GAGA Extrem
06.03.12, 20:15
Nicht durch Reden oder Majoritätsbeschlüsse werden die großen Fragen der Zeit entschieden – sondern durch Eisen und Blut.
Not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided - but by iron and blood.
This should fix the most important issues with AHD and improve balance quite a bit.
Current Version: 0.9c
Mirror (
How to install:
(1) Download the .rar file.
(2) Unpack the file into your Victoria II\mod folder.
(3) Start the launcher and select the AHD Blut und Eisen Mod.
(4) Enjoy the game!
Version 0.9c:
- Fixed a nasty crash with election events.
- Rebalanced all election events a bit.
Version 0.9b:
- The Talkies now grant 25 shared prestige (up from 20).
- Reduced "french_growth_nerf" to -0.005 (down from -0.01).
- Added missing election events.
Version 0.9:
- The Quick Fix mod does now work with the most recent beta patch and has been integrated into "Blut und Eisen".
- All crime modifiers now bestow CON on pops.
- Reduced "PRESTIGE_HIT_ON_BREAK_COUNTRY" to -0.1 (down from -0.2).
- Reduced "REDUCTION_AFTER_RISEING" to 1.5 (down from 2.0).
- Reduced "SLAVE_GROWTH_DIVISOR" to 5 (down from 10).
- Increased "MIL_HIT_FROM_CONQUEST" to 8 (up from 4).
- Increased "MAX_LOAN_CAP_FROM_BANKS" to 10 (up from 3).
- academic_confusion: Increased "research_points_modifier" penalty to -0.1 (up from -0.01) and increased "prestige" penalty to -0.05 (up from -0.01).
- Tweaked "the_statue_of_liberty" effect a bit.
- Increased many small prestige modifiers from 0.001 to 0.01.
- Increased "immigration_focus" to 0.25 (up from 0.2).
- National Values now influence CON and MIL of pops a bit.
- Replaced local election events with country wide events, reduced frequency and increased overall effect.
- Added prestige granting inventions to psychology techs.
- Added "rgo_output" and "factory_throughput" bonus to some Metallurgy inventions and added "factory_throughput" bonus to Rayon and Bakelyte inventions.
- Reduced "factory_input" bonus from Management Strategy inventions to -0.02 (down from -0.03).
- Added additional inventions to Machine Guns, Bolt Action Rifles and Great War Experience.
- Reduced Machine Gun defence bonus to 3 (down from 5).
- Reduced Bolt Action Rifles offensive bonus to 3 (down from 5).
- economic_thought_and_critique: Inventions now grant 5 shared prestige (instead of 1 permanent prestige).
- financial_institutions: Added an additional "tax_eff" and "factory_cost" bonus to some late game inventions.
- Added attack, defence and supply modifiers to several navy inventions.
- Reduced the base invention chance for army techs to 1% (down from 2%).
Not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided - but by iron and blood.
This should fix the most important issues with AHD and improve balance quite a bit.
Current Version: 0.9c
Mirror (
How to install:
(1) Download the .rar file.
(2) Unpack the file into your Victoria II\mod folder.
(3) Start the launcher and select the AHD Blut und Eisen Mod.
(4) Enjoy the game!
Version 0.9c:
- Fixed a nasty crash with election events.
- Rebalanced all election events a bit.
Version 0.9b:
- The Talkies now grant 25 shared prestige (up from 20).
- Reduced "french_growth_nerf" to -0.005 (down from -0.01).
- Added missing election events.
Version 0.9:
- The Quick Fix mod does now work with the most recent beta patch and has been integrated into "Blut und Eisen".
- All crime modifiers now bestow CON on pops.
- Reduced "PRESTIGE_HIT_ON_BREAK_COUNTRY" to -0.1 (down from -0.2).
- Reduced "REDUCTION_AFTER_RISEING" to 1.5 (down from 2.0).
- Reduced "SLAVE_GROWTH_DIVISOR" to 5 (down from 10).
- Increased "MIL_HIT_FROM_CONQUEST" to 8 (up from 4).
- Increased "MAX_LOAN_CAP_FROM_BANKS" to 10 (up from 3).
- academic_confusion: Increased "research_points_modifier" penalty to -0.1 (up from -0.01) and increased "prestige" penalty to -0.05 (up from -0.01).
- Tweaked "the_statue_of_liberty" effect a bit.
- Increased many small prestige modifiers from 0.001 to 0.01.
- Increased "immigration_focus" to 0.25 (up from 0.2).
- National Values now influence CON and MIL of pops a bit.
- Replaced local election events with country wide events, reduced frequency and increased overall effect.
- Added prestige granting inventions to psychology techs.
- Added "rgo_output" and "factory_throughput" bonus to some Metallurgy inventions and added "factory_throughput" bonus to Rayon and Bakelyte inventions.
- Reduced "factory_input" bonus from Management Strategy inventions to -0.02 (down from -0.03).
- Added additional inventions to Machine Guns, Bolt Action Rifles and Great War Experience.
- Reduced Machine Gun defence bonus to 3 (down from 5).
- Reduced Bolt Action Rifles offensive bonus to 3 (down from 5).
- economic_thought_and_critique: Inventions now grant 5 shared prestige (instead of 1 permanent prestige).
- financial_institutions: Added an additional "tax_eff" and "factory_cost" bonus to some late game inventions.
- Added attack, defence and supply modifiers to several navy inventions.
- Reduced the base invention chance for army techs to 1% (down from 2%).