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15.09.17, 13:08
Damit alle im Bilde sind, was das DEV-Team (jetzt!) evtl. gerne in "~ 5 Jahren" mit DLC und Patches in HoI4 einbauen möchte/wurde/wollen zu können/dürfen. :D

The five year plan
Not actually a five year plan, but I want to share with you some form of roadmap on what to expect in the future. Some of you may have seen me talk about some of this in my PdxCon talk earlier this year.

Just to be super clear, this is not any form of exhaustive or final list and unless we have already done it we can't promise anythings. Priorities change etc. The point of this is to give you an idea of things we would like to do. The order of things is also not in any kind of priority order, or order we would do them.

Improve flavor and immersion with naming of things in the game. No more Infantry Division Type 1 etc.
More player control over naval warfare and fleet battle behaviour
A Chain of Command system allowing field marshals to command generals
A logistics system with more actual player involvement (now you only care once stuff has gone very badly)
Improved naval combat interfaces with good transparency to underlying mechanics (give it the 1.4 air treatment)
Improve balance, feedback and mechanics for submarine warfare
Long term goals and strategies to guide ai rather than random vs historical focus lists, visible to players
Every starting nation has a custom portrait for historical leaders
A way for players to take dynamic decisions, quickly. Something that fits between events and national focuses.
Spies and espionage
Changing National Unity to something that matters during most of the game rather than when you are losing only
Improving peace conferences
Update core national focus trees with alt-history paths and more options (Germany, Italy, USA, United Kingdom, Soviet, France, Japan)
Wunderwaffen projects
Properly represent fuel in some way in the game
Add the ability to clean up your equipment stockpile from old stuff
Rework how wars work with respect to merging etc as its a big source of problems
More differences between sub-ideologies and government forms
More National Focus trees. (Among most interesting: China, South America, Scandinavia, Spain, Turkey, Iran, Greece)
An occupation system that isnt tied only to wars and where core vs non-core isn't so binary for access to things.
Make defensive warfare more fun
Adding mechanics to limit the size of your standing army, particularly post-war etc
Allow greater access to resources through improving infrastructure
Have doctrines more strongly affect division designing to get away from cookie cutter solutions and too ahistorical gamey setups

You'll notice that some of these are small and some of them are huge. I can't really talk too much details about this stuff though. That is stuff we will do once/if it makes it to dev diaries with feature highlights and has been implemented. Oh yeah, and before someone goes "why isn't improving AI on this list" the answer is that its not really something you can ever check off as done. We'll keep working on that in parallel with other stuff as we have since release.

Ich habe nur ein paar markiert die noch vor kurzem total i. O. gewesen sein sollen, oder die man eigentlich von einem Nachfolger erwarten hätte können..
Ich prophezeihe, dass auch Lager für Ressourcen wieder zurück in HoI4 finden werden und noch so manches was in den vorherigen HoI's schon gut funktioniert hat. :cool:

16.09.17, 14:10
Vieles von dem halten wir für sehr wünschenswert im Spiel, ein paar sind uns egal, andere sind schon jetzt in BI-Mod gut gelöst.

21.Make defensive warfare more fun Klingt für uns nach der Quadratur des Kreises.

Wie Chromos schon schreibt wurde einige Punkte als sie von Spieler nach dem Release gefordert wurden noch abgebügelt mit der Begründung das alles dufte wäre. Wir wollen Paradox aber nicht vorwerfen am Ende doch lernfähig zu sein.

Was für uns auf der Liste fehlt:
- Option für das Abschalten des Schlachtenplanes
- Option für eine Meldesystem wie es bisher in HoI I-III üblich war, damit wir wieder richtig in die Kämpfe eingreifen können