mit AEIOU. Bisher ist mir noch nie aufgefallen, dass ein Uxx-Land erfolgreich Krieg geführt hat.

[B@W] Abominus
22.08.06, 10:39

Erstes Bild von AEIOU in DD. Habe 6 Stunden verbracht, damit es nicht nach 8 Tagen eine CTD gibt (war wohl ein ID Problem...).

Im Gegensatz zu Vanilla scheint hier die KI freiwillig Nicaragua anzugreifen. Auch wenn es nun stockt ist das nicht verwunderlich, schließlich hat der Nicaraguanese :???: unwesentlich weniger Truppen. Fein gemacht :ditsch:. KI-Einstellungen sind die gleichen wie vorher:

switch = no # [yes/no]
max_front_ratio = 2.5
max_front_ratios = { NIC = 10.0 }

combat = {
NIC = 100
ENG = 100
target = {
757 = 100
539 = 100
garrison = {
defend_overseas_beaches = yes
home_multiplier = 1.0
overseas_multiplier = 1.0
home_peace_cap = 20
war_zone_odds = 2.0
key_point_prio_mult = 0.5
revolt_risk_mult = 0.3

beach = 0 # Beach level 2
capital = 40 # Our capital
human_border = 0 # Ignored for allied human players
war_target = 50 # The next country targeted for attack by this AI
reserves = 20 # bonus for provinces just behind a frontline.

opposing_alliance = 50 # For neutrals, all alliances are "opposing"
claim_threat = 0 # If we are neutral, countries with claims on us get this
unstable_border = 0 # Bordering countries at war with someone else get this

# Borders with specific countries
country_priorities = {
ENG = 50
CSA = 5
USA = 5
NIC = 100
province_priorities = { }
area_multiplier = { }

front = {
recklessness = 2 # 0-3
distrib_vs_ai = reactive
distrib_vs_human = reactive

enemy_reinf_days = 6
reserve_prop = 0.1
panic_ratio_vs_ai = 2.5
panic_ratio_vs_human = 2.5
base_attack_odds = 1.3
min_attack_odds = 1.1
max_attack_odds = 3.0
reinforce_odds = 1.2
withdraw_odds = 0.6

strength = 1.0000
organisation = 1.0000
dig_in = 1.0000
soft_attack = 1.0000
hard_attack = 1.0000
ground_defense = 1.0000
support_defense_prop = 0.3300
river = 1.0000
frozen_attack = 1.0000
snow_attack = 1.0000
blizzard_attack = 1.0000
storm_attack = 1.0000
muddy_attack = 1.0000
largefort = 1.0000
smallfort = 1.0000
occupied = 0.7000
owned = 0.7000
jungle_attack = 1.0000
mountain_attack = 1.0000
swamp_attack = 1.0000
forest_attack = 1.0000
hill_attack = 1.0000
urban_attack = 1.0000

enemy_handicap = { }
passivity = { }
province_priorities = {
539 = 5000

Also was die KI angeht ist DD scheinbar ein wenig besser... :gluck:

22.08.06, 11:28
Ahhhh jaaaaaa. :uhoh:

Hauptsache es funktioniert, würde ich sagen. :wirr:
Mods schreiben ist halt auch wie die sprichwörtliche Wurstfabrik. Man sollte lieber nicht so genau wissen, was dabei passiert. :eek:

22.08.06, 12:33
Also was die KI angeht ist DD scheinbar ein wenig besser... :gluck:

Freut euch nicht zu früh, werter Abo. Die DD-KI ist auch nicht das gelbe vom Ei. Wie reagieren die ander KI's darauf?

22.08.06, 12:55
Abominus']Also was die KI angeht ist DD scheinbar ein wenig besser... :gluck:Das könnte man ja fast als Feature anpreisen: "Doomsday: Jetzt führen auch die Uxx-nderdogs Krieg!". :D

Vielleicht sollte man der Marketing-Sirene Susana mal einen Tipp geben! :ditsch:

22.08.06, 13:42
Das könnte man ja fast als Feature anpreisen: "Doomsday: Jetzt führen auch die Uxx-nderdogs Krieg!". :D

Vielleicht sollte man der Marketing-Sirene Susana mal einen Tipp geben! :ditsch:

Das ist nicht lustig. Ich warte immer noch auf mein Israel Battlescenario :( :D
