
Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Hotfix 1.6.2.

02.07.14, 14:13

Hotfix 1.6.2.

Wichtige Punkte auf deutsch

-AE Abbau wieder auf normales Niveau verringert
-Westernisierung benötigt nun für alle wieder 8 Tech Rückstand
-Kann nun ohne WoN Handelsbez. abbrechen
-Fehlerhafte Anzeige für pos. Antwort auf Ruf zu den Waffen im Kriegserklären-Menü behoben
-KI hilft nun Untergebenen/Verbündeten beim Rebellen bekämpfen, wenn möglich

- Restored AE Decay to intended levels.
- Westernisation threshold is now 8 levels for all techgroups.
- CTD Crashes when observing macrobuildinterface buildings and CountryIdeasView, while no country is selected.
- Fixed a bug where the AI would continously move between two adjacent provinces while supporting a siege.
- Fixed a bug where the AI would prioritize blockading straits it had no strategic reason to blockade.
- Overlords of colonies and Protectorates can no longer transfer trade power.
- Fixed an issue where AI would start and abandon sieges due to faulty attach logic.
- AI: Will now help its vassals and war allies fight rebels, if there are no higher priority targets.
- Fixed a bug where you could not cancel transfer trade power relations unless you had Wealth of Nations.
- Fixed a bug where the AI would appear to accept joining a war but then dishonor when called from declare war screen.
- Fixed a bug where you would get AE for declaring war while at negative stability, even if you had a CB.
- Fixed a bug where the AI would disband mercenaries to replace them with regular troops when there was no financial need to do so.
- Fixed a bug where the AI would refuse to make peace despite being offered all of its demands.
- Culture triggers should no longer cause a CTD from incorrect culture
- Launcher no longer borderlss (and can therefor be moved)
- Now disabled ingame load for ironman
- 'Pacta Conventa' and 'The Royal Struggle' modifiers will now be properly removed when the Struggle for Royal Power ends.
- Removed unused code from DirectorySettings - Made debug memory info in CEU4Application::LoadDatabases available to modders
- Removed old DirectorySettings stuff from files
- Removed a lot of old DirectorySettings crap from main.cpp and eu4application.cpp * Debugging broken mods
- CalculateChecksum now uses same code as checksum builder
- Removed GetModFromCommandLine from main.cpp - Removed GetDebugFromCommandLine from main.cpp - Added g_bDebug which is now set like any other command line argument
- Culture triggers should no longer cause a CTD from incorrect culture
- Fixed tooltipcrash in subjectview
- Fixed bug with checksums calculated badly when mods where used

04.07.14, 15:05
"AE Abbau wieder auf normales Niveau verringert"

Verehrte Herren,

was bedeutet das konkret, ist es nun leichter geworden, also man bekommt weniger AE "gutgeschrieben" als vor dem Patch?
Eigentlich war ich mit AE zufrieden, es war realistisch und verhinderte eine schnelle Expansion.

04.07.14, 20:39
Der Abbau dauert nun wieder deutlich länger. Das ist gut so, AE war mit 1.6.1 keine große Hürde.