Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Neuer Trait: morganatische Linie

30.01.11, 15:35
Während des Schreibens der Events für den Huren-Trait kam uns die Idee für die morganatische Ehe. Das Problem waren die Konsequenzen. Der Vater und seine vorher standesgemäß gezeugten Kinder waren erbberechtigt, seine morganatisch gezeugten Kinder sind es nicht.

Macht man den Vater zum Bastard, dann können seine erbberechtigten Söhne nicht erben. Läßt man alles so wie es ist, dann sind die nichtstandesgemäßen Kinder Erben. Das geht doch aber nicht!

Hier hilft ein Trait weiter.
http://s13.directupload.net/images/110130/he64zipk.png (http://www.directupload.net)

in die trait.txt
user_defined_a = {
attributes = { diplomacy = 1 intrigue = 1 }
periodic_score = { prestige = 12 }

in die trait_names.csv und deus_vult.csv
TRAIT_NAME_USER_DEFINED_A;morganatische Nebenlinie;;;;;;;;;;X
TRAIT_DESC_USER_DEFINED_A;Diese Person gehört zu einer nichtstandesgemäßen Nebenlinie einer herrschenden Dynastie. (Effekt: +1 Diplomatie, +1 Intrige, +12 jährliches Prestige);;;;;;X

in die deus_vult.csv
EVT_80043_Name;Mit Eurer nicht standesgemäßen Ehe habt ihr Euren Vater und Eure Familie enttäuscht. Werdet die Frau los oder werdet enterbt.;;;;;;;;;;X
ACTIONNAME80043A;Unsere Liebe steht über allem;;;;;;;;;;X
ACTIONNAME80043B;Mein Erbe ist mir wichtiger. Papst um Dispens bitten.;;;;;;;;;;X
EVT_80044_Name;Aufgrund seiner nicht standesgemäßen Ehe scheidet Euer Sohn aus der Erbfolge aus.;;;;;;;;;;X
ACTIONNAME80044A;Das wird ihm noch leid tun;;;;;;;;;;X
EVT_80045_Name;Ihr seid kein Erbe Eures Vaters.;;;;;;;;;;X
EVT_80046_Name;Diese Person ist morganatischer Abstammung.;;;;;;;;;;X
EVT_80047_Name;Der Papst stimmte zu Eure Ehe zu annullieren.;;;;;;;;;;X
ACTIONNAME80047A;Gott sei Dank;;;;;;;;;;X
EVT_80048_Name;Der Papst lehnte es ab Eure Ehe zu annullieren. Was nun?;;;;;;;;;;X
ACTIONNAME80048A;Dann muss sie eben sterben;;;;;;;;;;X
ACTIONNAME80048B;Dann bleib ich eben bei ihr;;;;;;;;;;X

# Morganatische Ehe der Eltern

character_event = {
id = 80043

picture = "event_intrigue2"

trigger = {
condition = {
type = or
condition = { type = not value = { type = father condition = { type = ai } } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = ai } }
condition = { type = gender value = male }
condition = { type = is_married }
condition = { type = spouse
condition = { type = not value = { type = is_friend } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = is_rival } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = trait value = bastard } }
condition = { type = or
# Ehemann oder dessen Vater ist Graf, Ehefrau oder deren Vater nicht ebenbürtig
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = spouse
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = county } } }
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = duchy } } }
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = county } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = duchy } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } }
condition = {
type = or
condition = { type = father condition = { type = county } }
condition = { type = county }
# Ehemann oder dessen Vater ist Herzog, Ehefrau oder deren Vater nicht ebenbürtig
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = spouse
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = duchy } } }
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } } }
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = duchy } } }
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = duchy } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } }
condition = {
type = or
condition = { type = father condition = { type = duchy } }
condition = { type = duchy }
# Ehemann oder dessen Vater ist König, Ehefrau oder deren Vater nicht ebenbürtig
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = spouse
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } }
condition = {
type = or
condition = { type = father condition = { type = kingdom } }
condition = { type = kingdom }
# Ehefrau ist Hure
condition = { type = spouse
condition = { type = trait value = user_defined_b }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

action_a = { #Eure Ehe ist nicht standesgemäß
ai_chance = 80
effect = { type = prestige value = -50 }
effect = { type = make_friend value = spouse }
effect = { type = trigger for = father value = 80044 }

action_b = { #Mein Erbe ist mir wichtiger
ai_chance = 20
effect = { type = add_trait value = selfish }
effect = { type = gold value = -150 } # Bestechungsgelder etc.
effect = { type = piety value = -50 }
effect = { type = random_list
50 = { type = trigger for = this value = 80045 } #Papst stimmt dem Dispens zu
50 = { type = trigger for = this value = 80046 } #Papst lehnt es ab Dispens zu erteilen

character_event = {
id = 80044

picture = "event_intrigue2"

# trigger 80043

action_a = { #Das wird ihm noch leid tun
effect = { type = prestige value = -50 }

character_event = {
id = 80047

picture = "event_intrigue2"

# trigger 80043_B1

action_a = { #Gott sei Dank
ai_chance = 50
effect = { type = death value = spouse }
effect = { type = badboy value = 2 }

character_event = {
id = 80048

picture = "event_intrigue2"

# trigger 80043_B2

action_a = { #Dann muss sie eben sterben
ai_chance = 50
effect = { type = death value = spouse }
effect = { type = add_trait value = kinslayer }
effect = { type = gold value = -150 } # gedungene Mörder etc.
effect = { type = piety value = -50 }
effect = { type = badboy value = 5 }
action_b = { #Dann bleib ich bei ihr
ai_chance = 50
effect = { type = make_rival value = spouse }
effect = { type = prestige value = 50 }
effect = { type = trigger for = father value = 80032 }

# morganatisch gezeugte Kinder begründen eine Nebenlinie

character_event = {
id = 80045

picture = "event_intrigue2"

trigger = {
condition = { type = not value = { type = age value = 3 } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = father condition = { type = trait value = bastard } } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = trait value = bastard } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = trait value = user_defined_a } }
condition = { type = or
# Vater oder dessen Vater ist Graf, Mutter oder deren Vater nicht ebenbürtig
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = mother
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = county } } }
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = duchy } } }
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } } }
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = county } } }
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = duchy } } }
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = county } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = duchy } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } }
condition = {
type = or
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = county } }

condition = { type = father condition = { type = county } }
# Vater oder dessen Vater ist Herzog, Mutter oder deren Vater nicht ebenbürtig
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = mother
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = duchy } } }
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } } }
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = duchy } } }
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = duchy } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } }
condition = {
type = or
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = duchy } }

condition = { type = father condition = { type = duchy } }
# Vater oder dessen Vater ist König, Mutter oder deren Vater nicht ebenbürtig
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = mother
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } } }
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } }
condition = {
type = or
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = kingdom } }

condition = { type = father condition = { type = kingdom } }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

action_a = { #Ihr seid kein Erbe Eures Vaters
ai_chance = 80
effect = { type = add_trait value = bastard } #um zu verhindern, dass diese linie erbt.
effect = { type = add_trait value = user_defined_a }

character_event = {
id = 80046
picture = "event_intrigue2"
trigger = {
condition = { type = gender value = male }
condition = { type = trait value = user_defined_a }
condition = { type = any_child
condition = { type = gender value = male }
condition = { type = not value = { type = age value = 3 } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = trait value = bastard } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = trait value = user_defined_a } }
condition = { type = save_target }
condition = { type = has_target }
mean_time_to_happen = { months = 1 }

immidiate = { #Diese Person ist morganatischer Abstammung
effect = { type = add_trait for = load_target value = user_defined_a }

Noch haben wir keine Ideen für Events für diesen Trait.

Stupor Mundi
30.01.11, 16:44
Zu Event 80043:
Warum soll man mehr Prestige verlieren, wenn man die morganatische Ehe aufgibt, als wenn man sie bewahrt? Das mittelalterliche Denken war sehr dynastisch und standesbewusst geprägt und morganatische Ehen konnten den Ruf ganz schön verderben. Für das Lösen der Ehe wäre vielleicht ein Verlust an Frömmigkeit, aber nicht Prestige, vorzuziehen.
Und statt die Frau umzubringen, könntet Ihr vielleicht eher die Kirche zu Hilfe nehmen: wenn man nachweisen konnte, dass die Ehe ungültig war, hat die Kirche sie manchmal annulliert. Das ist natürlich sehr teuer, und es könnte sich ein Event anschließen, das die Annullierung mit einer bestimmten Wahrscheinlichkeit gelingen lässt. Das Umbringen könnt Ihr natürlich noch zusätzlich anbieten.

Mal noch eine andere Anregung: die ganzen unverheirateten Höflinge stören uns ständig. Man findet dadurch zwar leichter einen Partner, aber wer will schon jemanden ohne Macht und Einfluss heiraten. Könnt Ihr ein Event schreiben, das Höflingen zufällig entsprechende Ehepartner zuweist? Idealerweise am eigenen Hof oder an benachbarten. Das darf natürlich nicht für Mitglieder der gespielten Dynastie gelten, aber die kann man ja manuell verheiraten, die anderen nicht.

30.01.11, 16:56
Leider sind die Möglichkeiten des Eventschreibens bei CK sehr limitiert. Die einzige Möglichkeit Ehen aufzulösen ist der Tod. Genausowenig kann man Ehen per Event herbeiführen. Für dieses Problem haben wir den Herrschergeschlecht-Trait. Damit bekommt man wenigstens über das ingame Handbuch heraus welche Braut einen gutplazierten Vater hat.

Den Papst zu zuschalten werden wir aber dennoch machen. Der Ablauf würde dann so aussehen:

a Ehe eingehen -> Konsequenz ist die morganatische Linie
b Papst bitten die Ehe aufzulösen

a Papst willigt ein -> Ehe aufgelöst, Frau stirbt
b Papst lehnt ab

a Frau wird ermordet -> Kinslayer-Trait
b Ehe bleibt bestehen -> Konsequenz ist die morganatische Linie + Frau ist Rivale

30.01.11, 18:11
Events den Wünschen entsprechend angepasst. Leider geht es nicht, dass ein getriggerter Event auf die ursprüngliche Person zurücktriggert.

Daher haben wir die Entscheidung des Papstes als eine 50:50 Zufallsentscheidung der Auswahl 80043_B gestaltet.

Insgesamt hat der KI-Sohn nun eine 95%ige Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass er bei seiner Frau bleibt.

31.01.11, 20:50
Die Events wurden heute noch einmal überarbeitet und arbeiten nach unseren Beobachtungen gut.

01.02.11, 17:51
Wenn man die Traits Herrschergeschlecht und morganatische Linie gleichzeitig benutzen will, dann muss man bei letzterem Änderungen vornehmen um sie aufeinander abzustimmen. Analog müssten auch die Bedingungen (und nur diese) für die morganatische Ehe erweitert werden.

Mit der Kombination beider Traits gelten solche Ehen, bei dem die Frau entfernt mit einem Königshaus verwandt ist nicht als morganatisch.


# Morganatische Ehe mit Herrschergeschlecht #

character_event = {
id = 80043

picture = "event_intrigue2"

trigger = {
condition = {
type = or
condition = { type = not value = { type = father condition = { type = ai } } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = ai } }
condition = { type = gender value = male }
condition = { type = is_married }
condition = { type = spouse
condition = { type = not value = { type = is_friend } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = is_rival } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = trait value = bastard } }
condition = { type = or
# Ehemann oder dessen Vater ist Graf, Ehefrau oder deren Vater nicht ebenbürtig
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = spouse
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = county } } }
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = duchy } } }
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = county } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = duchy } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = trait value = Herrschergeschlecht } }
condition = {
type = or
condition = { type = father condition = { type = county } }
condition = { type = county }
# Ehemann oder dessen Vater ist Herzog, Ehefrau oder deren Vater nicht ebenbürtig
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = spouse
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = duchy } } }
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } } }
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = duchy } } }
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = duchy } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = trait value = Herrschergeschlecht } }
condition = {
type = or
condition = { type = father condition = { type = duchy } }
condition = { type = duchy }
# Ehemann oder dessen Vater ist König, Ehefrau oder deren Vater nicht ebenbürtig
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = spouse
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = trait value = Herrschergeschlecht } }
condition = {
type = or
condition = { type = father condition = { type = kingdom } }
condition = { type = kingdom }
# Ehefrau ist Hure
condition = { type = spouse
condition = { type = trait value = user_defined_b }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

action_a = { #Eure Ehe ist nicht standesgemäß
ai_chance = 80
effect = { type = prestige value = -50 }
effect = { type = make_friend value = spouse }
effect = { type = trigger for = father value = 80044 }

action_b = { #Mein Erbe ist mir wichtiger
ai_chance = 20
effect = { type = add_trait value = selfish }
effect = { type = gold value = -150 } # Bestechungsgelder etc.
effect = { type = piety value = -50 }
effect = { type = random_list
50 = { type = trigger for = this value = 80045 } #Papst stimmt dem Dispens zu
50 = { type = trigger for = this value = 80046 } #Papst lehnt es ab Dispens zu erteilen

character_event = {
id = 80044

picture = "event_intrigue2"

# trigger 80043

action_a = { #Das wird ihm noch leid tun
effect = { type = prestige value = -50 }

character_event = {
id = 80047

picture = "event_intrigue2"

# trigger 80043_B1

action_a = { #Gott sei Dank
ai_chance = 50
effect = { type = death value = spouse }
effect = { type = badboy value = 2 }

character_event = {
id = 80048

picture = "event_intrigue2"

# trigger 80043_B2

action_a = { #Dann muss sie eben sterben
ai_chance = 50
effect = { type = death value = spouse }
effect = { type = add_trait value = kinslayer }
effect = { type = gold value = -150 } # gedungene Mörder etc.
effect = { type = piety value = -50 }
effect = { type = badboy value = 5 }
action_b = { #Dann bleib ich bei ihr
ai_chance = 50
effect = { type = make_rival value = spouse }
effect = { type = prestige value = 50 }
effect = { type = trigger for = father value = 80032 }

# Morganatische Nebenlinie mit Herrschergeschlecht #

character_event = {
id = 80045

picture = "event_intrigue2"

trigger = {
condition = { type = not value = { type = age value = 3 } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = father condition = { type = trait value = bastard } } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = trait value = bastard } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = trait value = user_defined_a } }
condition = { type = or
# Vater oder dessen Vater ist Graf, Mutter oder deren Vater nicht ebenbürtig
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = mother
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = county } } }
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = duchy } } }
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } } }
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = county } } }
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = duchy } } }
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = county } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = duchy } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = trait value = Herrschergeschlecht } }
condition = {
type = or
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = county } }

condition = { type = father condition = { type = county } }
# Vater oder dessen Vater ist Herzog, Mutter oder deren Vater nicht ebenbürtig
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = mother
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = duchy } } }
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } } }
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = duchy } } }
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = duchy } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = trait value = Herrschergeschlecht } }
condition = {
type = or
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = duchy } }

condition = { type = father condition = { type = duchy } }
# Vater oder dessen Vater ist König, Mutter oder deren Vater nicht ebenbürtig
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = mother
condition = {
type = and
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } } }
condition = { type = father condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = kingdom } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = trait value = Herrschergeschlecht } }
condition = {
type = or
condition = { type = father
condition = { type = father condition = { type = kingdom } }

condition = { type = father condition = { type = kingdom } }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

action_a = { #Ihr seid kein Erbe Eures Vaters
ai_chance = 80
effect = { type = add_trait value = bastard } #um zu verhindern, dass diese linie erbt.
effect = { type = add_trait value = user_defined_a }
effect = { type = remove_trait value = Herrschergeschlecht }

character_event = {
id = 80046
picture = "event_intrigue2"
trigger = {
condition = { type = gender value = male }
condition = { type = trait value = user_defined_a }
condition = { type = any_child
condition = { type = gender value = male }
condition = { type = not value = { type = age value = 3 } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = trait value = bastard } }
condition = { type = not value = { type = trait value = user_defined_a } }
condition = { type = save_target }
condition = { type = has_target }
mean_time_to_happen = { months = 1 }

immidiate = { #Diese Person ist morganatischer Abstammung
effect = { type = add_trait for = load_target value = user_defined_a }