Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Fraktionen einbauen

[B@W] Abominus
17.01.11, 06:46
Creating a new faction (or attaching old ones to a new country) is really quite simple. Factions are defined in 'faction.txt', and assigned to a country in both 'faction.gui', and the country's history file. Since I made factions for the Ottomans, I'll use them as an example.

We'll start with the easiest part, creating the faction itself. This is done in faction.txt. Create a new entry under the three Chinese factions with the name of your new faction. I'd suggest adding a '_faction' after the name just for convenience's sake.

ulema_faction =
rule =
can_not_build_colonies = yes
capped_by_forcelimit = yes

modifier =
technology_cost = 0.05
global_tax_modifier = -0.05
tolerance_heretic = -0.5
tolerance_heathen = 0.5
missionary_placement_chance = 0.05

This is where you define what the faction does when it's in power. Aside from all of their vanilla effects, you can also attach any country modifier to them. The one exception I've found is that you can't make one faction affect another, such that you can't cause faction B to gain influence faster because faction A is in power - unless you make a triggered modifier.

Once you've finished with your faction be sure to create the relevant localization entries for it.

ulema_faction_influence;Ulema Faction Influence;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
ulema_faction_title;The Ulema;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
ulema_faction;The Ulema;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
ulema_faction_FACTION_DESC;The Ulema are the scholars educated in Islamic Law. Their duty is to ensure that....etc;;;;;;;;;;;;;x

Now, onto the faction.gui.

This is where the factions are introduced into the game. Each country has its own entry in the faction.gui, which of course in vanilla includes only Ming. To create one for the Ottomans, we need to copy/paste the Ming one and make our own changes to it.

This is my faction.gui from my personal mod, so there's a lot of irrelevant stuff here. You can ignore everything that's not highlighted in red.

guiTypes = {

windowType = {
name = "TUR_faction_view"
position = { x=0 y=0 }
size = { x=2048 y=200 }
moveable = 0
dontRender = ""
horizontalBorder= ""
verticalBorder= ""
fullScreen = yes

iconType =
name ="faction_bg"
spriteType = "GFX_TUR_bg"
position = { x= -385 y = -350 }
Orientation = "CENTER"

textBoxType = {
name = "faction_label"
position = { x = 0 y =-322 }
format = centre
textureFile = ""
font = "Main_24"
borderSize = {x = 4 y = 4}
maxWidth = 400
maxHeight = 32

Orientation = "CENTER"


iconType =
name ="sultan_faction_icon"
spriteType = "GFX_ottomans_sultan"
position = { x= -213 y = 20 }
Orientation = "CENTER"

iconType =
name ="sultan_faction_circle"
spriteType = "GFX_china_circle_bg"
position = { x= 120 y = 52 }
Orientation = "CENTER"

textBoxType = {
name = "sultan_faction_value"
position = { x = 121 y = 74 }
font = "Main_24"
borderSize = {x = 1 y = 1}
text = "11"
maxWidth = 50
maxHeight = 30

Orientation = "CENTER"
format = right
iconType =
name ="sultan_faction_arrow"
spriteType = "GFX_china_arrow"
position = { x= 171 y = 79 }
Orientation = "CENTER"
textBoxType = {
name = "sultan_faction_label"
position = { x = -1 y = 24 }
font = "Main_16"
borderSize = {x = 1 y = 1}
text = "sultan_faction"
maxWidth = 225
maxHeight = 30

Orientation = "CENTER"
format = centre
textBoxType = {
name = "sultan_faction_info"
position = { x = -97 y = 49 }
font = "Main_14"
borderSize = {x = 1 y = 1}
text = "Info"
maxWidth = 210
maxHeight = 200

Orientation = "CENTER"
format = left

iconType =
name ="ulema_faction_icon"
spriteType = "GFX_ottomans_ulema"
position = { x= -102 y = -110 }
Orientation = "CENTER"
iconType =
name ="ulema_faction_circle"
spriteType = "GFX_china_circle_bg"
position = { x= -143 y = -148 }
Orientation = "CENTER"

textBoxType = {
name = "ulema_faction_value"
position = { x = -142 y = -126 }
font = "Main_24"
borderSize = {x = 1 y = 1}
text = "22"
maxWidth = 50
maxHeight = 30

Orientation = "CENTER"
format = right
iconType =
name ="ulema_faction_arrow"
spriteType = "GFX_china_arrow"
position = { x= -91 y = -121 }
Orientation = "CENTER"
textBoxType = {
name = "ulema_faction_label"
position = { x = -219 y = -124 }
font = "Main_16"
borderSize = {x = 1 y = 1}
text = "ulema_faction"
maxWidth = 225
maxHeight = 30

Orientation = "CENTER"
format = centre
textBoxType = {
name = "ulema_faction_info"
position = { x = -315 y = -101 }
font = "Main_14"
borderSize = {x = 1 y = 1}
text = "Info"
maxWidth = 210
maxHeight = 200

Orientation = "CENTER"
format = left


iconType =
name ="janissaries_icon"
spriteType = "GFX_ottomans_janissaries"
position = { x= 12 y = -110 }
Orientation = "CENTER"
iconType =
name ="janissaries_circle"
spriteType = "GFX_china_circle_bg"
position = { x= 83 y = -150 }
Orientation = "CENTER"
textBoxType = {
name = "janissaries_value"
position = { x = 84 y = -128 }
font = "Main_24"
borderSize = {x = 1 y = 1}
text = "22"
maxWidth = 50
maxHeight = 30

Orientation = "CENTER"
format = right
iconType =
name ="janissaries_arrow"
spriteType = "GFX_china_arrow"
position = { x= 134 y = -123 }
Orientation = "CENTER"
textBoxType = {
name = "janissaries_label"
position = { x = 223 y = -122 }
font = "Main_16"
borderSize = {x = 1 y = 1}
text = "janissaries"
maxWidth = 225
maxHeight = 30

Orientation = "CENTER"
format = centre
textBoxType = {
name = "janissaries_info"
position = { x = 126 y = -97 }
font = "Main_14"
borderSize = {x = 1 y = 1}
text = "Info"
maxWidth = 210
maxHeight = 200

Orientation = "CENTER"
format = left

iconType =
name ="viziers_faction_icon"
spriteType = "GFX_ottomans_viziers"
position = { x= -87 y = -260 }
Orientation = "CENTER"
iconType =
name ="viziers_faction_circle"
spriteType = "GFX_china_circle_bg"
position = { x= -143 y = -293 }
Orientation = "CENTER"

textBoxType = {
name = "viziers_faction_value"
position = { x = -142 y = -271 }
font = "Main_24"
borderSize = {x = 1 y = 1}
text = "22"
maxWidth = 50
maxHeight = 30

Orientation = "CENTER"
format = right
iconType =
name ="viziers_faction_arrow"
spriteType = "GFX_china_arrow"
position = { x= -91 y = -266 }
Orientation = "CENTER"
textBoxType = {
name = "viziers_faction_label"
position = { x = -219 y = -270 }
font = "Main_16"
borderSize = {x = 1 y = 1}
text = "viziers_faction"
maxWidth = 225
maxHeight = 30

Orientation = "CENTER"
format = centre
textBoxType = {
name = "viziers_faction_info"
position = { x = -315 y = -246 }
font = "Main_14"
borderSize = {x = 1 y = 1}
text = "Info"
maxWidth = 210
maxHeight = 200

Orientation = "CENTER"
format = left


guiButtonType = {
name = "close_button"
position = { x=-62 y =208}
quadTextureSprite ="button_type_1"
tooltip = ""
tooltipText =""
delayedTooltipText = ""
buttonText = "HRE_CLOSE"
buttonFont = "Main_14_black"

Orientation = "CENTER"
clicksound = close_window
shortcut = "ESCAPE"


'TUR_faction_view' defines which country these factions are attached to.

Unless you're editing the interface heavily, all you need to do is rename the chinese factions to match the names of all of your custom factions. The one thing this won't work on is the faction icon. Assuming you don't want your faction to have the same symbol as the Chinese one that came before, you'll want to create a custom graphic icon. I can't help anyone improve their artistic talent, but I can tell you how to get the finished icon into the game.

Near the top of the definition of the Ulema Faction in my faction.gui you'll see a line that says 'spriteType = "GFX_ottomans_ulema"'. This is where the game looks to find the icon, and it is also where the faction.gfx file comes into play.

Create a new entry in faction.gfx below all of the other ones. Here you will tell the game what file to look for and where to find it.

spriteType = {
name = "GFX_ottomans_ulema"
texturefile = "gfx\\interface\\divine_wind_interface\\ottomans_ulema_faction.tga"
Make sure the red text matches the text in faction.gui and change the yellow text to match the location and name of your custom icon (which should be about 100x100 pixels in size).

Lastly, go to your country's history file and add the name of your faction to their list of starting factions. Keep in mind that all of the factions defined in your faction.gui for that country must be starting factions for your country, otherwise there will be graphical glitches.*

government = despotic_monarchy
aristocracy_plutocracy = -2
centralization_decentralization = -1
innovative_narrowminded = 0
mercantilism_freetrade = -2
offensive_defensive = 0
land_naval = -1
quality_quantity = -2
serfdom_freesubjects = 0
primary_culture = turkish
religion = sunni
technology_group = ottoman
capital = 149 # Edirne

faction = sultan_faction
faction = ulema_faction
faction = janissaries

sultan_faction = 80

And after that, you're done! I hope all goes well. Later on I'll add more explaining how faction influence modifiers work.


*Yes, I know I didn't do that myself, but there are graphical glitches and I deal with them. :)

Noch nicht ausprobiert :).

Quelle: http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?511125-Court-faction-moddability&p=11992865&viewfull=1#post11992865

17.01.11, 09:36
Werter ABO, herzlichen Dank für diesen expliziten Hinweis, auf den ich in nächster Zukunft gelegentlich zurückgreifen möchte, sobald ich wieder mehr Zeit habe. Alleine schon die Möglichkeit zu haben, die Ottomanen mal völlig anders zu spielen, reizt mich ungemein. Ich hatte grade den Einfall, mich irgendwann selbst damit zu befassen, aber dabei dies für die Venezianer zu gestalten, wobei ich mich zuvor mal mit der Venezianischen Geschichte näher befassen müsste.Ähnliches könnte man auch mit England oder Frankreich angehen, wobei man in beiden Fällen Factions wie Adel,Städte und Königshaus einführen könnte.
Im Falle von Venedig evtl. die Factions Adel, Handelsherren und Bürgertum einzuführen wäre.
Bspw. könnte ich mir vergleichbares auch für den Deutschorden vorstellen...

Danke vielmals für diese Anregungen...


18.01.11, 10:37
Oder bei Venedig drei konkurrierende Händlergeschlechter? ;)

20.01.11, 06:14
Oder bei Venedig drei konkurrierende Händlergeschlechter? ;)

Das wäre natürlich noch besser, da müsste ich mich vorher ziemlich umfassend schlau machen, welche grossen einflussreichen Handelshäuser es denn damals gab...:cool:

herzliche grüsse
