
Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Europa Universalis IV dev diary 2 –The purge & all cards on the table

14.09.12, 11:38
Und es geht weiter

Welcome to a new development diary about Europa Universalis IV where we talk about the purge the game is undergoing. So what is a purge when it comes to creating a sequel?

Purging is when we remove features that simply are not good enough, or not as fun and exciting as we had hoped them to be when we thought of them, or that we feel stand in the way of a completely new system. Plenty of features have been reworked from scratch, but today I want to focus on the features that we're taking out – not redesigning. There won't be any direct replacement for these ones.

So why, you wonder, are we spending the first development diaries for Europa Universalis IV (EU4) talking about our vision of the game, how the map is evolving and what features we have decided to remove?

Well, if there is one thing the development of previous games have taught us, is that you have to be straight with information and tell everyone the truth about issues that can be controversial for many of you that love this series.

Because, honestly, we weren’t clear enough about our thinking process during the Europa Universalis III (EU3) development, and the result was that some of you felt disappointed. Not because of the actual gameplay, but because some expected something else from the game compared to than what they received.

So now we want to lay our cards on the table, so that you know what to expect and what you can look forward to in Europa Universalis IV.
We know that you all have expectations and hopes for EU4. And we promise that we will try and make those hopes come true. But if your imagination and our vision collide because of different expectations, it's probably best we put that to rest now by telling you the big decisions we've already taken. Then you can get back to anticipating the great thing we are building instead of feeling let down because we didn't mention a major change.

What have we removed in EU4 compared to the prequel and why?
Here is a list of concepts that were present in EU3, features that will not be around in EU4.

we’ve removed the envoys called spies, and the entire system for sending them to do covert actions. We felt that the mechanic wasn´t enjoyable enough. First, it came down to 'click for random effect', and, second, it had a negative effect on the game balance. There was a reason why most multiplayer (MP) games had severe house-rules on the use of spies. However some of the old spy mechanics will live on in other parts of the game and we will explain this more in detail further along the development.

The daimyo & shogunate system
Sometimes you remove features because they are not good enough, and sometimes because you feel that they simply are not fun enough. This was the case with the daimyo & shogunate system introduced for Japan in Divine Wind. But aside from the lack of fun, this system was a chore to maintain since as it had special rules for it inserted in so many places in the code. To maintain this system took precious time from us in our development, time we honestly would have liked to free up to improve and enhance other aspects of the game. So for EU4 we have decided that this feature is not worth the time and effort to create and maintain it.

Trade features
You probably know this, because we have mentioned it in a lot of interviews around the announcement, but the trade system will be completely overhauled. This means that concepts like centers of trade, trade rights, trade leagues, trade agreements and open markets have been removed from the game. We'll devote a development diary later this autumn to the new trade system, where we'll go into deep detail about it, and what new mechanics it uses. Hopefully all your questions will be answered then!

We talked earlier about the removal of spies as an envoy, and they are not the only envoy that went the way of the dodo. A major problem with magistrates was that you sometimes needed far more than you had, and sometimes had your maximum of 5 but no real use for them, except spamming minor decisions. So magistrates have been removed entirely, as we have several new mechanics in the game that fulfill the same role of limiting expansion that magistrates did in Divine Wind.

Cultural Tradition
Cultural Tradition has also been removed from the game, as it was primarily a currency for advisor creation, but the advisor system has been changed rather drastically, so it had no purpose anymore.

Automatically getting cores
The concept of automatically getting cores after fifty years of ownership has also been removed. We have a new way of handling claims and cores, and we'll talk about how that works in later diaries.

Domestic policies
Aside from trade, this is probably the biggest change people will notice. One of the features that we added into Europa Universalis II (EU2), which was in both Hearts of Iron II (HoI2) and EU3 was the concept of domestic policy sliders. Those defined different abilities for countries, and let you change your country slowly over time. It was an approach that was fine for those games, but it had some drawbacks in that they did not give a proper unique description of your country, and also enforced specific settings for certain countries. We have designed new systems to replace the function of domestic policies; so we have removed domestic policies and administrative efficiencies from the game.

To kill our darlings
We need you to know that we removed these features because we want Europa Universalis IV to be as enjoyable as possible. We hope that the features we are adding or rethinking forthe game will give you a great gameplay experience. Trust us when we say that it is hard for us to kill our darlings and let features go altogether. We have all lived and breathed the Europa Universalis series for over a decade and we've invested time in creating the features we are now tossing aside. But sometimes you have to let go of features people have come to know and understand in order to make the overall game experience greater. No matter how hard it feels and no matter how your heart (or head) hurts.
Thus ends our three week focus on the controversial stuff. So please stay tuned for 50 more weeks of new cool features, as we talk about envoys the next week. ?

Noch 50 Woche weitere DD :eek:

Aber an sich gefällt und was dort raus genommen wird. Mit Spionen konnten wir nie viel anfangen, Magistrate waren der Horror mit großen Reichen, das Schogunat war ... irgendwie nicht das gelbe vom Ei.

[B@W] Abominus
14.09.12, 11:58
Äh, ja, das kommt alles in Addons wieder, glaubt es mir ;).

14.09.12, 13:36
Bin sehr gespannt wie sie die slider ersetzen. :)

24.09.12, 10:16
Keine Slider mehr! Das ist mal eine Änderung! Bin mal gespannt, was sie an dessen Stelle setzen. Vermutlich eine Mischung aus temporären Effekten und Ideen, damit könnte man die Slider ja komplett ersetzen.

[B@W] Abominus
24.09.12, 10:22
Man macht es noch primitiver, um es für das gemeine Volk interessant zu gestalten.

I am not amused...

24.09.12, 12:52
Pah, als ob Slider nicht genauso primitiv wären! Ich würde sagen, es könnte Exploits oder komplett unhistorische Entwicklungen verhindern, z.B. eine Seemacht Österreich ohne Hafen oder eine Vatikanrepublik. Warten wir mal ab.

24.09.12, 12:55
Ich wette aber, dass sie noch Slider für manche Sachen drin haben werden, aber anders verpackt. Zentralisierung wird wie in CK2 die Krongesetzgebung gemacht werden. Da verwette ich einen Kasten drauf! :D

24.09.12, 12:59
Ich würd die Wette ja halten, aber was soll ich mit einem Kasten? Regale sind praktischer, und fürs Umziehen habe ich Kartons.
Nachdem aber HoI3 und CK2 beide Gesetzgebungen haben, ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit wohl sehr hoch, dass sie auch in EU4 kommen wird. Da verwette ich Schrödingers Katze drauf!

24.09.12, 13:05
Ich sehe da keinen Unterschied. Eine KI die mit slidern überfordert ist wird auch mit Richtungsentscheidungen anderer Form überfordert sein. Da geht es ja mehr um die Aufmachung.

24.09.12, 16:06
Die KArte ist geil :)

24.09.12, 17:26
Ich find die Namen der Händler und Diplomaten in der Leiste rechts schön. Auch wenn sie generisch sind, bekommt das Spiel dadurch schon mehr Identifikationseffekt.
Was wohl die Zahlen bei der Liste, der Taube und den gekreuzten Schwertern bedeuten? Armeetradition, vielleicht, aber der Rest? Die Händler fahren ja offenbar in Planwagen durch die Welt.

24.09.12, 20:29
WAs uns auch gerade erst auffällt sind die Wasserwege, also die durchbrochenen Linien. Erinnert stark an Rome Total War. Dadurch das die Handelszentren wegfallen wäre das in der Tat eine sehr sehr interessante Sache. Wie entstehen nun Handelsballungszentren? Werden endlich Strömung etc miteinberechnet bei Handelswegen? Weil dies könnte zu einer größeren historizität(gibt es das Wort?) führen, endlich wäre Malakka tatsächlich der wichtige Handelshafen der er war, weil es sich aus der Lage der Stadt ergibt und nicht weil es einfach so gescripptet wäre. Hach und nicht mehr an der afrikanischen Küste entlang schippern sondern die Strömungen in Betracht ziehen?
Jetzt phantasieren wir wieder. Wir sind auf die Sache mit dem Handel am aller aller meisten gespannt.

25.09.12, 08:44
WAs uns auch gerade erst auffällt sind die Wasserwege, also die durchbrochenen Linien. Erinnert stark an Rome Total War. Dadurch das die Handelszentren wegfallen wäre das in der Tat eine sehr sehr interessante Sache.

Hier kannste Johan mal dazu labern hören. :)

Europa Universalis IV: The Original Grand Strategy Game - YouTube (

25.09.12, 19:56
wow awesome. Ob das die Ki hinkriegt? Das einzige was ich nicht gut finde ist, dass man innerhalb von wenigen Tagen ganze Handelslinien lahm legen kann. Großartig find ich hingegen, dass Flotte endlich was bringt und sie tatsächlich verteilt werden müssen über die Welt, was zu gezielten Flottenstützpunkten führt. Großartig. Aber wie gesagt, kriegt die KI das hin? In 3 JAhren ist EUIV dann das Knallerspiel schlechthin? Ich bin mal ein wenig begeistert :)