
Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Game feature #2 Combat Events

01.12.04, 13:51

Combat Events

There is a chance every hour that each combat can get a combat-event. These are automatical effects which effects how the battle performs.

What are the effects?
Combat events are easily visible in both the battle overview and the battle details screens.
Different doctrines give different chances for various types of combatevents.
There are different combatevents for attacker and defender.
They modify strength and org damage given and taken for the various sides.
HQ's and skillful leaders increase the chances for combat events occuring.

Which Combat Events are there?
Tactical Withdrawal

What does the betas say?

FSP - "It´s much more interesting to watch the battles now as they are much less deterministic. You always hope that your nearby HQ and your officers will give you a combat event. It´s also great that you are much more likely to get a defensive combat event like "Delay" if you play the French army, while playing the German army will more likely give you an "Encirclement" event."

Zanza - "I can remember a cool situation in one Barbarossa multiplayer game. Johan had launched an offensive against my brave Soviets and when I decided to attack his flank to weaken the attack he got two combat events, "delay" against my attack from the flank and "encirclement" for his main attack. Really bad luck for me..."

Pkunzipper - "Combat events are IMHO a very nice addition to combat engine! I like to think they as local situations that give a bonus to the whole army in the region, something like Rommel succesfull counterattack at Kasserine Pass, or the delay actions that 101st and Team Cherry armoured group did during Ardennes Offensive... In addition their chances depend on land doctrines of each Soviets will be more likely to have some events based on total assaults, where they will take heavy losses, but will be more effective against the enemy (like Japanese Banzai charges), while Germans are more likely to have encyrclement and breakthrought events!"

JRaup - "I like the new combat events. They add more flavor and detail to the individual battles. Plus, it's no longer just a stright up calculation to determine a winner. One bad move and it's over, even if against a superior force. Not to mention that it makes certain units, like HQ's much more valuable."

nachinus - "Another beauty of combat events is something that I really like in complex games: they 'feel' as they were random, but they are far from random! Experienced players will know how to put the adequate factors in play to favour positive combat events. "

von Stollberg
01.12.04, 13:53
Which Combat Events are there?
Tactical Withdrawal

Hopsasa, trallala!

*vor Freude im Dreieck spring*


01.12.04, 13:55
Das klingt gut! Sieht so aus, als wäre CK doch zu was gut gewesen...

Jeanne d'Arc
01.12.04, 14:32
Stellt sich halt die Frage wie gut das funktioniert und ob die KI damit nicht wieder ständig cheatet... :rolleyes:

01.12.04, 14:36
klingt gut.. Damit werden Schlachten endlich mal etwas unvorhersehbarer! Der werte Arminus hat wohl Recht.. Crusader Kings scheint dahingehend wohl zu einem kleinen Umdenken geführt zu haben.


01.12.04, 15:32
oh jaaaah baby :D *vor freude hüpf*

... *hust* ähm ... sehr erfreuliche Entwicklung, daß ganze *hust* !

Sir H. Dowding
01.12.04, 15:35
Krass mann! Das wird ein tolles Spiel, das wird ein tolles SPiel ... das wird ein tohoholles Spiel *sing*

01.12.04, 16:50
Jetzt kann Mantikor endlich ein historisches Spiel spielen. Wenn man nämlich solche Events mit random-Offset skripten kann, dann sollte es doch auch möglich sein, historische Schlachten zu Skripten. Man gibt dem Ding ein Zeifenster, in der es triggern kann, wenn man auch noch Provinzen angeben kann, in der die Schlacht stattfindet, ist man schnell beim "Stalingrad - Die 6. Armee ist verloren!"-Event...

04.12.04, 02:25
Ich hoffe inständig dass diese Combat-Events ordentlich ausbalanciert werden. Schliesslich sind taktische Meisterstücke ohne Frage effektiv, aber doch nicht immer entscheidend. Ein derartig komplexes Kampfsystem, mit wahrscheinlich doppelt so vielen Faktoren als in HoI(TC, Events), wird sicher schwer auszubalancieren sein.

06.12.04, 10:58
Vertrauen wir doch einfach mal Paradox, obwohl es paradox klingt.

Ansonsten würde es wohl wieder Modder geben, die da was drehen können.