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11.10.08, 10:20
Dadrin wird wohl das folgende enthalten sein:

Pathfinding and Supply

I'm posting this so taht people can understand what was, and what it's changing to. It's mainly for the people that are looking at what features may/may not fit into future releases, so that they can understand a bit of the mecahnics, and why some things aren't as diffucult as they might seem.

The 'old' way of finding your way from point a to point b was to try to go in a straight line, then look for a different line, etc. Then do special processing for roads, etc. It was extremely slow, but worked well enough on small maps.

The 'new' way is something called A*. It works differently.

A* works by figuring the distnace from the source to the destination, and then starting at the source, calculates the cost to move into the 6 hexes around it. It marks these as 'open' and the starting hex as 'closed'. It them looks through the map and finds the hex where the cost to move into that hex + the remaining distance is the lowest. Once it's foind that hex, it looks at the 6 hexes that are adjacent to that hex, and figures the cost to move into each of those hexes.. If the cost is less, it sets that hex to 'open'. If it's more (like the starting hex would be) it leaves the hex alone.

By doing this, A* will snake a path towards the ending hex. If there's a path to the target, A* is very fast, The only problem with A* is that it will potentially look at every possible hex trying to find a solution if there isn't one. Even on a 300x300 size map, that hasn't been a major problem so far, but if we go to 700x700, it's going to be about 5 times as many hexes.

There are ways to fix this problem by prepopulating a grid, and numbering each hex with a number 1 through N that represents a contiguous region of land or sea. I'll wait and see if I need to do that. That would at least cut down on the search space for 'impassible' paths

It's also possbile to make this allow for trains, planes and ships for Elmer's use, but I haven't tried using these yet. It's probably going to break some scenarios, so it has to wait. Once the program is modified to allow for pathfinding through multiple transportation means, that should help Emler, especially in places like the Pacific.

One very interesting feature about A* is that it's possible to modify it to be useful when you have more tha one source/destination. For example, when retreating, you could use that same algorithm, and stop once you'd reached a command or HQ unit. It would be a little better than what currently works, but probalby not noticeably different in most situations.

Another interesting applicaiton would be for things like supply. It's possible to 'seed' the map with all the supply points, and then to move outward from all of them at the same time , filling in the supply map. This is a LOT faster than the current method, it's also a lot more flexible. The old method made 4 passes through the map. Once for Rail, Roads, etc. The new methid doesn't need to hard code those levels, and can be a lot more flexible, and easier to modify. If we want to allow for supply to travel through friendly owned ports, that's possible, if we want to attentuate by distance instead of doing 4 levels, that's possible. Heck, if we wanted to allow for supply points to provide different levels of supply, that may be possible too.

It's also going to (eventually) provide some perfomance boosts for Elmer. Most of the Elmer code still uses a brute force method of determing his next target. We can do faster/better than that.

I probalby did a poor job of explaing how A* works. There are a lot of tutorials about it on the Net now. The important thing to remember is that is kind of flows out like water, looking for the low spots, and is very fast for a lot of things, and is very improtant for this game going forwards. The fact that is handles multiple sources/destinations makes it very useful for a lot of things.

Making progress again

Making progress again. I've sent a simple version of the new supply model off to the BetaTeam. I've decided that for some reason the transparent tool-tip won't work, but if I make it opaque, it works fine. I don't understand that one, so I'm going to ignore itCool. Fixing it would be a major rewrite, and there isn't enough gain to warrant that.

The current verison has the semi-final version of the supply rules. They've been simplified to make them easier to test. It's also got the new and old turn orders. It's also got saving a scenario to XML and loading it. All of these are works in progress, but they should be in good shape.

I'm wokring on removing the menus and the strings from the DLLs and into XML files, I'm almost done with that part too. After that, I need to cherry pick the remaining items while looking at the feedback, and we've got to lock down the feature set for this patch.

It will also give me a little time to look at the following. It's a hex based minesweeper version of a game written in Silverlight. The author has also published the source code for me to tear apart.


Why do you care? This means that I cna prototype the next version quicker. Recently, Microsoft has introduced too many new technologies. Two of these are Silverlight and WPF. Silverlight is a light version of WPF. Silverlight runs in a browser, and WPF runs on a desktop. WPF also has some 3D operations that Silverlight doesn't support.

Right now, I'll probalby use WPF for the next version. It's got several advantages, the biggest of these for me are that it makes the interface 100% customizable, I can add in sidebars that fade in and out, dialog boxes/trees that can be easily written, etc. That means that I'll be able to do the first verion of the interface, and let someone else with better graphics skills make it better. If I design it right, someone could even make a 'radar' like graphics display similar to to what's there, but they could add options to turn off terrain, etc. It also opens the door for a 'light' version available in a web browser. There are a bunch of other advantages, but the biggest is that it's going to be a lot faster than the other otpions.


Quelle: http://operationalwarfare.com/

Geile Neuigkeiten oder ? ;-) ich freu mich auf den Patch ! Schon der Hammer das an diesem Spiel noch so gebastelt wird :)

Insbesondere freue ich mich über das neue Supply system. Ich meine auch irgendwo außerhalb dieser quelle gelesen zu haben das das Luftkampfsystem überarbeitet wird. :=)

edit: Ich habe auch noch etwas über eine Mögliche änderung der Zufgolgnen gelesen ;-)

11.10.08, 11:34
It's also got saving a scenario to XML and loading it

Das dürfte mittelfristig für Canton interessant werden, denn sicherlich wird sich dann jemand hinsetzen und einen besseren Editor machen, da das Datenformat der Szenarios so ja mehr oder weniger offengelegt wird ;).

10.10.09, 08:35 was sent out to the beta testers and put into subversion. That's 95 separate builds that I felt were good enough to send out.
We're still making progress. I did a chunk of work this weekend, and I think I've got most of the things in that we're going to do for this release in now, although I need to go back through the list to make sure. If that's true, then we're just in for a load of testing, packaging, etc. to get things packaged up. That always takes a lot more time than I expect.
Never again will I do anything crazy like being this ambitious abut what's going into a patch, that was just too wearing. The number of major changes is jsut too many.
I'm going to play some TOAW now and wait for the bugs... Bob's too good at finding where I hid them.
After this goes out, the next patch will probably be early next year with any bug fixes that I put in and a few features that I didn't have time to get in.

Ausgezeichnet. Ich bin wirklich gespannt was der neue Patch so bringen wird!

14.10.09, 16:36
Falls ich hier nicht irren sollte, hat es ein ganzes Jahr gedauert, bis der von Euch (Pio) angekündigte Patch es in die Beta geschafft hat? Ist das derselbe Patch? ;)

19.10.09, 18:59
Falls ich hier nicht irren sollte, hat es ein ganzes Jahr gedauert, bis der von Euch (Pio) angekündigte Patch es in die Beta geschafft hat? Ist das derselbe Patch? ;)

Der patch hat sogar noch länger gedauert :D Er wird nämlich seit dez 2007 entwickelt? :D

Allerdings bin ich auch nicht sicher ob man ihn so bezeichnen sollte, er wäre wohl eher als Addon anzusehen. Zumindest würde das paradox so machen bei den ganzen Spielfunktionen die implementiert worden sind ;)

01.01.10, 12:09
Wolken sind nun Durchlässig und evt. wird der eine oder andere sie auf an dauerhaft lassen. Mir persönlich gefällt es allerdings nicht so.


03.01.10, 04:13
Wolken sind nun Durchlässig und evt. wird der eine oder andere sie auf an dauerhaft lassen. Mir persönlich gefällt es allerdings nicht so.


Man mag noch erwähnen dass die dargestellte Grafik ein Mod ist und dass Transparenz generell unterstützt wird. Man darf also gespannt auf neue Terrain-Mods sein.

06.01.10, 20:19
Die Karte sieht ja richtiggehend gut aus! Könnte einer der Herren einen Link zu dieser Mod anbringen?

07.01.10, 02:46
Die Karte sieht ja richtiggehend gut aus! Könnte einer der Herren einen Link zu dieser Mod anbringen?

Da gibts noch mehr zu sehen: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=2338553

Kommt aber erst mit dem nächsten Patch.

07.01.10, 20:56
Da gibts noch mehr zu sehen: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=2338553

Kommt aber erst mit dem nächsten Patch.

Danke, werter plankalkül! Ich überlege derzeit ohnehin, TOAW einmal wieder aufzulegen. Mit dieser Grafik sähe das Ganze dann auch noch gut aus... Dann warten wir mal auf den Patch!

10.01.10, 19:23
P.S.: Wie ich feststellen konnte, existiert bereits eine Art Vorstufe dieser Grafik-Mod. Ist nicht ganz so hübsch wie die künftige Version, aber auch nicht schlecht:


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