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28.12.19, 16:27
Doch keine Luftballons - Der kalte Krieg wird heiß

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00001.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Werte Regenten,
analog zu unserem Kursk-AAR (http://www.si-games.com/forum/showthread.php?t=29896) wollen wir einen Platz für den 3. Weltkrieg schaffen. Es werden hauptsächlich die neuen Gold-Versionen der John Tillers Modern Campaigns Reihe (http://www.johntillersoftware.com/ModernCampaigns.html) gespielt aber wenn wir die Zeit finden gibt es auch taktische Ausflüge in SteelPanthers (http://www.shrapnelgames.com/Camo_Workshop/MBT/MBT_page.html) und Simulationsausflüge in SteelBeasts (https://www.esimgames.com/).

Wir wollen hier aber auch noch erwähnen dass wir aufgrund unserer aktuell sehr angespannten privaten Situation (2 Kinder sind nicht doppelt so anstrengend wie 1 sondern das steigt exponentiell...) wohl nicht gleich zum Spielen kommen, dies soll aber zumindest mal ein Platzhalter sein.


John Tillers Modern Campaigns North German Plain '85:
+ Der Stoß durch Schleswig-Holstein am 10.06.1985 - "Live" PBEM auf Seiten der NATO (https://www.si-games.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30262&page=3&p=1167636#post1167636)
+ Zwei Tage zur Weser am 10.06.1985 - "Live" PBEM auf Seiten der NATO (https://www.si-games.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30262&page=5&p=1172972#post1172972)

Arma III mit Cold War Assault MOD:
+ Malden Stories - David Armstrong - Prelude (https://www.si-games.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30262&page=5&p=1172220#post1172220)
++ Malden Stories - David Armstrong - Flashpoint (https://www.si-games.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30262&page=5&p=1172360#post1172360)
++ Malden Stories - David Armstrong - Combined Arms (https://www.si-games.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30262&page=5&p=1172462#post1172462)
++ Malden Stories - David Armstrong - Camping (https://www.si-games.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30262&page=5&p=1172581#post1172581)
++ Malden Stories - David Armstrong - Alert (https://www.si-games.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30262&page=5&p=1172714#post1172714)
++ Malden Stories - David Armstrong - Montignac must fall (https://www.si-games.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30262&page=5&p=1172821#post1172821)
++ Malden Stories - David Armstrong - After Montignac (https://www.si-games.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30262&page=7&p=1183032#post1183032)
++ Malden Stories - David Armstrong - Rescue (https://www.si-games.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30262&page=7&p=1183893#post1183893)
++ Malden Stories - David Armstrong - Undercover (https://www.si-games.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30262&page=7&p=1247181#post1247181)
++ Malden Stories - David Armstrong - Night Patrol (https://www.si-games.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30262&page=7&p=1260152#post1260152)
++ Malden Stories - David Armstrong - Hold Malden (https://www.si-games.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30262&page=7&p=1260449#post1260449)

SteelPanthers WinSPMBT:
+ Verteidigungsfall bei der Panzer Brigade 2 (https://www.si-games.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30262&page=7&p=1279342#post1279342)

Als Begleit-Lektüre empfehlen wir folgende Bücher, man sollte dabei auf jeden Fall "Red Army" lesen damit es nicht zu einseitig wird:

Red Storm Rising (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Storm_Rising)

The ThirdWorld War: The Untold Story (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Third_World_War:_The_Untold_Story)

Team Yankee (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Team_Yankee) 

Red Army (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Army_(novel))

Was wir noch nicht gelesen haben aber auf der Liste steht sind die neuen Bücher zu den "World at War 85"-Brettspielen (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lnlp/storming-the-gap-world-at-war-85/description):

Storming the Gap First Strike (https://smile.amazon.de/Storming-First-Strike-World-English-ebook/dp/B0815WT3F5/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1577546036&sr=1-1-catcorr)

Und dazu noch ein sehr interessanter Weblink warum ein konventioneller Konflikt wenn überhaupt dann um 1985 hätte passieren müssen. 

The war that never was (http://www.alternatewars.com/WW3/the_war_that_never_was.htm)

Weiters gibt es dazu noch eine alte fiktive ZDF-Dokumentation:


Fundstück "Strategische Szenarien im Kalten Krieg"
Eine 3-teilige Videoreihe die wir ganz gut fanden, der 3. Teil deckt die in den JohnTiller-Titeln behandelten 1980er-Jahre ab.


Als musikalische Einstimmung und um schließlich auf den AAR-Titel zurückzukommen noch etwas Musik:


28.12.19, 17:34
Wir freuen uns auf Eure Berichte!


28.12.19, 19:43
Bilden die Spiele die ganze Front Küste bis Österreich wie auf der Karte oder immer nur Teilabschnitte ab?
"2 Kinder sind nicht doppelt so anstrengend wie 1 sondern das steigt exponentiell."
Wir sind noch zu jung für eigene Erfahrungen, aber gibt es denn keine Rationalisierungseffekte? Wir dachten immer, Serienproduktion senkt Kosten. Und kann man nicht das ältere zur Pflege des Jüngeren abrichten?

28.12.19, 21:28
Bilden die Spiele die ganze Front Küste bis Österreich wie auf der Karte oder immer nur Teilabschnitte ab?
"2 Kinder sind nicht doppelt so anstrengend wie 1 sondern das steigt exponentiell."
Wir sind noch zu jung für eigene Erfahrungen, aber gibt es denn keine Rationalisierungseffekte? Wir dachten immer, Serienproduktion senkt Kosten. Und kann man nicht das ältere zur Pflege des Jüngeren abrichten?

Rationalisierungseffekte kommen hoffentlich später...mit 3,5 und 0,5 Jahren kommt es eher zu ungewollten und kritischen Resonanzeffekten...aber lassen wir das jetzt mal beiseite.


Grundsätzlich bilden die Spiele hauptsächlich ihren Frontbereich ab aber DanubeFront85 hat so ein Gesamtszenario und seit dem Gold-Update auch das wahnsinnig gut gemachte Userszenario "Bolt out of the Blue". Dieses hat die am besten recherchierten OOBs der gesamten Serie und soll genial sein - allerdings auch ein Monster an Größe für das wir wohl erst im fernen Ruhestand Zeit hätten.

Der werte SolInvictus hat das sogar mal im Forum begonnen aber leider funktionieren die Bilder kaum mehr...


29.12.19, 22:58
Die von Euch verlinkte fiktive Doku ist ja äußerst interessant. Wollte nur kurz reinschauen und bin daran kleben geblieben. Davon inspiriert habe ich mir dann heute beim Matrix-Sale "Flashpoint Campaigns" geholt...:D

04.02.20, 19:33
Copy 1 of 5

Western TVD GL129812

Reference: Germany Map, 1:100,000 Edition, Central Europe Time Zone Used Throughout: Local

The Warsaw Pact Western TVD will conduct offensive operations in Central Europe NLT 100600JUN85 to liberate Germany & Denmark & force a NATO capitulation.



a. Concept of the Operation
The purpose of this operation is to attack to liberate Germany & Denmark. GSFG, CGF, NGSF, CSLA, PVA & NVA will attack along planned axis to final objectives. The main effort will be the GSFG, with CGF as a supporting effort. The decisive point will be to destroy the enemy‟s first echelon defense line quickly to breakout towards the Rhine, Ruhr & neck of Denmark. Significant to this will be the destruction of the two NATO Army Groups, NORTHAG & CENTAG, to prevent counterattack in our sector. We must maintain momentum throughout the battle area to rapidly attain our goals. The desired endstate will be achieved when we have destroyed the enemy front line divisions, have GSFG elements across the Rhine and PVA elements in Denmark.

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00002.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

05.02.20, 19:07
Office of the Secretary of Defense

23 March 1985

Mr. President,
As part of their annual routine spring exercises, the Warsaw Pact has announced
‘ZAPAD-85’ (West-85) set to commence on 10 June 1985. Attached for your perusal is a map delineating the training areas involved inthis exercise, high-lighted in green.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00003.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Two Soviet Tank Divisions (11th Guards TD & 16th Guards TD) and one Soviet Motorized Rifle Division (35th MRD), as well as one East German Tank Division (9th TD) are to take part in this years’ exercise. There is a possibility that a Polish Division may be involved, though this would be a surprise given the general feeling from the Soviets of unreliability of their armies.

While not the largest exercise ever conducted by the WP, this is certainly a big undertaking and I believe we must remain vigilant during this timeframe.
Our military liaison mission as well as other intelligence assets will be watching this exercise closely. The UK MOD has assured me this year they will pay particular attention to how well bridging operations are conducted, as previously NATO identified a shortfall in WP capabilities for river crossing operations. Additionally, the USAF has been instructed to direct all ELINT assets to east Europe and the Baltic & Byelorussian Military Districts to look for any signs of mobilization or abnormal activity in those areas.

As you know, our Navy will be conducting Operation Ocean Safari-85 vicinity the Azores during the month of May & June. I do not believe these operations will seem provocative in any way to the WP during the ZAPAD-85 exercise. COMNAVFORLANT has assured me he will maintain non-exercising forces at their usual high state of readiness. As a precaution, SSN 674 ‘USS Trepang’ has moved to vicinity Kola Peninsula (beyond the usual NORDKAPP forces) to provide early warning of any Red Banner Northern Fleet activity.

SACEUR has requested that the rotation of soldiers out of Europe be surreptitiously slowed so that he will maintain approximately 99% authorized personnel in theater during the month of June. I have authorized this, as I do not believe it will be picked up on by any foreign intel assets as abnormal. We are using the cover story that the college ‘end of the school year student exodus’ has caused a redirection of civilian air assets that otherwise would have been secondarily involved in our usual troop rotations. I have additionally mandated the ‘grounding’ of the C-141 fleet under the ruse that a critical wing defect must be rectified, thus slowing even further USAREUR troop rotations. In fact, we will be able to conduct a large amount of catch-up maintenance during this downtime which will be crucial if something abnormal in Europe occurs. Air Force PAO has released a statement that the C-141 maintenance will be conducted at Dover, Moody, Andrews, Pope and Otis Air Force bases, which will help consolidate these aircraft all on the east coast.

Mr. President, none of these proposed actions can be construed as offensive on the part of the Soviet Union by the United States. I would request you convene the NSC and follow events daily with a special brief presented by the JCS Chairman General Vessey at 0800 & 1900 daily in the White House Command Room.

Caspar W Weinberger
Secretary of Defense

06.02.20, 18:02
The Stars & Stripes Newspaper
March 29, 1985

West keeps tabs on Soviet mission vehicles

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00004.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
A British military police car follows a vehicle bearing the distinctive license plates of the Soviet Military Liaison Mission on the autobahn between Kassel and Hannover.

DARMSTADT, Germany -- Just as U.S. Military Liaison Mission vehicles are free to roam many areas in East Germany, the Soviet Military Liaison Mission, headquartered in Frankfurt, has specially marked Opel sedans that cruise around West Germany.
The Americans, British and French have reciprocal agreements with the Soviets allowing a limited number of military liaison officers in each other's territory. These Liaison Missions keep tabs on the other side’s actions, precluding any surprise attacks.
The Soviet representatives can travel in the West in cars bearing special license plates with a yellow background, a large black number and a red Soviet flag. The American, British and French missions have special vehicles for travel in East Germany.
The United States is issued 14 passes for travel in East Germany, under authority of the commander of the Group of Soviet Forces Germany, a USAREUR spokesman said. Accredited military members are "guaranteed the right of free travel in East Germany," he said.
To monitor the locations of the Soviet cars and keep tabs on what the Soviets are observing, the United States, Britain and France have special "sighting desks" which receive and keep track of reports of sightings of the Soviet vehicles.
U.S. Army and Air Force members are issued special cards to help identify the cars and report sightings. The cards show an example of the Soviet mission license plate and give instructions about how the Soviets should be treated, emphasizing courtesy and saying that "no force should be used or lives endangered."
A senior Army officer interviewed by the New York Times said he did not have a copy of the Soviet orders to its personnel, but he said he assumes they are similar.

"Generally, as a broad statement, there is an increase" in the number of sightings during exercises, a spokesman for the British Intelligence Security Group said last year. About 3,000 sightings per year are reported in the British zone, where fewer than 10 Soviet liaison officers are assigned, the spokesman said.
In restricted areas, the Soviet cars are not permitted off autobahns -- not even in parking areas -- unless accompanied by U.S., British or French military police, the spokesman said. An exception would be a brief stop to take care of "humanitarian needs," he said.

In non-restricted areas of West Germany, the Soviets can travel freely, he said.
All of the missions exchange maps that show permanent and temporary restricted areas in East and West Germany. The intelligence and security offices for the Army and Air Force also have copies of the maps.
Under certain circumstances, the Soviet cars must be detained if possible, according to the instructions on the card:
+ If the car is in a permanent or temporary restricted area, but not on an autobahn.
+ If the passengers are taking close interest in any military installations, training, vehicles or equipment (such as taking notes, photographing, using binoculars or staying in a military convoy).

The British permanent and temporary restricted areas are protected by special details of military police, the spokesman said. These police monitor the activities of the mission cars.

The American military has no special security forces for the American zone and must rely on reports by military members, an Army spokesman said.

The British zone is in northern Germany, the American in the south and southeast, and the French in the southwest, the British spokesman said.

Military members are asked to report sightings of these vehicles immediately to the U.S. sighting desk, according to the instructions on the card. Reports of sightings in British or French zones are relayed to those nations' sighting desks.

The U.S. sighting desk phone number is military 2311-6066 or civilian 069-151-6066.

07.02.20, 19:11
Associated Press
March 26, 1985

U.S. Protests Soviet Killing of Officer
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00005.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

HEIDELBERG, West Germany -- (AP) -- A Soviet guard shot and killed an American military officer who was unarmed and on a legitimate mission in East Germany, U.S. officials said Monday. The Soviets claimed he was "caught red handed" taking pictures in a restricted area.The Soviets said that their guard fired when the American tried to flee and that other soldiers captured his driver, who was at their vehicle nearby. Each government protested to the other.The shooting occurred Sunday near the East German town of Ludwigslust, about 100 miles northwest of Berlin and about 30 miles from the West German border.
A Pentagon official said he did not know what kind of East German or Soviet installations were in the area but added: "This officer wasn't doing anything he shouldn't have been doing." An official of the State Department said the slain officer "was not in a restricted area."
President Reagan said Maj. Arthur Nicholson Jr. "was doing nothing except what we're entitled to do" when the Russian soldier shot him.

The Soviet Embassy said Nicholson and his driver were in a restricted zone and entered it "despite the presence of clearly visible warning signs in Russian and German."
The Army said Nicholson spoke Russian.
Nicholson wore a camouflage suit and carried a camera used to photograph combat equipment, the Soviet Embassy said. "The officer was caught red-handed by a Soviet sentry guarding that equipment," said the statement by embassy spokesman Vladimir Kulagin. "He did not comply with his orders and, after a warning shot, while attempting to escape, he was killed."

The United States, Britain and France have military liaison offices in East Germany, and the Soviets have three in West Germany, established just after World War II under Allied occupation. Their principal function now is gathering intelligence.
State Department spokesman Bernard Kalb said: "There can be no excuse from the Soviet side for this tragic incident. Any use of force is unjustified" under the military liaison agreement with the Soviets.
Kalb said Oleg Sokolov, a high-ranking Soviet Embassy official, was called to the State Department.

The Soviet Embassy statement said, "The Soviet side lodged a resolute protest in this connection and expressed its regret over the death of the American military officer."

U.S. authorities said the American mission in West Berlin filed a "serious protest" with the Soviets and said an urgent investigation was being conducted.
A diplomatic source in Bonn said neither Nicholson, 37, of West Redding, Conn., nor the driver was armed. The source said the driver was not hurt.
At the White House, spokesman Larry Speakes called the shooting "unwarranted and unjustified" and said a preliminary investigation supported that statement. He refused to give details.
A diplomatic source in West Germany said Nicholson was killed while "doing his job and acting appropriately."
Speakes said President Reagan was awakened early Monday and heard about the shooting from his national security adviser, Robert McFarlane. He said the president did not order any immediate action.

The U.S. Army announced the incident in a brief statement from its Heidelberg headquarters Monday morning. The U.S. diplomatic mission in West Berlin confirmed the incident later Monday.

08.02.20, 13:07





Photograph by BRIXMIS MLM, vicinity Prenzlau, DDR 6 June 1985. Column positively identified as forward logistics element of 5th MRR, 12th MRD (Poland). This unit was followed to DDR training area # 12 (Templin Major Training Area), at which time BRIXMIS had to cease trailing due to unit entering Permanently Restricted Area during daylight hours. BRIXMIS remained at edge of PRA and monitored additional elements of the 12th MRD arriving at Templin MTA #12 over the course of several hours.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00006.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

At night, two BRIXMIS agents penetrated PRA. Photograph of BTR-60 PU Command vehicle of 12th MRD (Polish Army) taken night of 6 June in MTA #12 Templin.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00007.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

08.02.20, 16:47
Wir lieben so ein "framework" um AARs.

Toll gemacht!

Wir wollen uns hier mal nicht mit fremden Federn schmücken, diese Einleitung zum Konflikt stammt aus DanubeFront'85 - einem der Titel die hier gespielt werden. Ideen zu mehr Geschichten hätten wir zwar selbst auch genug aber die liebe Zeit dafür fehlt.

09.02.20, 19:27
Die werten Regenten sehen die Bilder auch nicht mehr oder etwa doch?

Scheint als wäre das Sicherheitszertifikat unserers BildHosters abgelaufen und wir hoffen dass das noch erneuert wird... :(

09.02.20, 20:54
Bilder sind aktuell nicht zu sehen

10.02.20, 19:00
Mittlerweile geht's bei uns wieder, können die Regenten das auch bestätigen?

10.02.20, 21:08





Photograph taken by French MLM, vicinity Rocklitz (grid US490510), DDR 7 June1985. Vehicles positively identified as 2S1 122mm Howitzer’s of organic artillery battalion from 3rd Tank Regiment, 9th Tank Division, 20th GA. This unit was not identified by WP public affairs as taking part in current ZAPAD-85 exercises.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00008.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

10.02.20, 22:45
Ich hoffe dass nicht das komplette AAR in englisch weitergeht.

11.02.20, 17:50
Ich hoffe dass nicht das komplette AAR in englisch weitergeht.

Wird er nicht, er wird abgesehen von dieser Einleitung dem Format unseres Kursk AAR ähneln.

11.02.20, 19:29





Photograph taken by DIA HUMINT asset codename KINGFISHER, vicinity Zielona Gora, Poland, 7 June 1985. Vehicles positively identified as BM-21 Rocket Launchers of 129th Soviet Heavy Artillery Division, 11th Army, Baltic Military District.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00009.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

12.02.20, 19:20





Photograph taken by BRIXMIS MLM, vicinity Teplin Training Area, DDR 7 June1985. Unit positively identified as BTR-60s of 12th MRD (Poland). This photo was taken in training area # 12 (Templin MTA). Unit was organizing for road march at end of western limit of MTA.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00010.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

On 8 June 1985 near Finowfurt, DDR grid VU101505, BRIXMIS MLM photograhed the following movements:

Covered wheeled transport vehicles, possible SCUD, SCALEBOARD or SCARAB SSM launchers, unit unknown, probably Soviet.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00011.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Covered tracked vehicles, possible SP artillery piece, unit/nation unknown.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00012.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

13.02.20, 19:13




Photograph taken by DIA HUMINT asset codename AGILITY, vicinity Kustrin, Poland, 8 June 1985. Vehicles positively identified as T-64A Tank number 551 of 20th Tank Division, NGF. Unit has moved out of cantonment area and into tactical assembly area along DDR/Polish border.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00013.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

14.02.20, 19:37
Office of the Secretary of Defense

8 June 1985

Mr. President,
My staff & I have been working round-the-clock following developments in East Germany. I am becoming alarmed at the amount of war precursors that are being met by the Warsaw Pact at this time.
While the WP made it known what units would conduct “Operation ZAPAD 85”, the level of units involved has quickly exceeded what was published in Red Star & Pravda. We have never seen such a massive influx of military equipment & forces into the DDR as we are seeing right now. Additionally, for the first time ever we are seeing Polish combat units within the DDR – an event that is extremely troubling. The balance of power in the central front is shifting.

Sources on the ground are reporting large amounts of ammunition and fuel being placed in forward dumps – beyond what DIA estimates show is needed to conduct the exercises and/or replenish training stocks.
Additionally, the annual routine spring rotation of GSFG troops has shown abnormal signs. HUMINT sources within the Polish rail system are reporting empty rail carriages returning to the Soviet Union. Russian soldiers who have completed their tour of duty and are scheduled to return home, have not done so.

KH-12 ELINT has shown numerous units not directly involved in the ZAPAD-85 exercise as removing equipment from storage sites and preparing them for use. This is not normal WP procedure. I request from you authorization to conduct SR-71 over-flights of key areas to confirm what we suspect.

You have seen the reports to date on what we are monitoring behind the Inter-German Border. Reports from MI-6 corroborate much of what we know. Our Polish General Staff HUMINT asset, „RUBY‟ has reported that his country has not been given mobilization orders, however he does report massive activity at Soviet posts within his countries‟ borders.

At 14:48GMT a KH-12 satellite pass over the Baltic States will give us a better idea of what is going on within the Western Military Districts. At 19:23GMT a Lacrosse Radar Imaging satellite will pass over the Byelorussian Military District. I have directed all available covert intelligence sources to focus on collection in Eastern Europe.

In the interim, Mr. President, I want to recommend we begin low-key actions to prepare our forces in the event that these WP activities are a precursor to something larger.

I recommend immediately the following:
1. Convene the JCS and begin war-gaming possible WP actions.
2. Implement stop-loss; no soldiers will PSC from Europe until further notice.
3. Redirect two KH-12‟s to pass along the Vistula river basin to examine bridge activity at those choke points.
4. Increase RB-47 SIGINT flights along USSR/WP perimeter.
5. TF 20.5 with the Carrier‟s „America‟ & „JFK‟ terminate exercise „Ocean Safari-85‟ vicinity Azores and steam to the north Atlantic vicinity GIUK.
6. Marine Expeditionary Unit-4 aboard the Nassau will move to vicinity Iceland and be prepared to put ashore to secure assets.
7. SSN‟s „Baton Rouge‟, „Providence‟ & „Skipjack‟ proceed to GIUK line to backstop SOSUS system in case of Red submarine surge.
8. The 2nd & 3rd Brigade, 82nd Airborne join the 1st Brigade on the „Green Ramp‟, i.e. ready for deployment on 18 hours notice. C-141‟s are already pre-positioned at Pope AFB.
9. Military Airlift Command will bring C-5 heavy lift assets to Dover, Otis, Andrews, Moody and Pope Air Force bases to pre-stage in case of REFORGER call.
10. The 4 SL-7 Fast Sealift ships made ready to sail on 48 hours notice.
11. Commander, USAREUR brings his units to 4 hour recall.
12. Commander, III Corps brings his units to 72 hour recall.
13. Commander of 2nd Marine Division, Camp LeJeune bring his unit to 48 hours recall.
14. 1st MAB afloat off Bermuda steam to vicinity Portsmouth, UK.
15. Deploy AWACS to RAF Mildenhall & AWACS to Torrejon Spain.
16. Bring 9th US Air Force to 72 hour recall.

I await your response.

Casper W Weinberger

15.02.20, 12:56




The following have been provided by NRO/CIA for immediate distribution to the NSC. All shots are of Soviet Army facility vic. Ohrdruf, DDR grid PB300205 taken 1200hrs 08JUN85.
Photograph taken by SR-71 of vehicle storage area, PRA #49, Ohrdruf, DDR. SA-13 ADA vehicles being removed from storage and readied for operation.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00014.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

NRO KH-12 overhead shot verifies all vehicles being removed from storage and prepared for use.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00015.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

SR-71 photo of T-64 tanks in assembly area, assuming tactical dispositions.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00016.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

15.02.20, 19:35




The following photo was taken by a US Army Private en-route to his unit in Berlin. He was on the daily train, returning from leave in Paris. Photo was taken at 14:23hrs 8 June 1985.
The tanks are T-80’s with markings obliterated. Additional material is provisioned on the vehicles; we have seen this type of amassing of material before long road marches. The soldier stated these vehicles were located around the vicinity of Kirchmoser, DDR grid UU001203. If correct, this locale is not a training area and this is abnormal. These vehicles do not appear with known ZAPAD-85 exercise markings. DIA information from 23 March 1985 noted no units known to have T-80s would be participating in ZAPAD-85.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00017.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

16.02.20, 12:49





Photograph taken by USMLM, vicinity Haldensleben, DDR 0735hrs 8 June 1985. Vehicle positively identified as tank 810, 1st Battalion, 1st Regiment of 10th GTD. MLM Officer and driver were stopped and detained for 2 hours; camera and all materials were confiscated. Before capture, he took the roll of film out of the camera and replaced it with an empty roll, taking the real roll and hiding it in his skivvies. Both the officer & driver were escorted all the way back to Berlin and declared Persona-Non-Grata in the DDR.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00018.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

16.02.20, 21:00
Eure Einleitungen sind länger als manche AARs ;)

17.02.20, 08:53
Uns beschleicht da so eine Art Vorahnung der Russe hat iiiiirrgeeendwas vor.

17.02.20, 18:02
Eure Einleitungen sind länger als manche AARs ;)

Ihr wäret die erste die sich über ein zu langes Vorspiel beschwert ^^

17.02.20, 21:09




Photograph taken by DIA HUMINT asset codename PERMIT, vicinity Warsaw, Poland, 8 June 1985. Vehicles positively identified as two ZSU-23-4 on first flatcar, with three Fire Control Radar vehicles on two trailing flatcars, NATO code name “PAT HAND”. PERMIT reported that train consisted of 88 flatcars, all with military equipment. Vehicle identification markings are for 11th Guards Army, Baltic Military District, Army level ADA unit.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00019.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

18.02.20, 19:01
Associated Press
June 8, 1985
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00020.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Washington D.C. (AP) For the second day in a row, the Security Council of the President met behind closed doors at the White House. The entire staff and members privy to the briefings have been extremely tight lipped over the subject covered, but White House Press Secretary Larry Speakes was quoted as saying, “the topic and situation are very grave; the President will inform the public as soon as he has concrete information with which to present to the American people.”

Elsewhere, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has requested an emergency meeting with French President François Mitterand; again details are sketchy but unofficial sources in the UK state the issue is over a very large Warsaw Pact training exercise underway in East Germany. Apparently the concern is that the exercise has grown larger than originally announced by the Warsaw Pact, thus raising alarms in western capitals as to what exactly the Soviets and their proxy states’ intentions are.
President Ronald Reagan has stated that he will address the nation tonight at 7pm eastern time.

16:25 hours 8 June 1985
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00021.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Aboard Air Force One (AP) Ronald Reagan, pictured here with Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger, is being briefed by General Jumpers on the military situation around the world. He is on his way to London to meet with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, French President Francois Mitterrand and West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl about the growing crisis in Central Europe.

Sources in the Pentagon have expressed concern with recent developments in Europe. Apparently the annual Warsaw Pact spring training maneuvers, named “ZAPAD-85” this year, have grown to a size much larger than originally envisioned. “In fact,” said one military officer on condition of anonymity, “we‟ve never seen anything on this scale before in history. This has got to be big; you don‟t just mobilize 300,000 men and all their equipment without it having a serious repercussion on your economy.” He went on, “We know that; the Russians know that. Their economy will suffer for months, maybe years to come afterwards. You only make massive mobilizations when you intend to do something „big‟. What that big is, we are still trying to figure out…” he concluded.

President Reagan is still scheduled to address the nation tonight, at 8 pm EST. It appears it will be an unprecedented briefing, directly from Air Force One.

19.02.20, 19:34
20:30 8 June 1985

Verbatim transcript from Air Force One:

“My fellow Americans,
Tonight I come to you from Air Force One, high above the Atlantic Ocean. I wish I could say I have good news, but I do not.

At this very moment the forces of evil, of tyranny, and of oppression, are massing along the bulwark of free West Germany, intent on one thing; the abduction – no, the rape - of the freedom of the people of western Europe. We are quickly spiraling towards a confrontation between NATO and the WARSAW PACT.

What the Soviet Union and its puppet regimes have failed to realize time and again, is that governments imposed by totalitarianism have NO legitimacy. Regimes planted by bayonets do not take root.

Sir Winston Churchill refused to accept the inevitability of war or even that it was imminent. He said, "I do not believe that Soviet Russia desires war. What they desire is the fruits of war and the indefinite expansion of their power and doctrines; but what we have to consider here…is the permanent prevention of war and the establishment of conditions of freedom and democracy as rapidly as possible in all countries”.

Well, this is precisely our mission: to preserve freedom as well as peace. We will not relinquish one to maintain the other; they are as inviolate as life itself; totalitarian forces in the world who seek subversion and conflict around the globe to further their barbarous assault on the human spirit, will not prevail!

We are staunch in our conviction that freedom is not the sole prerogative of a lucky few, but the inalienable and universal right of all human beings.
I am appealing to the people of the Soviet Union to use their heads; you cannot defeat an idea; you cannot destroy a dream. Democracy will always prevail.

Tonight on the NATO line, our military forces face east to prevent a possible invasion. On the other side of the line, the Soviet forces also face east to prevent their people from leaving. If they turn west, it is only to continue the farce and folly of their corrupt, inept system and subjugation of their peoples.

Mr. Gorbachev, the decision is yours - but make no mistake of our resolution. As one of America’s great forefathers, Patrick Henry, once said, “Give me liberty, or give me death.” We, the free people of the west, will choose a fight to the death over subjugation by communist tyranny.

20.02.20, 20:00
09:00GMT 9 June 1985

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00022.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

President Ronald Reagan addresses the House of Lords shortly before departing back to America.

In his speech, he reiterated his comments of his national address. Reports are that he and Mrs. Thatcher met for 4 hours last night; this morning they met with Presidents’ Mitterrand of France & Kohl of West Germany to discuss NATO defense.

On one thing Mr. Reagan was adamant; “the United States will treat an attack on any NATO nation as an attack on American soil, and the enemy will suffer the full might of American retaliatory capabilities”...

When asked if this included Nuclear Weapons, President Reagan stated, “we aren’t ruling anything out, but I can tell you one thing I am ruling in, and that is a chance to make Moscow glow if it comes to that.”

21.02.20, 19:34
Office of the Secretary of Defense

9 June 1985

Mr. President,
Commander, Group of Soviet Forces Germany has announced that US, French & UK Military Liaison Mission (MLM) personnel are restricted to facilities & forbidden to leave.
DDR Grenztruppen (border police militia) have cordoned off the grounds of each nation’s facility. We have lost contact with 9 of 10 MLM teams operating in the DDR; we assume they have been rounded up, fate unknown.

The remaining team from BRIXMIS, has so far eluded capture and is in radio contact with BAOR HQ. Their last report was of massive numbers of combat vehicles seen leaving the Altengrabow training area, heading west towards the IGB.

A KH-12 ELINT pass over the Baltic was unsuccessful at gathering any information; the Baltic is socked in with 78% cloud cover.

The LaCrosse pass over Byelorussia produced good results; we can confirm the 5th Guards Tank Army is mobilizing. The airfield at Pskov has many An-12 Cub air transports on the runway, with ranks of soldiers seen along the tarmac. We assume this is an airborne division preparing for operations.

An SR-71 pass over the Vistula basin confirms major rail traffic in Poland.

Our Polish General Staff HUMINT asset, ‘RUBY’ has reported that his country has now been given mobilization orders, with the 1st and 4th Polish Armies to move into the DDR to assembly areas prior to combat operations. He has also reported that the Soviet Army has assumed many command positions within the Polish Army.

Casper W Weinberger

22.02.20, 13:17
12:30GMT 9 June 1985
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00023.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

General Vessey, JCS Chief & Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger confer before speaking to a closed session of congress on the crisis in Europe.Unconfirmed reports are circulating that the superpowers are on a collision course for war. The Pentagon has activated several Army & Air National Guard units, mobilized the Ready Reserve Fleet and implemented the Return of Forces to Germany (REFORGER) plan.

Spokesmen for Pan-American Airlines & Braniff Airways have expressed support for the proposed nationalization of the civilian air fleet in support of deploying forces to Europe. Mr. Oakley, President of Braniff was quoted as saying, “well hell yeah, if this means we get to give those red bastards a good throttling, then I am all for using my here planes to get our boys to Germany.”

The latest news is that a MiG-23 pilot has defected to Norway; he is being debriefed now, but rumors around Washington are that he is claiming invasion is imminent.

22.02.20, 19:01



Photograph of MiG-23BN whose pilot defected to Norway on 9 June 1985. Pilot stated WP invasion ‘G-Day’ was 10 June, with H Hour set for 0600. Pilot flew from Kola Peninsula, Pechenga, Air Base to Bodo, Norway.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00024.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

22.02.20, 19:55
dann gehts ja bald los

23.02.20, 13:18
Office of the Secretary of Defense

9 June 1985

Mr. President,
I believe we have received confirmation of WP intentions.
At 18:54 GMT a Russian pilot in a Mig-23 defected to Norway. He was emphatic that his command was preparing for war. He stated that G Day is 10 June and H Hour is 0600.
That is less than 24 hours away. Mr. President, the time to act is now.

I recommend immediately the following:
1. SAC goes to DEFCON 2; alert bombers go to fail-safe positions.
2. The Vice President heads to Mt. Weather alternate command post immediately.
3. Gold crews on shore leave recalled and all SSBN’s put to sea.
4. Alert REFORGER units. First REFORGER arrives as early as June 14th.
5. Nationalize the civilian airlines to assist in REFORGER.
6. Activate the Marine Sealift Command.
7. Disperse all non-strategic Air Force aircraft to civilian air-ports, alternate air-fields and deployment locations.
8. Alert the Army National Guard, Air National Guard and Naval Reserves.
9. Have all European based units execute the GDP.
10. Return dependents to CONUS.
11. Activate sleeper cells behind the Iron Curtain to execute partisan operations.
12. Deploy the remainder of the 10th SF to Europe, and have them prepared to go behind lines to report troop movements & conduct raids.
13. Deploy conventional capable B-52’s & F-111’s to Lankenheath AFB, UK; Deploy the two squadrons of F-117s to Torrejon AFB Spain.
14. Disperse Pershing II’s & GLCM’s in Europe to hide positions.
15. Reset Permissive Action Links to ‘Launch on Warning’ for all nuclear warheads.
16. You go to NEACAP now.

History will judge us for our inaction, not our actions.

Casper W Weinberger

24.02.20, 19:06

Copy 1 of 8 copies
SACEUR GL129812 09 1600 JUN 85

Reference: Germany Map, 1:250,000 Edition, Central Europe Time Zone Used Throughout: Local (Zulu)


6th PzG Div (FRG)
Jytland Div (DK)

I Korps (FRG)
1 Korps (NL)
I Corps (BE)

VII Army (US)
II Korps (FRG)
III Korps (FRG)

4th Bde (CDN)
101st Inf Bde (NL)
1st Army (FR)
III Corps (US)XVIII ABN Corps (US)


a. Enemy Forces.

(1) Disposition, Composition, Strength:

(a) Disposition. The Western TVD of the Warsaw Pact is conducting offensive operations to seize key terrain and destroy NATO forces in the Central Europe Sector. Approximately 9 WP Armies organized into 2 Fronts are expected to try and force the situation and break through NATO lines to reach deep into the FRG & Western Europe, forcing a political surrender.

It is believed that the 2 Fronts will attempt to seize crossing sites on the Rhine & Ems Rivers within the next 72 hours. It is believed the GSFG will attack as the main effort in the NORTHAG sector, while the CGF will attack as a supporting effort into Bavaria. In the far north, the 5th German & 1st Polish Armies will attack on an axis from Schwerin through Schleswig towards Denmark. In the mid-north, around Hannover, the 2nd Guards Tank, 3rd Shock & 20th Guards Armies will attack with an ultimate objective of reaching the Ems River and beyond. In the central sector around Fulda, the 3rd German & 8th Guards Army‟s will attack to reach the Rhine River with a possible follow-on Polish Army. In the South, the 1st Guards Tank, 1st Czech & Central Group of Forces will attack through Nurnberg to reach the Rhine & French border. The 4th Czech will probably advance on the southern-most shoulder to screen the Alps for Italian intervention. If the enemy is successful in penetrating NATO lines along any of those axes, we may see a second echelon of the 11th or 5th Guards Armies‟ pass through as well, in an attempt to reinforce that success.

Additionally, we may see several airborne divisions drop along the Weser, Dortmund Ems, Rhine, Main and Danube River basin bridges in an attempt to capture intact crossings in order to maintain momentum for the advancing WP Armies.

(b) Composition.
The Western TVD consists of 2 Fronts, the GSFG & CGF.
The GSFG consists of at least 5 Armies. The CGF consists of 4 Armies. Follow on forces are unconfirmed but expected to be the NGF, 11th GA, 5th GTA & Maritime assets.
The Western TVD will additionally have at its disposal the 7th, 76th & 106th Gds Airborne Divisions, two Gds Air Assault Brigades, Spetznaz Brigades and a Raydoviki Battalion.

The Soviet 16th Air Army (800+ fighter/bombers), a DDR Luftwaffe Division (70+ fighter/bombers), Polish Air Force Division (100+ fighter/bombers) and Czech Air Force (90+fighter/bombers) will be in direct support of the Western TVD.

(c) Strength. Estimated strength of each of the WP Armies is 99% strength in vehicles and 100% strength in personnel. Expect to see this number dwindle as NATO air interdiction attrits follow on forces.

(2) Enemy Capabilities.

(a) Enemy is capable of employing chemical munitions. Enemy can gain local air superiority for short periods of time to allow airborne drops over battle area. Mechanized forces will move through the area quickly if allowed. Second Echelon forces will follow successful penetration of lines and exploit to deep objectives. 3x Airborne Divisions and many Air Assault Brigades are available to strike deep in support.

(3) Most Probable Course Of Action.

(a) TVD level: Initially, the GSFG will focus on opening the North German Plain region to reach the Ems River, Ruhr region & beyond. If successful, expect to see follow on forces pass through these areas deep into Holland, Belgium & France. The CGF will focus on opening the route from Hof & Cheb through Nurnberg & Regensburg to the Rhine as a secondary attack and alternate route for follow on forces if NATO holds fast in the north or central sectors.

(b) ARMY level: Enemy Army Recon Companies will move approximately 45 to 60 km in front of their Army. They will recon a main axis of advance and try to identify our defensive locations, main obstacles, roads/bypass routes and find undefended crossing points over water obstacles. They will attempt to pass through the front line and move deep into our rear area. Expect to see enemy Attack Helicopter (Mi24‟s) units protecting attack routes as well.

The WARPAC Divisions will organize into Regimental sized elements that will typically advance with two regiments abreast on two separate axes, with a third regiment following behind one of the two lead regiments, to exploit success. These units will remain in „travel‟ or „march‟ mode until contact is imminent. Once a regiment makes contact, it will deploy into combat formation and try to develop the situation rapidly. If the defense is stiff, the follow-on regiment will attempt to maneuver to either flank of the regiment in contact and hit the defending unit in the flank. The RAG and DAG will deploy as far forward as possible in order to bring the full power of the Division‟s artillery to bear. Army Level Troops will move forward to assist the Divisions in their attacks.

(4) Most Dangerous Course Of Action.

(a) The Western TVD commits the main effort in the North German Plain, and ruptures our line, allowing follow on forces to reach deep into NATO territory.

b. Friendly Forces

(1) NATO defends in sector to block enemy movement westward. The purpose of this operation is to prevent the capture of the Ruhr basin by the initial WARPAC thrust. Additionally, we must be prepared to defeat second echelon forces. Finally, we must preserve NATO combat strength so that future counter-offensive operations may be conducted to destroy the enemy wholesale. We want the enemy‟s main effort to push into the Hannover – Braunschweig area where we will hold the main attack. Counter-attacks can then be initiated by US, UK & French forces. At the end of the fight, NATO will remain in the defense, and should still retain control of the Central Front, with forward elements regaining control of their sectors up to the IGB to prepare to fight a second battle with follow on echelons, or take the war to the enemy by counter-attacking into East Germany. Critical to this operation will be our ability to rapidly destroy enemy forces in the NORTHAG sector so that III US Corps (US REFORGER) can counter-attack.


NATO defends in sector to block enemy movement westward NLT 0100HRS 10 JUNE 1985 to prevent the capture of the Rhine Basin and force a political surrender. On Order, conduct counter-attacks to stabilize the situation and destroy the enemy wholesale.


a. Concept of the Operation

25.02.20, 19:03
Associated Press
09:00 EST 10 June 1985

Air & ground forces of the Warsaw Pact began combat operations today against the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Battles have been reported from Denmark to the Austrian border.

In a prepared statement from the Kremlin, it was declared ‘necessary to free the oppressed people of Western Europe from their capitalist governments’.

In an impressive display of solidarity, the nations of NATO & France have committed themselves to defending freedom in all of Western Europe, against the communists.

26.02.20, 12:49
Aufregend. Als Österreicher suchen Wir schon mal eine weiße Flagge.

26.02.20, 19:27
Aufregend. Als Österreicher suchen Wir schon mal eine weiße Flagge.

Also das können wir natürlich so nicht stehenlassen.

Wie wir hier (https://www.si-games.com/forum/showthread.php?t=24453&p=823340#post823340) schon mal ausgeführt haben hätten wir alles daran gesetzt den WP zumindest für 2-3 Tage am Durchbruch zu hindern um der NATO die Zeit zu geben auf diese Flanke zu reagieren. Es bestand immer die Gefahr dass die NATO ansonsten taktische Nuklearwaffen macht um einen dortigen Durchbruch abzuriegeln und vor allem war der Plan auch zur Abschreckung gedacht. Wenn es ernsthaft Zeit und Kräfte brauchen würde um durch Österreich zu stoßen warum dann überhaupt versuchen?

Die Bilder im verlinkten Eintrag funktionieren leider nicht mehr richtig aber falls wir im Rahmen dieses AARs das Oberösterreich-Szenario nochmal spielen werden wir das nochmal aufbereitet hier posten.

Zum Thema fanden wir auch das ganz interessant:


26.02.20, 20:44
Im NVA Forum hat mal ein Raketenoffizier berichtet, dass das Erste was sie in der Ausbildung eingetrichtert bekommen haben, "Ein Atomkrieg ist führbar" war.

26.02.20, 21:15
Puh. Ist beides offenbar nicht abwegig. Auf die Schnelle fanden Wir zu den Hinweisen von Kulik und Zahn die folgende Schilderung schauriger Szenarien:


26.02.20, 21:43
Ob und wann Atomwaffen laut WP-Strategie eingesetzt werden hat sich über die Jahre gewandelt. Vereinfacht gesagt haben sie ab einem gewissen militärischen Rückstand nur mehr diesen Weg gesehen.

Dazu passend der auch im ersten Post verlinkte Artikel:

27.02.20, 15:12
Amateur. Uns wurde beim Öst. Bundesheer noch geraten: In Graben springen, Hände über den Kopf, bis 100 zählen. Dann Kampfhandlungen wieder aufnehmen. ABC-Plane. Pfff. Verweichlichtes Gemüse. Kein Wunder, dass wir mit solchen Memmen beide Kriege verloren haben.

27.02.20, 15:16
Nachtrag: Soweit wir gelesen haben, verdankt Österreich seine Freiheit dem Umstand, dass die Sowjets die schwer zugänglichen Alpen (die lagen nach 1945 in den Zonen der Westallierten) lieber in Händen der Österreicher als der NATO gesehen hat. Insofern verzichtete man auf die Sowjetzone, um im Kriegsfall leichteres Spiel beim Durchbruch durch die Alpen zu haben.

27.02.20, 15:47
Bin mir jetzt nicht ganz sicher, wie weit wir noch aus einem Graben krabbeln würden,
wenn 180dB den Kopf gesprengt haben, die thermische Welle mit 3000° über uns hinweggefegt ist und der kleine Windstoß mit 400 km/h abgeebbt ist.
Aber wir sind vermutlich eine der erwähnten Memmen... :DWir dachten, Ihr währt in dem Fall da oben rumgeflattert und hättet Euch nur Sorgen um den EMP machen müssen?^^

27.02.20, 19:35
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Der Stoß durch Schleswig-Holstein am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO 

Northern Germany, June 10th 1985: Shots rang out all along the frontier as units ofthe Warsaw Pact began crossing into West Germany. The first NATO organized
resistance came in this sector where elements of the 6th Panzer Grenadier Division
were tasked with the protection of the province of Schleswig-Holstein and the land
gateway to Denmark. The first major city in the west, Hamburg, lay before the
advancing 94th Guards Motorized Rifle, but the big cities did not matter to Soviets.
The dual task of this division was the secure the bridges over the Elbe, at
Geesthacht and over the Neetze Canal, before the division was to turn northward
leading the drive into Denmark.  

[Screenshots vom Ende des Zugs weil wir die zweite Seite spielen]

[ACHTUNG: Sämtliches Karten-Material ist leicht gedreht mit NW oben]

T00 of 10 - 0600 am 10.06.1985 - Sicht 3 Meilen:  
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0001.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)      


# Feindliche Kräfte:
+ verstärkte 94.GdMotSchDiv

# Vermutete Absicht:
+ Durchstoßen der NATO-Linie zwischen Luebeck und Lauenburg, es wird davon ausgegangen dass der WP große Städte wie Luebeck meidet
+ Einnahme der wichtigen Knotenpunkte bei Glinde und Gesthacht
+ Weiterer Vorstoß auf Dänemark durch Bad Oldesloe

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0002.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)



# Eigene Kräfte:
+ 17.PzGrenBde einsatzbereit und in Zügen und Kompanien verteilt im gesamten Raum zwischen Luebeck und Lauenburg
+ 16.PzGrenBde noch nicht einsatzbereit im Raum dahinter
+ 7.PzGrenBde noch nicht einsatzbereit bei Hamburg
+ 8.PzBde noch nicht einsatzbereit bei Lueneburg

# Absicht:
+ Der Elbe-Luebeck-Kanal kann nicht mehr vor den Feindtruppen erreicht werden, darum bleibt die 17.PzGrenBde verteilt um feindlichen Schwerpunkt zu erkennen
+ Verzögernde Kampfführung auf ganzer Linie, einsatzbereite Truppen werden je nach Feindlage eingesetzt

(Major Victory)

28.02.20, 19:07
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Der Stoß durch Schleswig-Holstein am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO 

T01 of 10 - 0600 bis 0900 am 10.06.1985 - Sicht 3 Meilen:    
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0003.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)        


# Helikopter-Aufklärung westlich Elbe-Luebeck-Kanal fast entlang der ganzen Front

# Kampfhubschrauber vernichten 1 Leopard der 17.PzGrenBde



# Raum Luebeck: Langsames zurückgehen auf Westseite des Kanals; Bekämpfen der sowj. Transport-Heli ohne großen Erfolg
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0004.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Glinde: Pz bekämpfen Kampfhubschrauber, ein Hind abgeschossen; Truppen ohne Feindkontakt verbessern Stellungen
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0005.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Geesthacht: Kein Feindkontakt, Truppen beziehen bessere Stellungen und sichern Geesthacht gegen Luftlandung; Rest verbessert Stellungen
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0006.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

(Major Victory)

28.02.20, 21:25
Ist das bei Ratzeburg einfach eine größere Brücke oder hat da wer eine Kriegsbrücke geschlagen?

Keine Kriegsbrücke, müssten wir mal googeln wie das in echt aussieht. Oder einer der Regenten aus dieser Gegend gibt und einen Einblick.

28.02.20, 23:49
Ein Blick auf Ratzeburg sollte schnell klar machen, was hier simuliert werden soll:


01.03.20, 10:12
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Der Stoß durch Schleswig-Holstein am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO 

T02 of 10 - 0900 bis 1200 am 10.06.1985 - Sicht 3 Meilen:     
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0007.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)        


# Hohe dt. Verluste durch sowj.Luftwaffe

# HeliAufklärung Richtung Bad Oldesloe, gefolgt von mehreren MotSchBaon nordwestlich Berkenthin

# HeliAufklärung bis Geesthacht und Wentorf

# Pz und MotSchBaon stoßen auf Richtung Glinde



# Raum Luebeck: Zurückgehende PzJg stoßen auf FeindPz knapp vor Reinfeld nur wenige Meilen vor Bad Oldensloe; alle verfügbaren Kräfte sowie Ari-Minen werden in deren Weg geworfen; PzJg und PzGren auf Ostseite des Elbe-Luebeck-Kanals werden eingesetzt um Feindlinien zu stören;
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0008.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Glinde: Langsames zurückgehen, z.T. in vorbereitete Stellungen
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0009.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Geesthacht: Kein Feindkontakt, Truppen beziehen bessere Stellungen und sichern Geesthacht gegen Luftlandung;  

(Major Victory)

02.03.20, 09:34
Könnt Ihr Brücken sprengen? Oder PzSperren auf den Straßen anbringen, um den Feind zu verzögern?

02.03.20, 19:30
Könnt Ihr Brücken sprengen? Oder PzSperren auf den Straßen anbringen, um den Feind zu verzögern?

Hätten wir Zeit und Pioniere ginge das aber würde nicht viel bringen. Das einzige sperrende Wasserhindernis auf der Karte ist der Kanal über den die Sowjets schon drüber sind. Die kleineren Flüsse können durchquert werden und kosten nur mehr Bewegungspunkte also Zeit.

02.03.20, 21:02
Dithmarschen fluten, Danewerk besetzen. :D

03.03.20, 21:48
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Der Stoß durch Schleswig-Holstein am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO 

T03 of 10 - 1200 bis 1500 am 10.06.1985 - Sicht 3 Meilen:     
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/PBEM_0033_0010.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)        


# Sowj. Pz vernichten 2 JaguarZüge bei Reinfeld und 1 bei Molln

# MotSchBaon stoßen aus Berkenthin Richtung Reinfeld/Bad Oldesloe nach

# KampfHeli in Gefechten im Raum Glinde und ziehen wieder ab

# Dt. Luftwaffe verursacht einige Ausfälle bei Angriffen auf Kolonnen hinter Front



#  3.FlakBaon, 16.PzGrenBde, 190.PzAbwRgt und 8.PzBde jetzt einsatzbereit

# Raum Luebeck: Alle Frischen und verlegten Kräfte werden bei Reinfeld/Bad Oldensloe zusammengezogen um Durchbruch zu verhindern; Gefechte mit hohen eigenen Verlusten
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/PBEM_0033_0011.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Glinde: Kein Feindkontakt darum wird wieder vorgefühlt und Luftwaffe fliegt Aufklärung; Glinde durch frisches PzGrenBaon gesichert
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/PBEM_0033_0012.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Geesthacht: Frische Truppen der 8.PzBde werden Richtung Geesthacht und Lauenburg angesetzt; KampfHeli zur Aufklärung und Störung des sowj. Aufmarschs eingesetzt
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/PBEM_0033_0013.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

(Major Victory)

07.03.20, 13:56
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Der Stoß durch Schleswig-Holstein am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO 

T04 of 10 - 1500 bis 1800 am 10.06.1985 - Sicht 3 Meilen:     
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0014.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)        


# Hohe dt. InfVerluste durch Ari

# PzGrenZug bei Molln von FeindPz aufgerieben

# Harte Gefechte mit hohen Verlusten von Berkenthin bis Reinfeld

# LuftlandeInf landet in Geesthacht, MotSch erreichen Außenbezirk der Stadt



# 7.PzGrenBde einsatzbereit

# Raum Luebeck: Verzögernder Kampf auf Bad Oldesloe, frische Kräfte aus Hamburg werden Feind entgegengeworfen
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0015.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Glinde: Hier weiterhin kein Feindvorstoß, Pz versuchen in Flanke des sowj. Angriffs auf Bad Oldensloe anzugreifen
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0016.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Geesthacht: Pz aus Lueneberg erreichen rechtzeitig Geesthacht zur Verteidigung, weitere Panzer greifen trotz FeindHeli nachgezogene sowj. Ari an; FlakBaon im Einsatz gegen LuftlandeInf und KampfHeli
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0017.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

(Major Victory)

11.03.20, 21:02
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Der Stoß durch Schleswig-Holstein am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO 

T05 of 10 - 1800 bis 2100 am 10.06.1985 - Abenddämmerung, Sicht 1 Meile:     
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0018.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)        


# Weiter dt. Verluste an Inf und Pz durch Ari

# Harte Gefechte Richtung Bad Oldesloe, dt. PzBaon fast eingeschlossen

# Gesthacht von Pz und MotSch eingeschlossen, hohe dt. InfVerluste



# Luftwaffe wird zum wiederholten Male von sowj. FlaRak abgewehrt

# Raum Luebeck: Weiter verzögernder Kampf Richtung Bad Oldesloe aber sehr starke sowj. Verbände und kein Raum mehr für Rückzüge
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0019.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Glinde: Pz und KampfHeli stoßen in Flanke und Rücken des sowj. Angriffs, finden Ari die bekämpft wird, stört hoffentlich Nachziehen der starken Ari
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0020.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Geesthacht: Flak bekämpft erfolgreich KampfHeli; Lage in Geesthacht ernst bis kritisch, frische Kräfte werden herangeführt aber zahlenmäßig unterlegen; Pz und PzGren versuchen Versorgung der sowj. Verbände abzuschneiden indem sie Straßen in ihrem Rücken besetzen und FeindAri ausschalten
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0021.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

(Major Victory)

12.03.20, 07:44
Halbzeit und die Russkis stehen kurz vorm Kartenrand... sieht nicht so rosig aus. Wie groß ist denn der Maßstab der Karte? Sieht ja aus, als wären die Roten in einem Tag trotz Kampfhandlungen 100-200 Km vorgerückt.

Jetzt wünscht man sich als dt. Soldat das Abtauschverhältnis von Opis Zeiten wieder her, hm? :D

12.03.20, 11:28
Von Bad Oldesloe (Kartenrand) nach Ratzeburg (wo die Gefechte mit der Artillerie stattfinden) sind es Luftlinie rund 25 km

Wenn Das schwarze auf der Karte die ursprüngliche grenze darstellt sind die Russen knapp 20km vorgerückt.

12.03.20, 12:26
Warum ist der Westen so schlecht vorbereitet?

Alith Anar
12.03.20, 12:31
Warum ist der Westen so schlecht vorbereitet?

"Von der Sowjetunion lernen, heißt siegen lernen!"
Und natürlich weil die Sowjetunion und der Warschauer Pakt keinen Angriffskrieg führen, sondern einen Verteidigungskrieg. Sie verteidigen nur Ihre Besitzungen bis zur Atlantikküste, die der westliche faschistische Imperialist besetzt hat.

12.03.20, 12:52
Von Bad Oldesloe (Kartenrand) nach Ratzeburg (wo die Gefechte mit der Artillerie stattfinden) sind es Luftlinie rund 25 km

Wenn Das schwarze auf der Karte die ursprüngliche grenze darstellt sind die Russen knapp 20km vorgerückt.

Danke. Das klingt dann weniger tragisch. Wir sind auf die Verluste beider Seiten gespannt. Und ob der Angriff nochmal verlangsamt werden kann.

12.03.20, 13:16
https://i.ibb.co/mb4RFhJ/disrupted.png (https://imgbb.com/)

Diese 6 Jungs, die die dritte Kompanie darstellen, sind lediglich "disrupted". So einen unglaublich dummen Uffz hatten wir mal als Gruppenführer.

12.03.20, 13:36
Irrtum. Es kommt auf die 6 Jungs an. Hier das Foto der Burschen.

https://share-your-photo.com/img/2ee981254e_album.jpg (https://share-your-photo.com/2ee981254e)

Der Krieg ist gewonnen.

13.03.20, 19:36
Also 1 Hex entspricht einer Meile und ein Zug 3 Stunden.

Der schnelle Vorstoß des WP ist schon beeindruckend aber seine Ziele sind auch hoch gesteckt. Für Geesthacht haben wir zwar wenig Hoffnung aber durch unsere Linien bei Bad Oldensloe muss er erstmal durchbrechen und dann noch genügend Truppen weiterschicken (von der Karte schicken) um einen Sieg zu gewinnen.

15.03.20, 22:17
Denkt daran, das Atomkraftwerk in Geesthacht abzuschalten. :D

19.03.20, 12:13
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Der Stoß durch Schleswig-Holstein am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO 

T06 of 10 - 2100 bis 0300 am 10.06.1985 - Nacht, Sicht 1 Meile:     
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0022.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)        


# Vorstoß auf breiter Front Richtung Bad Oldesloe, heftige Gefechte mit hohen Verlusten

# Geesthacht nach heftigen Kämpfen eingenommen, überlebende dt. Panzer ziehen sich nach Westen zurück

# Nachziehende Ari von dt. Pz und KampfHeli angegriffen



# Raum Luebeck: Feuergefechte mit Feindkräften, Linie muss möglichst lange halten; Südlich Bad Oldesloe wird Line verkürzt;
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0023.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Glinde: Pz und KampfHeli stören weiterhin nachziehen feindlicher Ari; Hohe HeliVerluste durch FeindFlak
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0024.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Geesthacht: Rückzug Richtung Hamburg; Kräfte im Rücken des Feinds stören Versorgung und greifen Ari an, einige Verluste durch KampfHeli
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0025.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

(Major Victory)

23.03.20, 12:24
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Der Stoß durch Schleswig-Holstein am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO 

T07 of 10 - 0300 bis 0600 am 11.06.1985 - Morgendämmerung, Sicht 1 Meile:     
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0026.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)        


# Hohe dt. InfVerluste durch starke Ari

# Vor Bad Oldesloe Angriff auf breiter Front, dt. Linie um 1 Meile zurückgeworfen, hohe Verluste

# Flak jagt und vernichtet dt. KampfHeli hinter Front



# Luftwaffe greift vor Bad Oldensloe FeindPz an aber ohne großeWirkung

# Raum Luebeck: Feuergefechte und verzweifelte Versuche die Linie zu halten
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0027.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Glinde: Pz und KampfHeli versuchen weiterhin FeindAri hinter Front zu stören aber Wirkung gering
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0028.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Geesthacht: Aufklärung auf Stadt zeigt starke Verteidigungskräfte, Gegenangriff sinnlos - mobile Kräfte werden Richtung Bad Oldesloe geschickt
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0029.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

(Major Victory)

30.03.20, 13:06
Das HQ der 17. PzBrig hat 92% der Einsatzbereitschaft und ist disrupted? Was sind denn das für Memmen?

30.03.20, 13:42
Nun, der gesamte Stab fragt sich, wieso der Herr General 1985 bereits eine Flecktarnuniform trägt. Das ist für die Fashionistas der Panzergrenadierbrigade 17 Grund für Verwirrung.

31.03.20, 11:59
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Der Stoß durch Schleswig-Holstein am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO 

T08 of 10 - 0600 bis 0900 am 11.06.1985 - Sicht 3 Meilen:     
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0030.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)        


# Hohe dt. Verluste bei Bad Oldesloe durch sowj. Ari und Luftwaffe sowie Feuergefechte, Feindtruppen stehen jetzt direkt vor Stadt

# Starke Ari-Stellungen südlich von Bad Oldesloe



# Raum Luebeck: Verzweifelter Abwehrkampf um Bad Oldesloe, hohe eigene Verluste; Weitere Kräfte der 8.PzDiv kommen in linker Flanke des Feinds an;
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0031.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Glinde:   Pz und KampfHeli versuchen weiterhin FeindAri hinter Front zu stören aber Wirkung gering
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0032.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Geesthacht: Stadt wird Feind überlassen, mobile Kräfte werden Richtung Bad Oldesloe geschickt
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0033.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

(Major Victory)

31.03.20, 14:11
Danke für die Fortsetzung.

Ist es nicht sinnvoller, die Einheiten entlang der Linie westlich von Mölln-Berkenthin-Reinfeld etwas weiter nach Westen zu verlegen, in die Wälder bzw. hinter die Brücken rund um Trittau ("Frittau" auf der Karte)?

31.03.20, 14:38
Ist es nicht sinnvoller, die Einheiten entlang der Linie westlich von Mölln-Berkenthin-Reinfeld etwas weiter nach Westen zu verlegen, in die Wälder bzw. hinter die Brücken rund um Trittau ("Frittau" auf der Karte)?

Das Szenario ist so gut wie um.
Unser Gegner kann nur genug Siegpunkte erreichen indem er jetzt massenweise Einheiten über Bad Oldesloe "von der Karte schickt", es gibt außer bei Glinde sonst keine Ziele mehr für ihn und dort sind es auch zu wenig Punkte. Unsere abgekämpften Einheiten brauchen wir also nicht zur Schonung zurückziehen sondern sie müssen versuchen zumindest das Abziehen der Ari zu verhindern um deren Punkte zu verwehren.
Wir rechnen damit dass der Gegner im nächsten Zug Bad Oldesloe nimmt und dann hat er noch einen um alles dorthin zu werfen.

02.04.20, 08:52
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Der Stoß durch Schleswig-Holstein am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO 

T09 of 10 - 0900 bis 1200 am 11.06.1985 - Sicht 3 Meilen:     
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0034.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)        


# Heftige Gefechte um Bad Oldesloe,Stadt noch in NATO-Hand aber von 3 Seiten eingeschlossen

# Ari und Unterstützungstruppen werden nachgezogen



# Raum Luebeck: Unter hohen Verlusten wird versucht sowj. Angriffsspitze vor Bad Oldesloe zu schwächen, gelingt nur teilweise; Stadt noch in deutscher Hand

# Raum Glinde: Truppen aus diesem Einsatzraum sind ostwärts Bad Oldesloe im Einsatz um nachgezogene Feindtruppen in Rücken und rechte Flanke zu fallen und verzögern

# Raum Geesthacht: Truppen aus diesem Einsatzraum sind südlich Bad Oldesloe beim Angriff in linke Flanke des Feinds, können schwachen Keil zwischen Spitzentruppen und nachziehenden Elementen drängen

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0035.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

(Major Victory)

02.04.20, 12:15
nur noch ein Zug - können die Russen noch gewinnen?

02.04.20, 13:21
nur noch ein Zug - können die Russen noch gewinnen?

Sie werden wohl sicher Bad Oldesloe nehmen können von dort Truppen in die Tiefe des Raums weiterstoßen können - also spieltechnisch von der Karte schicken. Es hängt jetzt alles davon ab wieviele seiner Bataillone er im letzten Zug dorthin kriegt und wieviele Punkte ihm das genau bringt - wir kennen hier die genaue Mathematik nicht. Wir hoffen halt dass wir mit unserem Angriff in seine Flanke das Abziehen der nachgefolgten Truppen verhindert haben - wir werden sehen...

03.04.20, 22:06
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Der Stoß durch Schleswig-Holstein am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO 

T10 of 10 - 1200 bis 1500 am 11.06.1985 - Sicht 3 Meilen:     
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0036.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)        


# Nach Vorbereitung durch Ari und Luftwaffe Großangriff auf Bad Oldesloe, Verteidiger werden unter hohen Verlusten abgedrängt

# Großteil der WP-Truppen stößt Richtung Dänemark in die Tiefe des Raums



# Raum Luebeck: Durchbruch bei Bad Oldesloe kann mit verfügbaren Kräften nicht weiter bedroht werden, Truppen werden zurückgenommen und für weitere Einsätze geschont
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0037.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Glinde: Kaum mehr eigene Einheiten und kein Feindkontakt

# Raum Geesthacht: Stadt fest in sowjetischer Hand, Angriff sinnlos also werden Truppen für weitere Einsätze geschont
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0038.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)


https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0039.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

04.04.20, 13:18
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Der Stoß durch Schleswig-Holstein am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO 

Ein kleines aber feines Szenario. Von Anfang an sind schwierige Entscheidungen unter Druck zu fällen, auf NATO-Seite gilt es vor allem den Schwerpunkt des Warschauer Pakts zu erkennen und dann möglichst lange den Durchbruch zu verzögern. Wir glauben dass das Szenario eine sehr gute Balance hat und dass weder wir noch unser Gegner gröbere Fehler im Spiel gemacht haben, das Unentschieden halten wir also für ein sehr gutes Ergebnis nach einem unterhaltsamen Spiel.

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0033_0040.gif (https://www.imgbox.de/)

06.04.20, 11:33
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_Arma3ColdWarAssault.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Malden Stories - David Armstrong - Prelude

I was there when it all began. I was there on Malden where the action started long before it got hot in Germany or elsewhere. Malden, this god forsaken island group in the Mediterranean sea with Malden and it's sister island Everon now being famous in all history books.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00025.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00026.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

For me it all started on the 4th April 1985 and we were taking a break in shed on the base. Officially it was the recreational center but in fact it was just a shed to get out of the sun and line of sight of the officers. We were stationed at Malden Base for nearly 6 months now and it was one week until we would return home. So we were sitting there listening to the news when Sgt. Berghof jumped in on us and gave us a good dressing down for being late to training.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00027.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00028.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

So there we were, one week before going home we had to run the P.T. gauntlet again. Sergeant took a liking to me and had me run a bit extra before we got on a truck to the obstacle course. I had the honor to go first and scraped my knees badly when going below the wire obstacle. I hated that obstacle and crawling underneath it, I thought it a huge waste of my time...little did I know that crawling through dirt would soon save my life again and again...
After running the gauntlet we made a stop at the firing range and there I could really shine, the one thing I really liked in the Army back then was shooting things. I was best marksman of my squad, it even forced a hint of a smile on Berghof's face which didn't happen often.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00029.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00030.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00031.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

It was on truck on the way back to base I first heard the rumors about Everon, they said that some unknown armed forces were seen there. I didn't think much about that at that time...

06.04.20, 11:37
Ach es gibt OPF als Arma 3 Mod? Das ist ja großartig :)

06.04.20, 12:17
Ach es gibt OPF als Arma 3 Mod? Das ist ja großartig :)

Ja, gibt es und läuft überraschend gut.
Spielgefühl ist auch sehr authentisch, zumindest soweit wir uns an damals erinnern können.

Bezüglich eurem Renomee-Kommentar: GlobalMobilization ist deswegen längst auf der Wunschliste, aber wird erst gekauft wenn unter 10€.
Zuerst müssen wir aber erstmal durch OPF durchkommen, bei unserer begrenzten Spielzeit wird das noch dauern...

07.04.20, 12:20
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_Arma3ColdWarAssault.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Malden Stories - David Armstrong - Flashpoint

It was a few days later, 8th April I think when we got shaken out of bed in the middle of the night by alarm sirens. Of course we thought it was another night alert drill and assembled in front of the barracks as fast as always. While waiting for the Sergeant we noticed the NCOs were acting differently, all a bit nervous and that didn't bode well...
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00032.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00033.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

The first thing our CO Colonel Blake told us was that this was in fact not a drill. All contact to Everon had been lost on the previous morning and a couple of recon helicopters sent there had disappeared without a trace. We were the only NATO presence in the area and it was our responsibility to find out what was going on there. The last communications from Everon were about heavy military activity of unknown forces and it was clear if that was really the Russians we wouldn't stand a chance alone. A carrier strike group was sent our way but they would need a few days where we were on our own.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00034.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

We grabbed our gear and got on choppers who brought us to Everon. Our mission was to land southeast of a town called Morton and then move to seize it from the probably enemy forces. I was number 8 in Alpha Squad and we were all fucking nervous, Woody even puked out of the chopper and nobody dared saying anything about it...
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00035.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00036.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Coming in on our LZ I caught a glimpse of our objective, little town of Morton - looked peaceful enough from afar. We did a combat landing like in a Vietnam movie, with the chopper hardly hitting the ground we jumped off and it lifted away again. We advanced to some woods on the ridge overlooking the way to Morton and got our orders.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00037.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00038.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Squad Alpha, my squad, was to advance along the shoreline to the town while Squad Bravo stayed near the forest on our right. Squad Charlie would stay here on the ridge for fire support and as reserves. Morton was supposed to be occupied by hostile armor and infantry but we were promised air support to take care of their vehicles.We moved forward on the left side of the road to Morton and I could see the first buildings through the sparse tree cover when the first enemy contacts were reported. I couldn't see anybody yet but there were hostile riflemen and we had weapons free.

While fire picked up and the first bullets whizzed past me we spotted an enemy tank, probably a T-72 and had to lay low to await our air support. A few seconds later there were several loud Booms at the town and the tank was burning like hell. I didn't even see what hit them but obviously the way was clear for our assault now.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00039.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00040.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

As we continued our advance we got fire from the road which snaked away from the shoreline before running into Morton. Here I got my first glimpse of an enemy soldier, two of them were guarding the road. Most of the squad opened up on them and I'm sure I got one of them although my line of sight was pretty obstructed.
We advanced on their position and found them dead on the road. They had AKs and their uniforms looked Russian but there was no 100% proof these were regular Russian troops. This were the first dead people I saw close up.I nearly puked there and then but with the firefight still not over I got myself together and we continued...
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00041.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00042.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

We advanced into the town all the time engaging and neutralizing the surprised enemy troops, I don't think they expected such a quick and strong NATO action. Resistance was fierce though. We had to fight from house to house and I thought it was a miracle that nobody from our side was killed that day. It was soon clear that we had the upper hand and the surviving hostiles retreated from the town. We got ordered to occupy the town and hold it against expected counter attacks but none came.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00043.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00044.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00045.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

07.04.20, 13:25
Oh da müsste der Modmacher mal eine Dependency zu richtigen Woodland Uniformen einbinden. Die Jungs sehen noch etwas sehr nach Altis aus :) Wobei es zu den Screenshots aus der Basis / dem Camp dann doch passt.

08.04.20, 09:44
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_Arma3ColdWarAssault.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Malden Stories - David Armstrong - Combined Arms

It was later that day when we got ordered to seize the next town on Everon. As the hostiles didn't contest our foothold on the island at Morton we estimated the enemy force strength as rather weak and NATO command wanted the town of Regina southeast of Morton as forward base of operations.

We got off our truck behind a low hill not far from Regina and assembled for the attack. On the road in front of us we had 2 Abrams MainBattleTanks and on the right another squad of infantry dismounting from their APC. With that much firepower we were very confident to seize the town in no time.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00046.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00047.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

With the tanks going up front we crested the hill and had the whole of Regina before us. Superior optics of our tanks immediately identified a BMP and hostile infantry in the town and they opened fire while my squad was following on the left side of the road. We were engaging the enemy dismounts when our tanks suddenly got fired upon by an enemy one coming out of the woods behind the town. While we were slowly fighting our way towards the first buildings the tanks battled with each other until suddenly one of our Abrams blew up. You can't imagine the shock that gave us...we always thought our tanks pretty invincible...
At least we had our revenge as our remaining Abrams finally killed the enemy MBT.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00048.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00049.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00050.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00051.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

We continued clearing the town from the remaining enemy dismounts and that's where Woody bought it. Fighting for the last few buildings on the southern edge of Regina he got bullet right into his face and died instantly. We quickly retaliated but for Woody it was over. That was the first time a friend of mine died...I couldn't stomach it and had to puke then and there...

I had no time to really think at all about it because out of nowhere HQ was on the line ordering a retreat to the north. Hostile T-80 tanks were on route from the South and we had far too little firepower to stop them. Throwing our dead onto the remaining Abrams tank we scrambled up the hill back where we came from, we barely escaped but we did it.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00052.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00053.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

08.04.20, 10:00
Das macht richtig Lust die Mod mal auszuprobieren :)

09.04.20, 10:25
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_Arma3ColdWarAssault.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Malden Stories - David Armstrong - Camping

All in all we lost 5 men during the attack on Regina. Woody from my squad and the 4 guys of the Abrams tank crew. The situation on Everon calmed down then and we had time to bury our dead at Morton, we all felt better after having the chance to pay our final respects (F) at the funeral.

Two days later, must have been the 10th April we got new orders. A small field camp was to be established in another small town called Le Moule a few clicks northwest of Morton. I had training in driving trucks so Sergeant Berghof picked me up with his Humvee to get one from a nearby depot.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00054.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Well, we got it and I drove it back to Morton to pick up the other guys from my squad. It had been some time since I was on the wheel of such a big vehicle but after a few minutes driving I got warm with it. The trip to Le Moule was uneventful and we reach it in just a few minutes where we debussed just outside the town. Here on the open ground between the edge of the town and the treeline our new field camp was to be built.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00055.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00056.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Fowley was put in charge to oversee the construction of the camp with the stuff for it on route already. Kozlowski, Bormioli and I went on patrol with the Sergeant to check on some rumors about enemy troops nearby.
We got on his Humvee and went north along the road and then to the east, following a track into the woods. All of a sudden Berghof stopped and ordered us out, he thought he had seen movement in the trees.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00057.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00058.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

So we hiked a bit through the woods when we suddenly spotted some people just outside the treeline. They wore the same uniforms as the hostiles we encountered and we opened up on them. With us in cover and them in the open it was just a brief firefight where they had no chance.
A bit further uphill we encountered another enemy patrol in the woods which gave us more trouble. Kozlowski was injured but nothing serious and supported by an APC outside the woods we could eliminate that threat.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00059.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00060.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

We continued and finished our patrol in the woods and returned to the Humvee. A few minutes later we were back at Le Moule where Fowley had actually managed to setup the camp. We were quite surprised he hadn't made a mess of it.
With our mission accomplished we got ordered back to Morton for a bit of a rest.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00061.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00062.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

10.04.20, 12:47
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_Arma3ColdWarAssault.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Malden Stories - David Armstrong - Alert

Back at Morton our CO Lieutenant Kaufman came by on his way to the new camp at Le Moule. He was quite satisfied with our performance so far and ordered some much needed rest.So we did what all good soldiers do in such moments, we were talking shit and trying to get sleep...
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00063.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00064.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

But not for long.
The lieutenant was ambushed on route to Le Moule not far from us and only got a short message out on the radio before contact was lost. Sergeant Berghof responded immediately and had us in an requested APC within a minute. Just minutes later we reached the ambush site.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00065.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00066.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

We jumped out of the APC and saw the lieutenants jeep burning on the road in front of us. Enemy fire lanced at us from the woods on both sides of the road and we had a tough time holding our own in this firefight. Luckily another squad was on it's way from Le Moule and would arrive in the enemies back in a few minutes.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00067.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00068.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

We managed to fight our way through to the jeep but it was too late for the lieutenant, by the looks of it Kaufman died right away when they blew up the jeep. By then our reinforcements from Le Moule had arrived and the remaining hostiles were caught between us and them. They hit the ground on both sides of the road and put up a heavy fight but in the end we got them all.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00069.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00070.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Casualties were high, besides Kaufman 2 other fatalities and 2 men seriously injured but the body count was on our side. 13 dead hostiles were accounted for and although they still weren't official Russians we were sure about it.
Putting our dead and wounded on a truck with us we went back to base, tired and damn devastated.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00071.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00072.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

11.04.20, 13:37
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_Arma3ColdWarAssault.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Malden Stories - David Armstrong - Montignac must fall

Berghof kept us very busy the next days to keep our thoughts from lingering too much on our dead and the looming World War we were all fearing. Still no official confirmation that the enemies is the Russians but we they were.
On 13th April we got our next combat mission, the small town of Montignac a few clicks north of Morton was identified as staging base for the enemy patrols that kept harassing our base here and at Le Moule. Most likely the forces ambushing our LT had operated from there too and now we had a chance for further revenge as we were ordered to seize the town.
The enemy would be better prepared this time and we expected a fierce fight but with a simultaneous attack from 3 sides with combined forces of Alpha, Bravo and Charlie squad we were confident to get it done.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00073.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00074.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

It was late afternoon when we got off our truck behind a low hill to the West of Montignac and advanced to the left of the road towards the town. After getting over the hill we soon had contact with numerous hostile infantry and a BMP providing heavy fire support. I had an M203 grenade launcher for my rifle on this mission and did my best to suppress the infantry and land a top hit on the BMP. I don't know if my grenade or a LAW from one of the other guys took it out but we finally silenced the vehicle.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00075.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00076.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

A few minutes of intense firefights but then the combat calmed down on our side of the town and we could advance to the first buildings. The enemy had cost us dearly, especially the BMP was devastating. Hawley, Bormioli, Kozlowski, and Fowley were lying dead in the grass and only Berghof and myself were left from Alpha Squad. I may sound like an asshole now but back then we had seen enough dead friends already and right then couldn't afford to spare any more thought but we had to push on into the town.

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00077.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Berghof and I continued into Montignac and fought house to house against the remaining hostiles. I caught a glancing shot myself but nothing serious and I could patch myself up. After a few more minutes of fighting we were in control of the town and linked up with Bravo Squad. Charlie squad hadn't been part of our attack at all they were called away by HQ.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00078.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00079.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Berghof reported our success to HQ when all hell broke loose. New emergency orders came down to immediately evacuate all NATO personnel from Everon. Our evacuation point was Morton and we were to use our truck to go southeast to Provins and then south straight for evac.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00080.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00081.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

As fast as possible we put our wounded and dead on the truck - we don't leave anybody behind. Then we started down the road towards Provins but we didn't get far. I could still see Montignac on the hilltop behind us when the driver called back to us that Provins was occupied by hostiles.
We dismounted and engaged the them but they had superior firepower, with some RPG or something they even blew up our truck and the gas station besides it.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00082.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00083.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00084.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

After heavy fighting we finally managed to overthrow them and broke into the town. During the ensuing house to house combat Sergeant Berghof got hit in the chest and died within minutes. I was the only one left from Alpha Squad.

So I linked up with the remains of Bravo Squad and we cleared the rest of Provins. We lost our truck so HQ sent a chopper to pick us up outside the town.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00085.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00086.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Out of nowhere a soviet Hind gunship appeared and chased of our Blackhawk before it could pick us up. It tracked the Blackhawk down and shot it down to East of us. Stranded without support in the open we ran for cover towards the woods to the west of us. We just cleared the treeline when I tripped over some root and landed hard on the ground. It put the wind out of me but saved my life. The Hind came swooping in behind us an chaingun salvo got all of the guys from Bravo Squad. There was nothing I could do for them and I escaped deeper into forest...all alone now...
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00087.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00088.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

13.04.20, 13:43
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Zwei Tage zur Weser am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO

North of Hannover, June 10th 1985: The task for the 3rd Shock Army was quite simple really, cross the frontier and strike for the River Weser on a route north of Hannover. Then secure multiple crossings in two days, so as to allow relief formations to pass through and carry the advance deeper into West Germany. On the right flank, the 8th Motor Rifle (GDR) Division had run into stiff resistance on the Lueneberger Heide. But, on the left flank, opposition was light as the 207th Guards Mot Rifle Div steamroller devoured NATO screening forces and the 47th Guards Tank Div extricated itself from a battle at Braunschweig. Time was on NATO's side as NORTHAG hastily set up to defend the river line that the Soviets had set as their first major objective of the attack.

[Screenshots vom Ende des Zugs weil wir die zweite Seite spielen]

[ACHTUNG: Sämtliches Karten-Material ist leicht gedreht mit NW oben]

T00 of 12 - 1200 am 10.06.1965 - Sicht 3 Meilen:
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0001.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)


# Feindliche Kräfte:
+ Teile der 3.GardeSchockArmee, vor allem
++ 47.GdPzDiv
++ 207.GdMotSchDiv
++ 8.NvaMotSchDiv

# Vermutete Absicht:
+ Durchstoßen der NATO-Linie zwischen Luneburg und Hannover
+ Durchstoßen der Luneburger Heide über Wayhausen und Hermannsburg
+ Einnahme der wichtigen Knotenpunkte bei Celle und Neustadt
+ Weiterer Vorstoß zu den Brücken über über die Aller und vor allem Weser

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0002.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)


# Eigene Kräfte:

+ Teile 1.PzDiv im Süden des Abschnitts gestaffelt von Gifhorn bis Nienburg
+ Teile 1stArmouredUkDiv nördlich davon gestaffelt von Hohne bis Walsrode
+ Teile 11.PzGrenDiv nördlich davon im Raum Wayhausen
+ Teile 9.PzLehrBde nordwestlich davon im Raum Munsterlager
+ Teile des I.Niederländischen Korps nordwestlich davon, gestaffelt von Bergen bis Neuenkirchen

# Absicht:
+ Verzögernder Rückzug auf Flusslinie an die Aller, Celle soll dabei als wichtiger Knotenpunkt möglichst lange gehalten werden
+ Aller-Linie möglichst lange halten wenn nötig und möglich Brückensprengen
+ Weser-Linie und Nienburg um jeden Preis halten

(Major Victory)

13.04.20, 15:31
Und jetzt alle: "im Vogelpark Walsrode!"

Ich kenne das Schlachtfeld bisher nur aus einem Tom Clancy Roman.

13.04.20, 16:36
Und jetzt alle: "im Vogelpark Walsrode!"

Ich kenne das Schlachtfeld bisher nur aus einem Tom Clancy Roman.

... und die Überreste ins Museum nach Munster. :D

13.04.20, 16:50
Und jetzt alle: "im Vogelpark Walsrode!"

Sollte uns das ein Begriff sein ??? :???:

13.04.20, 22:48
Zumindest, wenn man in Norddeutschland wohnt, ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit hoch, dass man mindestens 1x im Leben dort war. Zumindest als Kind auf Ausflug mit Eltern, Freunden oder Schule. :)

13.04.20, 22:50
Heidepark Soltau nicht vergessen ...

14.04.20, 09:49
Der Vogelpark Walsrode hat eine Radiowerbung die, dem Vernehmen nach, wir haben da nie gewohnt, ungefähr so einprägsam ist wie die Seitenbacher Radiowerbung.

(Wobei die Seitenbacher Werbung wohl vom Seitenbacher-Chef höchstselbst eingesprochen wird).

14.04.20, 09:53
Wir müssen mehr Radio hören. Aber ich glaube, der Thread kommt jetzt vom Thema ab. :D

15.04.20, 07:43
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Zwei Tage zur Weser am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO

T01 of 12 - 1200 bis 1500 am 10.06.1985 - Sicht 3 Meilen:
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0003.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)


# Schwere Luftangriffe bei Hankensbuttel

# NVA greift bei Uelzen an und macht Fortschritte, stellt sich zum Angriff auf Wayhausen bereit

# Starke sowj. Pz und MotSch-Verbände nähern sich Gifhorn



# NATO-Luftwaffe fliegt Aufklärung und Luftnahunterstützung aber ohne große Wirkung

# Raum Peine-Gifhorn: BW-Truppen ziehen sich langsam vor anrückendem Feind Richtung Celle zurück;
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0004.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Wayhausen: Ebenfalls langsamer Rückzug durch die Lueneburger Heide nach Südwesten, eigene Ari nicht einsatzbereit
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0005.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Hermannsburg-Munsterlager: Uelzen wird aufgegeben, langsamer Rückzug auf Munsterlager um Ausmaß der Feindtruppen hier zu erkennen
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0006.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

(Major Victory)

16.04.20, 12:40
Falls einer der Anwesenden hier auf den Geschmack von Arma 3 gekommen ist: Das gibt's grade auf Steam im Sale. Der Arma 3 Creator DLC: Global Mobilization - Cold War Germany ist auch um 33% auf 13,39€ reduziert.

Was mir bei den Einheitenbildern aufgefallen ist: Wieso hat die Bundeswehr eigentlich Leopard 2 als Icon für die Panzer?

16.04.20, 13:33
Was mir bei den Einheitenbildern aufgefallen ist: Wieso hat die Bundeswehr eigentlich Leopard 2 als Icon für die Panzer?

Das Bild zeigt die (hauptsächliche) Ausstattung des Bataillons bzw. der Kompanie. Es gibt welche mit Leo1 und Leo2, die Bilder sind jeweils passend.

16.04.20, 14:13
Ah okay. Ja dann ist das ein Tippfehler im Datum, mich hatte das 1965 irritiert.

16.04.20, 16:35
Ah okay. Ja dann ist das ein Tippfehler im Datum, mich hatte das 1965 irritiert.

Tatsächlich, danke für den Hinweis. Wird korrigiert.

17.04.20, 13:59
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Zwei Tage zur Weser am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO

T02 of 12 - 1500 bis 1800 am 10.06.1985 - Sicht 3 Meilen:
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0007.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)


# Sowj. Pz und MotSch stoßen mit starken Kräften auf Peine-Haeningsen-Hohne vor, hohe Verluste für PzAufkl vor Peine

# Sowj. Kampf- und Transport-Heli stoßen in freien Raum zwischen Peine und Hohne vor

# NVA rückt zwischen Hankensbuttel und Uelzen auf breiter Front vor, PzAufklKp südlich Uelzen eingekesselt



# Raum Peine-Gifhorn: BW-Truppen ziehen sich weiter langsam Richtung Celle zurück, Peine wird mit schwachen Kräften gehalten; Einheiten der britischen 22ndArmouredBrigade erwarten Feind in vorbereiteten Stellungen, feuern Ari-Minen auf Vormarschstraßen;
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0008.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Wayhausen: Ebenfalls weiter langsamer Rückzug durch die Lueneburger Heide nach Südwesten, Ari-Minen auf Vormarschstraßen durch Wälder
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0009.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Hermannsburg-Munsterlager: 9.PzLehrBde jetzt voll einsatzbereit; Stellungen verbessern und abwarten bis Stoßrichtung des Feinds erkennbar
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0010.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

(Major Victory)

20.04.20, 10:02
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Zwei Tage zur Weser am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO

T03 of 12 - 1800 bis 2100 am 10.06.1985 - Abenddämmerung, Sicht 1 Meile:  
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0011.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)      


# Luftangriffe und Ari fordern Verluste bei Fronttruppen

# Peine von sowj. PzBaon eingenommen

# Von Gifhorn stößt Feind Richtung Celle vor, PzKp eingeschlossen

# NVA stößt auf breiter Front Richtung Wayhausen vor

# Eingeschlossene PzAufkl südlich Uelzen aufgerieben



# Raum Peine-Gifhorn: BW-Truppen ziehen sich weiter langsam Richtung Celle zurück, Britische PzKp haut eingeschlossene BW PzKp raus aber noch in exponierter Lage
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0012.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Wayhausen:  Weiter langsamer Rückzug nach Südwesten;
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0013.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Hermannsburg-Munsterlager: Aktuell kein Feindkontakt, Vorfühlen um Stoßrichtung des Feinds zu erkennen und Stellungen verbessern
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0014.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

(Major Victory)

24.04.20, 08:04
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Zwei Tage zur Weser am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO

T04 of 12 - 2100 bis 0300 am 10.06.1985 - Nacht, Sicht 1 Meile:
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0015.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)


# Sowj. Pz und Heli stoßen von Peine Richtung Hannover-Neustadt vor, hohe Verluste für verzögernde dt. PzAufkl

# Ebenfalls sowj. vorstoß von Gifhorn auf Haeningsen und Hohne aber langsamer, dt. PzGren werden eingeschlossen

# NVA stößt weiter auf Wayhausen vor, PzVerluste auf beiden Seiten

# NVA Spitze bei Fassberg, Eimke, Wriedal gesichtet - Feuergefechte mit beidseitigen Verlusten



# Raum Neustadt-Celle: Rückzug aus dem Raum Peine-Gifhorn wird fortgeführt
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0016.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Wayhausen: Nur per teilweise Rücknahme der Linie, dank Wärmebildgeräten können dem Feind erstmals mehr Verluste zugefügt werden; Bei Hankensbuttel wird versucht 2 NVA PzBaon einzuschließen
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0017.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Hermannsburg-Munsterlager: Verzögernd absetzen, Feindspitze durch Ari schwächen
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0018.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

(Major Victory)

27.04.20, 08:32
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Zwei Tage zur Weser am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO

T05 of 12 - 0300 bis 0600 am 11.06.1985 - Morgendämmerung, Sicht 1 Meile:  
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0019.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)


# Sowj. Heli und Pz stoßen von Peine weiter Richtung Neustadt vor, reiben britische und deutsche PzAufkl auf

# Von Gifhorn Vorstoß Richtung Celle, sowj. TransportHeli bei Celle gesichtet aber wieder abgesetzt

# Feuergefechte vor Wayhausen aber Großteil der NVA-Truppen geht auf Abstand

# Heftige Gefechte bei Wriedal, MotSch bei Fassberg aufgetaucht



# Aufklärungsflüge werden von feindlicher Luftwaffe abgefangen

# Raum Neustadt-Celle: Weiter Rückzug auf Neustadt und Celle, vor allem bei Neustadt kaum mehr Truppen verfügbar
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0020.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Wayhausen: Feind wird auf Distanz gehalten, vorbereiten auf erwarteten Großangriff in den nächsten Stunden
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0021.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Hermannsburg-Munsterlager: Einrichten für verzögerndes Gefecht, frische Truppen der Niederländer werden bei Hermannsburg in die Verteidigung eingebunden
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0022.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

(Major Victory)

01.05.20, 10:32
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Zwei Tage zur Weser am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO

T06 of 12 - 0600 bis 0900 am 11.06.1985 - Sicht 4 Meile:
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0023.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)


# Von Peine stoßen sowj. Truppen ungehindert nach Nordwesten vor, umgehen dabei Hannover; BW PzAufkl werden aufgerieben

# Von Gifhorn nur langsamer Vorstoß Richtung Celle, einige sowj. Truppen müssen NVA-PzBaon bei Hankensbuttel raushauen

# NVA greift wieder Richtung Wayhausen an aber kommt kaum voran

# NVA Vorstoß auf Hermannsburg kommt gut voran 2 BW PzJg-Züge werden aufgeriegen

# Sowj. Heli-Inf landet in Nienburg aber wird von Verteidigern abgewehrt und vertrieben



# Raum Neustadt-Celle: Weiter Rückzug auf Neustadt und Celle, vor allem bei Neustadt kaum mehr Truppen verfügbar; Aktuell kaum Feindkontakt vor Neustadt aber hier müssen starke sowj. Verbände sein
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0024.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Wayhausen: Feind wird auf Distanz gehalten, vorbereiten auf erwarteten Großangriff in den nächsten Stunden; Von nicht mehr eingeschlossenen NVA-PzBaon lösen
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0025.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Hermannsburg-Munsterlager: Verzögerndes Gefecht, frische Truppen der Niederländer und Briten werden bei Hermannsburg in die Verteidigung eingebunden
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0026.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Nienburg-Hoya: Britische Truppen kommen zur Verstärkung an; Sowj. Speznas führen Störangriffe an aber werden aufgespürt und aufgerieben; Die sich wieder zurückgezogene Heli-Inf der Sowjets wird nahe Schwarmstedt aufgespürt
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0027.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

(Major Victory)

03.05.20, 10:31
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Zwei Tage zur Weser am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO

T07 of 12 - 0900 bis 1200 am 11.06.1985 - Sicht 4 Meile:
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0028.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)


# Sowj. Pz und MotSch stoßen von Hannover nicht Richtung Neustadt weiter vor sondern schwenken auf Celle ein

# Hohne von sowj. Truppen genommen, vormarsch schließt Briten ein

# Heftige Gefechte vor Wayhausen, Minen werden geräumt und Umfassung versucht

# NVA-Vorstoß auf Munsterlager und Hermannsburg, hauptsächlich MotSch

# Sowj. Heli-Truppen werden von Schwarmstedt Richtung Celle abgezogen



# Raum Neustadt-Celle: Verzögernder Kampf auf Celle, frische britische Truppen werden herangeführt aber noch nicht angekommen
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0029.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Wayhausen: Feind wird auf Distanz gehalten, vorbereiten auf erwarteten Großangriff in den nächsten Stunden; Stören des feindlichen Nachschubs hinter HKL;
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0030.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Hermannsburg-Munsterlager: Verzögerndes Gefecht, frische Truppen der Niederländer und Briten werden bei Hermannsburg in die Verteidigung eingebunden
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0031.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Nienburg-Hoya: Britische Truppen spüren weitere Speznas auf; Vorbereitungen Linie an der Weser zu halten
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0032.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

(Major Victory)

06.05.20, 13:42
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Zwei Tage zur Weser am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO

T08 of 12 - 1200 bis 1500 am 11.06.1985 - Sicht 4 Meile:
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0033.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)


# Starkes Ari-Feuer auf NATO Frontruppen, hohe Verluste

# Weiter kein Vorstoß auf Neustadt, alles Richtung Celle

# Massive sowj. PzVerbände kreisen Celle von Süden her ein, auch aus Osten aber hier noch mehr Entfernung

# Heftige Gefechte vor Wayhausen mit NVA

# Starker NVA-Vorstoß auf Hermannsburg, schwächer Richtung Munsterlager



# Raum Neustadt-Celle: Verzögernder Kampf auf Celle, aber hohe Verluste durch Feindtruppen; Stab der 47.GdPzDiv entdeckt und effektiv mit Luftwaffe angegriffen; Britische Verstärkungen kommen im Süden der Feindtruppen vor Celle an
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0034.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Wayhausen: Feind wird auf Distanz gehalten, Feind hat wahrscheinlich MunProbleme wegen eigener Truppen in seinem Rücken
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0035.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Hermannsburg-Munsterlager: Verzögerndes Gefecht, frische Truppen der Niederländer und Briten werden bei Hermannsburg in die Verteidigung eingebunden
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0036.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Nienburg-Hoya: Speznas werden langsam aber sicher niedergekämpft, einige Truppen werden Richtung Celle weitergeschickt
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0037.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

(Major Victory)

06.05.20, 13:54
Wir bedanken uns einfach mal, nicht nur für den AAR als Ganzes, sondern auch für die letzte Karte, die wider Erwarten unsere Heimat (Neuenkirchen) abbildet. Hätten wir nicht gedacht und überrascht uns positiv !
Also, NATO, nicht nachlassen !

Edit: Nur Visseinvede enttäuscht uns, etwas,die Stadt heißt Visselhövede ;)

08.05.20, 14:11
Die Ortsnamenschreibweise ist zuweilen eigenwillig, das war Uns neulich schon im Kreis Stormarn (im Lübeck-Geesthacht-Hamburg-Szenario) aufgefallen. :D

12.05.20, 10:03
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Zwei Tage zur Weser am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO

T09 of 12 - 1500 bis 1800 am 11.06.1985 - Sicht 4 Meile:
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0038.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)


# Kolonnen frischer Truppen werden bei Braunschweig von NATO-Luftwaffe angegriffen, leichte Verluste und genaue Zusammensetzung unbekannt

# Hohe NATO-Verluste durch Ari, südlich Celle werden 2 gepanzerte Batterien gesichtet und beschossen

# Sowj. Pz stoßen aus Süden auf breiter Front auf Celle vor und verursachen hohe Verluste bei NATO-Kräften

# Wayhausen wird von NVA weiter umringt, Gefechte mit einigen Verlusten, noch kein direkter Vorstoß der NVA-Truppen

# Heftige Gefechte vor Hermannsburg, NVA MotSchützen stellen sich für Angriff bereit



# Raum Neustadt-Celle: Verteidigung von Celle schwer angeschlagen, Versuch zur Reorganisation, hohe Verluste
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0039.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Wayhausen: Feind wird auf Distanz gehalten aber Umfassung droht, Feind hat wahrscheinlich MunProbleme wegen eigener Truppen in seinem Rücken
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0040.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Hermannsburg-Munsterlager: Verzögerndes Gefecht, frische Truppen der Niederländer und Briten werden bei Hermannsburg in die Verteidigung eingebunden, zahlenmäßige Überlegenheit der NVA macht halten der Stadt schwierig
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0041.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Nienburg-Hoya: Speznas aufgerieben, weitere Kräfte werden Richtung Celle geschickt

(Major Victory)

15.05.20, 10:18
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Zwei Tage zur Weser am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO

T10 of 12 - 1800 bis 2100 am 11.06.1985 - Abenddämmerung, Sicht 1 Meile:  
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0042.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)


# Hohe NATO-Verluste durch Ari und Feuergefechte vor Celle, noch kein Sturmangriff

# Nur leichte Gefechte bei Wayhausen, NVA schießt sich auf PzGren südwestlich der Stadt ein

# Bei Munsterlager hat NVA Probleme Angriff am Laufen zu halten; Bei Hermannsburg nach wie vor starke Kräfte aber noch kein Sturmangriff



# Wärmebildgeräte erlauben effektiven Feuerkampf mit relativ hohen Verlusten für WP

#  Raum Neustadt-Celle: Verteidigung von Celle angeschlagen, aber britische und niederländische Einheiten eilen zur Unterstützung; Störangriffe auch im Rücken des Gegners
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0043.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Wayhausen: Feind wird auf Distanz gehalten, 1 MotSchBaon flieht nach hohen Verlusten
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0044.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Hermannsburg-Munsterlager: Von Munsterlager werden Kräfte nach Hermannsburg verlegt und greifen NVA in Flanke an; Feuergefechte verursachen hohe NVA-Verluste, 1 PzBaon flieht
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0045.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Nienburg-Hoya: Kein Feindkontakt, weitere Kräfte werden Richtung Celle geschickt

(Major Victory)

16.05.20, 13:16
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Zwei Tage zur Weser am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO

T11 of 12 - 2100 bis 0300 am 11.06.1985 - Nacht, Sicht 1 Meile:
--Bild fehlt--
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)


# Luftangriffe und Ari verursachen hohe NATO-Verluste

# Celle komplett von WP eingekreist, WP nimmt zum Teil äußeren Verteidigungsgürtel der Stadt

# NVA versucht bei Wayhausen und Hermannsburg voranzukommen aber hat selbst auch hohe Verluste



# Raum Neustadt-Celle: Verteidigung von Celle stark angeschlagen, kaum mehr Munition, Verteidigung des Zentrums wird verstärkt, herannahende Verstärkungen sind noch zu weit weg
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0047.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Wayhausen: Feind wird auf Distanz gehalten aber versucht Stadt großräumig einzuschließen
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0048.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Hermannsburg-Munsterlager: Von Munsterlager werden Kräfte nach Hermannsburg verlegt und greifen NVA in Flanke an; Feuergefechte verursachen hohe NVA-Verluste und können die meisten Truppen in Deckung zwingen
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0049.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

(Major Victory)

19.05.20, 07:23
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Zwei Tage zur Weser am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO

T12 of 12 - 0300 bis 0600 am 12.06.1985 - Morgendämmerung, Sicht 1 Meile:
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0050.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)
(Eigene/NATO=blau | Feind/WP=rot | Siegpunktfelder=gelb)


# Schwere Luftangriffe und Ari-Angriffe auf NATO-Truppen bei Celle mit hohen Verlusten

# Große Teile Celles von sowj. Einheiten erobert aber Zentrum hält trotz hoher Verluste durch

# Feuergefechte vor Wayhausen aber NVA bricht Angriff ab

# Angriff der NVA auf Hermannsburg ebenfalls abgebrochen und Truppen auf Rückzug


# Raum Neustadt-Celle: Verteidigung von Celle stark angeschlagen aber hat lange genug durchgehalten um WP entscheidend zu verzögern
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0051.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Wayhausen: Feind konnte souverän von der Stadt und dem Verkehrsknotenpunkt ferngehalten werden, NVA-Vorstoß massiv verzögert
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0052.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

# Raum Hermannsburg-Munsterlager: Sowohl bei Munsterlager als auch Hermannsburg konnten NVA-Kräfte komplett aufgehalten werden, kein Durchbruch
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0053.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)


https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0054.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

25.05.20, 07:04
Ein hoch auf die tapferen Mannen in Celle, Ihr Opfer wird nicht vergessen werden

27.05.20, 07:29
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_NGP85.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Zwei Tage zur Weser am 10.06.1985 - PBEM auf Seiten der NATO

Ein wirklich tolles Szenario und nachdem wir mittlerweile beide Seiten gespielt haben (unser Bericht auf WP-Seite ist hier (https://www.si-games.com/forum/showthread.php?t=27361&page=4&p=996548#post996548) zu finden) halten wir es doch für ausgeglichen. Was wir in der Verteidigung für wichtig halten ist das relativ starke verteidigen der hinteren Ziele gegen Luftlandungen, genau so haben wir damals den Sieg errungen und unser Gegner jetzt hat sich eine blutige Nase geholt. Was ebenfalls wichtig war ist die NATO-Bataillone meist in einzelne Kompanien aufzuteilen, damit werden sie zwar sehr schnell aufgerieben aber man kann wesentlich mehr Raum abdecken und Vormarschstraßen zumindest für ein paar Stunden blockieren.

Unser Gegner hat unserer Meinung nach zu früh seinen Schwerpunkt auf Celle gelegt und wirklich nur noch dort seine Truppen hingeschickt, nicht mal zur Aufklärung oder Täuschung ist er weiter auf die Weser vorgedrungen. Das hat uns erlaubt alle unsere Reserven auf Celle bzw. in seinen Rücken zu werfen wodurch wir gerade rechtzeitig kamen um es zu halten. Bis dahin hatten wir alle Hände voll damit zu tun möglichst auf allen Vormarschstraßen Einheiten zu haben und wussten nie wo der Hammer fallen wird. Punktemäßig wäre das dann wahrscheinlich ein Unentschieden geworden aber in den letzten 3 Spielzügen hatten wir mit unseren durchwegs mit Wärmebildgeräten ausgestatteten Einheiten einen großen Feuerkraft-Bonus den wir auf die teilweise in Marschformation nach vorne geschickten Sowjets nutzten.

Alles in allem ein spannendes und ausgeglichenes Szenario aber wie in den ModernCampaigns-Titeln üblich sehr wenig fehlerverzeihend.

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/PBEM/PBEM_0036_0055.gif (https://www.imgbox.de/)

28.05.20, 07:21
Gratulation zum Sieg und danke für Euren AAR.

28.05.20, 12:47
Gratulation zur Rettung der freien Welt und habt Dank für den schönen AAR!

02.07.20, 13:00
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_banner_Arma3ColdWarAssault.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

Malden Stories - David Armstrong - After Montignac

With darkness falling fast and no night vision gear on me I had no chance besides spending the night in the woods west of Provins. I tried to get some good cover and shelter but there wasn't much I could do without risking detection by the enemy. I had a few crackers on me and found a few berries I had forgotten the name of but knew edible from my time in the Boy Scouts but still I spent the night hungry and miserable.

At about 0530 dawn was breaking and there was sufficient daylight to get going. HQ was on the radio again with final evacuation chance from Morton only 20 minutes from now. I tried to reply to them but my radio must have been damaged, they couldn't hear me.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00089.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00090.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

A Hind gunship was patrolling over the forest and the open ground to my south, effectively blocking the direct path to Morton. On top of that there was a BMP roaming around out there and I had nothing on me with enough firepower to take it out. Hostile infantry was entering the woods to the west from my position and I had to stay low until I was sure they had past by deeper into the forest.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00091.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00092.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

My plan was to stay near the southern edge of the woods and go west to reach an area where the distance to the next forest to the south was as short as possible. With so many hostiles all around me I could not afford to get seen so I had to keep low. I crawled all the way and ruined my knees and elbows, not even in boot camp I spent that much time in the dirt. As I got near my planned jump off point there was dire news on the radio. Morton was overrun by hostile forces and evacuation had to be aborted.
Luckily some guys managed to set up an alternative evac point in the woods north of Morton and that's where I had to go then. Land navigation had never been my strong point but back then I painstakingly took notes on my map, the last thing I could afford was to get lost all surrounded by enemies.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00093.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00094.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

I continued my way in the dirt to the very edge of the woods and took my time to observe the open ground before me. No trace of the BMP I had seen earlier but the Hind was still doing its patrols. Luckily it followed a rather fixed pattern and I took my chances when it had passed my position again. In a fast but low run I dashed towards the treeline to the south of me all aware of my vulnerability in the open. I heard shots to the west of my but paid them no heed but ran on. I don't know if they were directed at me or some other poor guys were in trouble but at that moment all that was on my mind were the woods in front of my and my burning lungs.
I was nearly there when I heard a tank on my right coming towards me. I was already completely out of breath but this triggered my last reserves for a final mad dash into the brush of the woods. I crashed in there and broke down after a few meters completely winded. I was in no condition for any fight and could hear the tank behind me, it even halted for a moment but finally moved on.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00095.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00096.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

I knew that the new evac point was in yet another small forest to the southeast of me, separated by a bit of open ground and a small road. For now I stayed in the woods and tracked south as fast as safely possible, I was confident enough to refrain from crawling now. As I reached the southeastern edge of the forest I planned my next steps and crawled out into the rather open ground to the south. Here a a ridge line could hide me from hostiles on the road to the north and it offered the best options to cross the road.
Slowly I neared the edge of the road and took a careful look around. Nothing to see so I dashed across the road towards the beckoning treeline to the east.
Suddenly I saw movement to my right, a surprised hostile soldier was raising his gun on me but I was faster. I dropped to my knees and took a quick shot hitting him squarely in the chest. I don't even know if I hit him but I simply ran on into the woods for cover.
https://www.imgbox.de/users/kareil/DochKeineLuftBallons/DKLB_00097.jpg (https://www.imgbox.de/)

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Nobody was following me so for the moment I was saved. The new evac point was on a hill in the woods to the east of me and I made my way to it always careful for further enemy patrols. Finally I caught a glimpse of on of our field tents and headed towards it when out of nowhere to hostiles appeared in my back. To my surprise they didn't shoot me right away but disarmed me and lead me to the tent I saw earlier. On the way to it we passed a massacre, they must have surprised the guys waiting at the evac point and had killed them all. There they lay on the forest floor, not even buried but obviously looted.
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There I was unarmed an tied up in the tent, waiting for whatever they had planned me and fearing the worst. I had no chance for escape with 2 guards in front of the open tent. Suddenly there was gunfire all around us and I threw myself on the ground immediately. Both my guards were shot dead after a few seconds and a minute or so later there was no more gunfire outside. I didn't understand what was going on put tried to sneak out of the tent when a heavily armed militia came in and kicked me to the ground. After recognizing me for an American he got a bit more friendly and dragged me out to see that all the Russians in the vicinity were dead. The militia weren't sure what to do with me but finally decided to bring me to their boss.
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09.07.20, 09:09
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Malden Stories - David Armstrong - Rescue

I was blindfolded and tied up while the militia brought me to one of their camps and there I met commander Slava, the leader of this local group. He was quite a nice guy and explained to me that they called themselves the Everon Freedom Alliance and that they were fighting the Russians here on Everon since they set foot on the island a few weeks ago. He promised to get be back to NATO lines but for this we had to get to their radio station at their main camp, deep in Russian controlled territory.

But first he asked my help for an urgent rescue mission. The Russians were rounding up all males in the small village of Levie and from past occurrences the militia knew that they would be interrogated, tortured and finally shot. They had to prevent this and had to move out immediately, so they took me along and I gladly helped them.
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We approached Levie from the northwest and took cover in the woods about 1 click from the village. From this covered position I identified the Russian troop movements for them with my binoculars. There was a Russian tank too but the militia had one of their guys, nicknamed "Black Bear" going for it with a looted RPG. All was quite and I could see the Russians herding the male populace of the village into a truck when a sudden explosion destroyed the tank. This was our signal and we opened fire and started the attack.
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While I took out several of the surprised Russians from the cover of the woods Slava and his men assaulted over the open ground. The militia were heavily armed and highly motivated but their training was lacking a lot. They took heavy casualties before they even reached the edge of the village and soon only Slava himself was left. I joined him for the final assault and outflanked the remaining 2 Russians while he kept them occupied. With the village clear we freed the civilians who luckily weren't hurt during the engagement.
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Our plan was to use one of the trucks to get us and the civilians to safety but before we even started it another truck was Russian soldiers came up the road. The hostiles dismounted and we spent the next minutes in a fierce firefight but in the end we got them all. We hurriedly got onto the truck and sped away to avoid any more enemy reinforcements. Soon we were clear of the danger zone and stopped to get rid of the compromising vehicle, we sent it download and rigged for explosion to cover our tracks before tracking through the woods to another militia camp.
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17.02.21, 08:10
Fundstück "Strategische Szenarien im Kalten Krieg"
Eine 3-teilige Videoreihe die wir ganz gut fanden, der 3. Teil deckt die in den JohnTiller-Titeln behandelten 1980er-Jahre ab.


07.05.21, 13:53
Fundstück Heeresübung 1981 "Scharfe Klinge"


28.08.21, 13:53
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Malden Stories - David Armstrong - Undercover

With the civilians from Levie safe, Slava was ready to take me to their main camp. It was located in some castle ruins in the south of Everon near the town of Saint Pierre. The Russians had set up patrols and checkpoints everywhere on the island so we had to get their undercover, disguised as civilians. The militia had a civilian truck and with it we wanted to get safely through 2 Russian checkpoints and one of their bases. For me they had a spare set of plain clothes, absolutely bad taste but a better chance for survival as with my US uniform.
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I was the driver and Sergei a well known local alcohol smuggler tolerated by the Russians was with me to do the talking. At the crossroads where we met the main road south we came across the first Russian checkpoint. I stopped the truck and Sergei got out to negotiate our passage. Luckily a bit of liquid arguments did their job and the Russians allowed us to pass.
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I drove the truck along the road and through a village called Durras without any further problems. Of course I took care to stay within the speed limits and tried everything to stay inconspicuous. We came as far as the next village Vernon where the Russians had another checkpoint. Here they were not that easily fooled and their commanding officer demanded to check our cargo right away. We had no chance but to fight so I grabbed the AK from under my seat and jumped out of the truck. This surprised the Russians but it was a tough fight until we got them all. With no cover on the road we had casualties too and I was wounded but could patch myself up sufficiently to keep going.
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We ran for the woods to the southwest to get away from checkpoint and the incoming Russian reinforcements. The woods continued onto a small mountain ridge with even some snow at the top and we got pretty much winded climbing up there. A guy named Tomas and his squad became our rear guard while I continued with Slava and his squad towards the mountain top.
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Higher and higher we went and soon we could hear our rear guard fighting with the pursuing Russians. Near the top of the ridgeline we encountered a Russian patrol which surprised our point men. In a heavy fight we lost all of Slava's men so we were alone again.
At the top we changed our to the southeast, the main militia camp was just a few clicks in that direction. Another Russian patrol appeared in our way but this time we made short work of them.
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Nothing happened during the last few kilometers and finally we reached the old castle ruins where the militia camp was located. Here I met the commander of the Everon Freedom Alliance, a guy called Ian Stoyan who promised me a boat back to NATO at Malden in the evening.
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While waiting for my boat I enjoyed the hospitality of the militia and noticed that after the last few days I even considered Slava a friend, that's what war does to you...you fiend friends easily but you loose them too...

When the boat arrived the EFA commander wanted to have a talk with me before I left and I wanted to thank him again anyway. He stressed that he saw no way he and his militia could hold out much longer against the Russians and that they desperately needed NATO support. After what I had seen on Everon I understood perfectly and promised to come back in force soon.
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18.12.21, 13:52
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Malden Stories - David Armstrong - Night Patrol

I'm sorry to say but essentially I broke my promise to Slava and the EFA.
I tried to convince NATO command to help the militia against the Russians and very nearly started pleading but to no avail. With the overall situation grim NATO command was not willing or able to do anything for my friends for now.
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As we were not going back to Everon anytime soon the put me back into line duty, which meant the usual soldiering stuff of cleaning weapons, training and keeping Watch. The next days were unusually quiet, no sign of the Russians on Malden and we didn't have any recon on Everon.
I was on night watch then at 2nd of June when it started again...

There was a small radio listening post on southern tip of Malden and me and a guy named Bronski were tasked to guard i through the night.
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So there I was, tired as hell trudging around the outpost in the middle of the night. There wasn't a lot to see even with night vision googles, just our bit of equipment and Bronski who wasn't much of a sight. Suddenly I heard one of our Humvees coming down the road. You could hear this monsters from far and after a few days in the army you wouldn't mistake that sound for anything else.
It was an officer I don't remember the name of making sure that nobody was sleeping on duty, as if we could with the Russians just over on the next island. He told me to keep my eyes extra open tonight because Intel kept getting strange signals and then he left again.
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I continued my rounds around the compound and all was quiet for a few more minutes.
Then I thought I had seen some movement on the hill to the east, it was dark and it was hard to identify anything but I knew that nobody of our guys was supposed to be there. I was extremely nervous and I thought I had seen a gun, an AK which I remembered quite clearly from my time on Everon. So I opened fire and sent word to HQ about enemy contacts. I have now idea if I hit anything on the hill but soon afterwards I got fired at from that general direction. Recon confirmed that there were unknown contacts in the area and promised reinforcements.

I took cover behind our equipment container and kept watch towards the hill and soon I saw someone coming down. When he reached the road I had a good look at the guy and knew him for some Russian Speznas commando. One burst from my rifle and he lay dead besides the road.
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Then I heard a sound behind me from the water and could see two small boats, smaller than our patrol boats and with all lights out this must be the Russians too. I grabbed my radio when I heard another small sound coming from my left, I turned and saw a figure coming around the corner with NVGs and an AK. I only had time for a quick hip shot but I hit the mark and the Russian went down. This time I could take a closer look and it was definitely Speznas which I reported to HQ immediately.
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The Russian boats were not quite out of sight Intel reported arial contacts in my sector and soon afterwards I could see and hear them. 2 Hind gunships were coming up and flying past the lighthouse to my south. By now our defences were properly prepared and I saw one of the gunships shot down by a SAM before the other one retreated.
So thanks to our vigilance we fought of their surprise night attack but this wasn't the end of our problems...
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21.12.21, 21:26
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Malden Stories - David Armstrong - Hold Malden

Next morning all hell broke loose.
My unit was tasked with patrolling north of La Riviere when suddenly Soviet troops started attacking Malden in force. Amphibious troops were reported heading for the port of La Riviere and we were rushed there to stop their landing on the beach.
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We reached the port just in time, it was already under heavy fire and amphibious units were nearing the shoreline. Defensive positions were prepared and manned a Browning heavy machine gun and started firing as soon as the enemy got in range. Several BMPs and their infantry spilled into the port soon we were in a full scale battle with heavy fire from all sides.
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The Soviets took quite some losses on that beach but they just came on coming and their fire support finally zeroed in on our positions. Right there we were prepared to stay and fight until the last but HQ decided otherwise and we got orders to retreat to the north. Life to fight another day was the order of the day.
When I turned around to get the hell out of there a nasty surprise was waiting for me, in the sky were at least a dozen parachutes opening - soviet paratroopers were trying to cut of our retreat.
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In the chaos of the retreat I got seperated from my squad and slowly made may way north. Several times I had long range engagements with the landed paratroopers and finally they got me pinned down tightly. Crawling inch by inch north I tried get passed them bullets where hitting the ground all around me. I thought I could never get out of there but then I heard the whine of an Abrams tank engine coming nearer. The armor boys were coming to the rescue and took care of some of the paratroopers which allowed me to join up with them and retreat to the north.
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30.12.21, 22:41
Läuft seit 2 Jahren - upps - wenig beachtet - ärgerlich!

24.05.22, 19:23

Verteidigungsfall bei der Panzer Brigade 2

Panzer Brigade 2 in Verteidigungsstellungen im Großraum Braunschweig. Sowjetische Kräfte in mindestens Divisionsstärke haben die Grenze überquert und stoßen auf vermutetes Tagesziel Braunschweig vor, Angriffsachse Helmstedt-Königslutter-Schandelah-Braunschweig.

Panzer Brigade 2 verzögert Feind ab Königslutter und fügt ihm möglichst hohe Verluste an Material und Zeit zu.

Verstärktes Panzergrenadierbataillon ist zur zeitlich begrenzten Verteidigung im Raum Königslutter Stellung und erwartet Feind aus Richtung Ost. Aufklärung meldet Spitze der feindlichen Kräfte als MotSchützen-Regiment auf BMP welche nördlich und südlich der A2 vorstoßen. Eigene Kräfte sind in tiefer Verteidigung von Neindorf über Ochsendorf und Beienrode bis Rottorf vor Königslutter in Stellung.


26.05.22, 12:24

Verteidigungsfall bei der Panzer Brigade 2 - Fortsetzung

Schweres sowjetisches Steilfeuer eröffnet die Schlacht, Granaten und Raketen aller Kaliber schlagen in den vordersten deutschen Stellungen ein. Beienrode wird von TOS-1 thermobarischen Raketen komplett zerstört und brennt lichterloh. Die sowjetische Luftwaffe fliegt heftige Angriffe mit SU-25 und SU-27 Jagdbombern denen die eigene Luftabwehr nur wenig entgegenzusetzen hat. In diesen ersten Minuten gehen bereits 1 Gepard-Flak-Panzer, 5 Marder-Schützenpanzer und 2 Leopard2A4-Kampfpanzer verloren.


Die Bundeswehrtruppen bekommen Feuervorbehalt um den Feind möglichst zu überraschen und das zerstörte Beienrode soll geräumt werden, dabei wird ein TPz Fuchs von einer Lenkwaffe ausgeschaltet. Die Spitzentruppen der Sowjets stehen also schon näher als gedacht. Gedeckt von ihrer Artillerie und Luftwaffe treten die Sowjets zum Großangriff an und überall werden ihre gepanzerten Fahrzeuge gesichtet. Im Norden vor Klein Steimke sind noch 2 Leopard2A4-Panzer in Stellung und können den dort vorrückenden BMP und T-72 empfindliche Verluste beibringen.

Südlich von Beienrode hingegen kann den Sowjets kaum Widerstand geleistet werden, dort können ihre BMP und BTR Transportpanzer fast ungehindert vorrücken.

Ganz im Süden vor Schoderstedt und Rottorf rücken feindliche T-64 mit Reaktivpanzerung sowie BTR und MT-LB Transportpanzer vor. Die Bundeswehr versucht ihre Spitzen anzuschießen um den Vormarsch zu verzögern aber noch bleibt ihr Angriffsschwung aufrecht.